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Message de chd3 posté le 20-12-2020 à 14:25:18 (S | E | F)
Je dois réaliser un texte montrant en quoi l’affiche vue en cours, montre la diversité et l’inclusion.
Pouvez-vous m’aider à corriger mes erreurs s’il vous plaît?
Voici mon texte:

I will introduce you to the theme of "Diversity and Inclusion" through the Papworth Worth 2014 "I Can" campaign poster. Indeed, I chose this document because it presents beyond the ethnic diversity of the second document, human diversity. This campaign seems to me to include even more people and is therefore even more representative of the theme. So one might wonder how this poster best represents diversity and inclusion? First we will see how it shows diversity and then inclusion, finally we will conclude

First of all, this poster is composed of a photograph of Stephen Hawking. Indeed, Hawking was a great British theoretical physicist and cosmologist known worldwide. He’s the source of one of the biggest black pants theory. He was suffering from a disease that left him paralyzed. Nonetheless, he continued to learn, and teach science. His life shows that with a handicap, he still succeeded because according to him: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”. His story therefore shows diversity, because even different he has adapted to society. We can also talk about the Invictus games, created by Prince Harry to honor the blessed soldiers during sports competitions. These gatherings and the portrait of Hawking showcase the diversity in society.

Then, this poster is an "I can" campaign, that is to say that its purpose is to give strength to those who do not feel included in society. It gives courage by displaying the portrait of Hawking, in particular with its slogan: “Help us create a world where disabled people are seen for what they can do”. We understand then that the intention of this campaign is to change the image of the disabled, and to put them at the same level as any other person. In addition, the poster leads us to follow them on social media, and their website. This poster beautifully presents the desire to include through this campaign and its means of dissemination. This willingness to include with Invictus games can also be seen through their publicity and worldwide fame.

Finally, to conclude "I can" is a campaign which shows that diversity is not a disadvantage but an advantage, it allows disabled people to be placed in the same rank as a normal person, because only their know-how matters. In addition, “I can” included through their campaign and broadcast to create a society free from stereotypes and lies about the disabled.

Merci de votre/vos aide/s.

Réponse : Diversité/inclusion de gerold, postée le 21-12-2020 à 18:36:44 (S | E)
Bonjour cdh3

I will introduce you to the theme of "Diversity and Inclusion" through the Papworth Worth 2014 "I Can" campaign poster. Indeed, I chose le "present-perfect" conviendrait mieux (fait passé mais en rapport avec le présent) of the theme. So one might wonder how this poster best represents diversity and inclusion?. First we will see how it shows diversity and then inclusion, finally we will conclude.

First of all, this poster is composed of a photograph of Stephen Hawking and ... (après "composed of", on attend au moins 2 éléments). Indeed, Hawking was a great British theoretical physicist and cosmologist known worldwide à inverser et placer avant. He’s the source of one of the biggest black pants theory une des plus grandes théories des pantalons noirs ? à revoir (sens et forme) . He was suffering le prétérit simple irait mieux from a disease that left him paralyzed. Nonetheless, he continued to learn, and teach science. His life shows that with a handicap, he still sens ? succeeded because according to him: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”. His story therefore shows diversity, because even different he has adapted mieux : prétérit to society. We can also talk familier, plutôt "speak" about the Invictus games, created by Prince Harry to honor the blessed attention, faux ami ! soldiers during sports competitions. These gatherings and the portrait of Hawking showcase the diversity in society.

Then, this poster is an "I can" campaign, that is to say that its purpose is to give strength to those who do not feel included in society. It gives courage by displaying the portrait of Hawking, in particular with its slogan: “Help us create a world where disabled people are seen for what they can do”. We understand then that the intention of this campaign is to change the image of the disabled, and to put them at the same level as any other person petite incohérence, "the disabled" étant un pluriel et "any other person" un sing.. In addition, the poster leads us to follow them on social media, and their website. This poster beautifully presents the desire to include through this campaign and its means of dissemination. This willingness to include with Invictus games can also be seen through their publicity and worldwide fame.

Finally, to conclude "I can" is a campaign which shows that diversity is not a disadvantage but an advantage. It allows disabled people to be placed in the same rank as a normal person même remarque qu'au paragraphe précédent ; en plus, vous laissez entendre que les handicapés ne seraient pas des gens normaux, because only their know-how matters. In addition, “I can” included le prétérit est-il justifié ? through their campaign and broadcast to create a society free from stereotypes and lies about the disabled.

Réponse : Diversité/inclusion de chd3, postée le 21-12-2020 à 20:34:55 (S | E)

I will introduce you to the theme of "Diversity and Inclusion" through the Papworth Worth 2014 "I Can" campaign poster. Indeed, I have chosen of the theme. So one might wonder how this poster best represents diversity and inclusion. First we will see how it shows diversity and then inclusion, finally we will conclude.

First of all, this poster is composed of a photograph of Stephen Hawking and his quote. Indeed, Hawking was a great British theoretical physicist and worldwide know cosmologist. He’s the source of one of the biggest black holes theory. He suffered from a disease that left him paralyzed. Nonetheless, he continued to learn, and teach science. His life shows that with a handicap, he succeeded because according to him: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”. His story therefore shows diversity, because even different he adapted to society. We can also speak about the Invictus games, created by Prince Harry to honor the disabled soldiers during sports competitions. These gatherings and the portrait of Hawking showcase the diversity in society.

Then, this poster is an "I can" campaign, that is to say that its purpose is to give strength to those who do not feel included in society. It gives courage by displaying the portrait of Hawking, in particular with its slogan: “Help us create a world where disabled people are seen for what they can do”. We understand then that the intention of this campaign is to change the image of the disabled, and to put them at the same level as all other people. In addition, the poster leads us to follow them on social media, and their website. This poster beautifully presents the desire to include through this campaign and its means of dissemination. This willingness to include with Invictus games can also be seen through their publicity and worldwide fame.

Finally, to conclude "I can" is a campaign which shows that diversity is not a disadvantage but an advantage. It allows disabled people to be placed in the same rank as all other people, because only their know-how matters. In addition, “I can” included le prétérit est-il justifié ? (Parce que la campagne date de 2018) through their campaign and broadcast to create a society free from stereotypes and lies about the disabled.

Merci de votre correction

Réponse : Diversité/inclusion de gerold, postée le 22-12-2020 à 13:41:53 (S | E)

I will introduce you to the theme of "Diversity and Inclusion" through the Papworth Worth 2014 "I Can" campaign poster. Indeed, I have chosen this document because it presents, beyond the ethnic diversity of the second document, human diversity (à placer plutôt juste après "presents"). This campaign seems to me to include even more people and is therefore even more representative (en corrigeant, j'ai fait sauter une ligne, désolé) of the theme. So one might wonder how this poster best represents diversity and inclusion. First we will see how it shows diversity and then inclusion, finally we will conclude.

First of all, this poster is composed of a photograph of Stephen Hawking and his quote. Indeed, Hawking was a great British theoretical physicist and worldwide know faute de frappe sans doute, il manque une lettre cosmologist. He’s the source of one of the biggest black holes theory il faudrait un pluriel (one of the ...). He suffered from a disease that left him paralyzed. Nonetheless, he continued to learn, and teach science. His life shows that with plutôt "malgré" que "avec" a handicap, he succeeded because according to him: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”. His story therefore shows diversity, because even different he adapted to society. We can also speak about the Invictus games, created by Prince Harry to honor the disabled soldiers during sports competitions. These gatherings and the portrait of Hawking showcase the diversity in society.

Then, this poster is an "I can" campaign, that is to say that its purpose is to give strength to those who do not feel included in society. It gives courage by displaying the portrait of Hawking, in particular with its slogan: “Help us create a world where disabled people are seen for what they can do”. We understand then that the intention of this campaign is to change the image of the disabled, and to put them at the same level as all other people. In addition, the poster leads us to follow them on social media, and their websites. This poster beautifully presents the desire to include through this campaign and its means of dissemination. This willingness to include with Invictus games can also be seen through their publicity and worldwide fame.

Finally, to conclude "I can" is a campaign which shows that diversity is not a disadvantage but an advantage. It allows disabled people to be placed in the same rank as all other people, because only their know-how matters. In addition, “I can” included through their campaign and broadcast to create a society free from stereotypes and lies about the disabled.

Réponse : Diversité/inclusion de chd3, postée le 22-12-2020 à 15:50:21 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide


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