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Work coronavirus/help

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Work coronavirus/help
Message de marie2204 posté le 30-03-2020 à 19:23:56 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone!
For my English course, I will be evaluated on a work about Coronavirus.
Could you help me for the correction?
Thanks for your help!

This article explains the guidelines : keep up-to-date on the situation but we should not watching news channels for hours that lead to excessive fear, talk to others about your emotions in order to better manage them, keep your focus on the present and the “controllables”, follow basic health instructions, don't buy masks and contact elderly family members to reassure them and make sure they are well. In front of the children, the adults must remain calm because the children feel their anxiety which accentuates their distress. Adults must teach them sanitary gestures and facilitate their implementation (stepladder, songs...), maintain a healthy life balance and exchange on current events.

I am a bit nervous about the consequences of coronavirus. The consequences will be multiple: economic (changes in the job market, financial difficulties for companies, hiring difficulties...), health (the health system will be exhausted), educational (dropping out of school, lack of knowledge, inequalities between students...), social (increased isolation of individuals, social divide...). I'm much more worried about my family than I’m about myself. My grandparents are vulnerable persons, yet they continue to go out and shop as usual. They don't want to change their habits because they've been the same for years, but it exposes them to the virus. I do not wish to reprimand them as children or force them to lock themselves in their homes, so it’s a complicated situation where there is no one answer. Because of the confinement, we don't have classes any more and we can't study with friends or in groups now, so studying for exams alone becomes difficult for me.

Réponse : Work coronavirus/help de gerondif, postée le 30-03-2020 à 19:34:21 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu.
This article explains the guidelines : keep up-to-date on the situation but we (j'aurais mis you, parce que le your emotions qui suit va grincer, on ne sait plus si on doit ser référezr à keep ou à we shouldn't watch) should not watching news channels for hours that lead to excessive fear, talk to others about your emotions in order to better manage them, keep your focus on the present and the “controllables”, follow basic health instructions, don't buy masks and contact elderly family members to reassure them and make sure they are well. In front of the children, the adults must remain calm because the children feel their anxiety which accentuates their distress. Adults must teach them sanitary gestures and facilitate their implementation (stepladder (que vient faire cet escabeau ici ?)), songs...), maintain a healthy life balance and exchange on current events.

I am a bit nervous about the consequences of coronavirus. The consequences will be multiple: economic (changes in the job market, financial difficulties for companies, hiring difficulties...), health (the health system will be exhausted), educational (dropping out of school, lack of knowledge, inequalities between students...), social (increased isolation of individuals, social divide...). I'm much more worried about my family than I’m about myself. My grandparents are vulnerable persons, yet they continue to go out and shop as usual. They don't want to change their habits because they've been the same for years, but it exposes them to the virus. I do not wish to reprimand them as(as signifie comme dans le sens de en tant que like signifie comme dans une comparaison) children or force them to lock themselves in their homes, so it’s a complicated situation where there is no one answer (soit there is not one answer only, soit there is no single answer. Because of the confinement, we don't have classes any more and we can't study with friends or in groups now, so studying for exams alone becomes difficult for me.

Réponse : Work coronavirus/help de marie2204, postée le 31-03-2020 à 23:30:09 (S | E)
Here the final correction ! Thank you very much for your help!

This article explains the guidelines : keep up-to-date on the situation but you should not watch news channels for hours that lead to excessive fear, talk to others about your emotions in order to better manage them, keep your focus on the present and the “controllables”, follow basic health instructions, don't buy masks and contact elderly family members to reassure them and make sure they are well. In front of the children, the adults must remain calm because the children feel their anxiety which accentuates their distress. Adults must teach them sanitary gestures and facilitate their implementation (use a stepladder, songs...), maintain a healthy life balance and exchange on current events.

I am a bit nervous about the consequences of coronavirus. The consequences will be multiple: economic (changes in the job market, financial difficulties for companies, hiring difficulties...), health (the health system will be exhausted), educational (dropping out of school, lack of knowledge, inequalities between students...), social (increased isolation of individuals, social divide...). I'm much more worried about my family than I’m about myself. My grandparents are vulnerable persons, yet they continue to go out and shop as usual. They don't want to change their habits because they've been the same for years, but it exposes them to the virus. I do not wish to reprimand them like children or force them to lock themselves in their homes, so it’s a complicated situation where there is no single answer. Because of the confinement, we don't have classes any more and we can't study with friends or in groups now, so studying for exams alone becomes difficult for me.

Réponse : Work coronavirus/help de gerondif, postée le 31-03-2020 à 23:40:06 (S | E)
This article explains the guidelines : keep up-to-date on the situation but you should not watch news channels for hours that lead to excessive fear, talk to others about your emotions in order to better manage them, keep your focus on the present and the “controllables”, follow basic health instructions, don't buy masks and contact elderly family members to reassure them and make sure they are well. In front of the children, the adults must remain calm because the children feel their anxiety which accentuates their distress. Adults must teach them sanitary gestures and facilitate their implementation (using a stepladder, songs...), maintain a healthy life balance and exchange on current events.

I am a bit nervous about the consequences of coronavirus. The consequences will be multiple: economic (changes in the job market, financial difficulties for companies, hiring difficulties...), health (the health system will be exhausted), educational (dropping out of school, lack of knowledge, inequalities between students...), social (increased isolation of individuals, social divide...). I'm much more worried about my family than I’m about myself. My grandparents are vulnerable persons (people), yet they continue to go out and shop as usual. They don't want to change their habits because they've been the same for years, but it exposes them to the virus. I do not wish to reprimand them like children or force them to lock themselves in their homes, so it’s a complicated situation where there is no single answer. Because of the confinement, we don't have classes any more and we can't study with friends or in groups now, so studying for exams alone becomes difficult for me.

Réponse : Work coronavirus/help de marie2204, postée le 01-04-2020 à 01:20:59 (S | E)
Okay, I'm correcting those words! Thanks again! :D


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