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Message de eperw46 posté le 06-04-2021 à 20:26:19 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait corriger cette biographie sur The Police ?
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

The Police was a British new-wave rock band formed in 1977 in London. Despite the fact that each members came from a different musical background, the Police was founded as a trio, constitued by the bassist and lead singer Gordon Sumner, nicknamed Sting, the guitarist Stewart Copeland and the drummer Andy Summers. All of them were more technically proficient than the average new wave band. That’s why they soon became globally famous. Indeed, this power trio broke through very soon by developping a pioneering style of rock particularly influenced by punk, reggae, and jazz. From the exit of their first album « OUTLANDOS D'AMOUR », the group establishes itself fast as inevitable musicians with such hit(s) as the extremely popular single Roxanne, which is still one of the most listened to classic rock song in the world. All the while, their World Tours kept their audience fast increasing and by 1983, they were the most popular rock & roll band in the world. In 1984, after earning lots of rewards, they parted ways and decided to began their own individual careers which were also flourished, especially for Sting.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-04-2021 22:14

Réponse : Correction/biography de laure95, postée le 07-04-2021 à 12:10:38 (S | E)
- each members: each + singulier
- the group establishes (temps)itself (préposition) fast as inevitable musicians
- after earning (pas le bon mot ici)lots of rewards,

Réponse : Correction/biography de gerold, postée le 07-04-2021 à 16:07:00 (S | E)

... constitued il manque une lettre by the bassist ... All of them were more technically proficient (mal placé) ...very soon by developping un seul -p- (erreur très courante sur Internet)...From the exit "sortie" en parlant d'un disque ou d'un film = release of their first album ... with such hit(s) hits (ou au sing. such a hit) ... to began their own individual careers which were also flourished which also flourished, sans "were", ou which were also flourishing ...

Réponse : Correction/biography de eperw46, postée le 07-04-2021 à 20:17:25 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, je pense avoir corrigé une grande partie du texte, mais je ne suis pas sûre quant à certains points. Serait-il possible d'avoir un nouvel avis ?

The Police was a British new-wave rock band formed in 1977 in London. Despite the fact that each member came from a different musical background, the Police was founded as a trio, constituted by the bassist and lead singer Gordon Sumner, nicknamed Sting, the guitarist Stewart Copeland and the drummer Andy Summers. All of them were technically more proficient than the average new wave band. That’s why they soon became globally famous. Indeed, this power trio broke through very soon by developing a pioneering style of rock particularly influenced by punk, reggae, and jazz. From the release of their first album « OUTLANDOS D'AMOUR », the group established itself fast as inevitable musicians with such a hit as the extremely popular single Roxanne, which is still one of the most listened to classic rock song in the world. All the while, their World Tours kept their audience fast increasing and by 1983, they were the most popular rock & roll band in the world. In 1984, after obtaining lots of rewards, they parted ways and decided to began their own individual careers which also flourished, especially for Sting.

Réponse : Correction/biography de gerondif, postée le 07-04-2021 à 20:40:59 (S | E)
On dit "The inspector is waiting for you" mais "Inspector Columbo is asking for you". Donc, j'appliquerais cette règle aux trois membres du trio :
The Police was founded as a trio, constituted by the bassist and lead singer Gordon Sumner, nicknamed Sting, the guitarist Stewart Copeland and the drummer Andy Summers.

Réponse : Correction/biography de eperw46, postée le 07-04-2021 à 21:47:15 (S | E)

The Police was a British new-wave rock band formed in 1977 in London. Despite the fact that each member came from a different musical background, the Police was founded as a trio, constituted by bassist and lead singer Gordon Sumner, nicknamed Sting, guitarist Stewart Copeland and drummer Andy Summers. All of them were technically more proficient than the average new wave band. That’s why they soon became globally famous. Indeed, this power trio broke through very soon by developing a pioneering style of rock particularly influenced by punk, reggae, and jazz. From the release of their first album « OUTLANDOS D'AMOUR », the group established itself fast as inevitable musicians with such a hit as the extremely popular single Roxanne, which is still one of the most listened to classic rock song in the world. All the while, their World Tours kept their audience fast increasing and by 1983, they were the most popular rock & roll band in the world. In 1984, after obtaining lots of rewards, they parted ways and decided to began their own individual careers which also flourished, especially for Sting.

Réponse : Correction/biography de gerold, postée le 08-04-2021 à 17:52:04 (S | E)

... they parted ways and decided to began c'est un infinitif, pas un prétérit their own individual careers ...


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