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The missing vowels/47

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The missing vowels/47
Message de marit64 posté le 24-10-2013 à 01:08:54 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week the number of vowels is given in 7 out of ten answers.

1- A talkative person. ..... (txcthbr) 3
2- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... (wtt)
3- To take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc) usually by hand. ..... (kpc)
4- A type of small flesh-eating animal with a long slender body. ..... (swl) 3
5- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide-mouth. ..... (rj)
6- To make or go bad or rotten. ..... (tpfr) 3
7- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... (lld-cbrn) 4
8- To take the bones out of fish etc. ..... (nb) 2
9- The sparking or glowing remains of a fire. ..... (rmsb) 2
10- To look very quickly. ..... (ngcl) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a nice week!

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de esperanto, postée le 24-10-2013 à 08:44:51 (S | E)
Hello Marit Here are my answers excepted the number 7 :

1)chatterbox - 2)twit - 3)pick 4)weasel 5)jar - 6)putrify 7) ??? 8)bone 9)embers 10)glance

Je continue ma recherche pour le n°7. A très bientôt.

Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de headway, postée le 24-10-2013 à 09:49:47 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A talkative person. ..... Chatterbox.
2- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... Twit.
3- To take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc) usually by hand. .....Pick.
4- A type of small flesh-eating animal with a long slender body. .....Weasel.
5- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide-mouth. ..... Jar.
6- To make or go bad or rotten. ..... Putrefy.
7- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... Colour-blind.
8- To take the bones out of fish etc. ..... Bone.
9- The sparking or glowing remains of a fire. .....Embers.
10- To look very quickly. ..... Glance.

Thank you Marit.


Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de dolfine56, postée le 24-10-2013 à 10:43:00 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit,
Here we are...

1- A talkative person. ..... (txcthbr) 3--chatterbox
2- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... (wtt)--twit
3- To take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc) usually by hand. ..... (kpc--to pick)
4- A type of small flesh-eating animal with a long slender body. ..... (swl) 3--weasel
5- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide-mouth. ..... (rj)--jar
6- To make or go bad or rotten. ..... (tpfr) 3--to putrefy
7- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... (lld-cbrn) 4 --colour-blind
8- To take the bones out of fish etc. ..... (nb) 2 --to bone
9- The sparking or glowing remains of a fire. ..... (rmsb) 2--embers
10- To look very quickly. ..... (ngcl) 2--to glance

Thanks a lot, dear marit,enjoy that week...

Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de esperanto, postée le 24-10-2013 à 11:22:16 (S | E)
Hello Marit, J'ai cherché longtemps un synonyme de colour-blind étant donné que vous proposiez les consonnes (lld-cbrn),
je pensais que ce mot composé avait dans la première partie (lld) et la deuxième partie (cbrn) Etant lasse de chercher, j'ai regardé les réponses de Headway et Dolfine et j'ai fini par comprendre qu'il ne fallait pas tenir compte du trait-d'union. Une bonne leçon pour la prochaine fois. J'en profite pour rectifier en 6) putrefy et non putrify. Un long discours pour bien peu de chose. A très bientôt.

Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de violet91, postée le 24-10-2013 à 12:16:58 (S | E)

Good morning , friend Marie from Shawinigan and all , ,

1- A talkative person. ..... (txcthbr) 3 chatterbox
2- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... (wtt)twit
3- To take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc) usually by hand. ..... (kpc) pick
4- A type of small flesh-eating animal with a long slender body. ..... (swl) 3 weasel
5- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide-mouth. ..... (rj) jar
6- To make or go bad or rotten. ..... (tpfr) 3 putrefy
7- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... (lld-cbrn) 4 colour blind
8- To take the bones out of fish etc. ..... (nb) 2 bone
9- The sparking or glowing remains of a fire. ..... (rmsb) 2 embers>' Amber 'such a good novel !
10- To look very quickly. ..... (ngcl) 2 glance

Thank you ever so much for this new entertaining game .

Have a lovely week seeing all the beautiful colours of Canadian autumn !

Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de sanna6, postée le 24-10-2013 à 20:41:21 (S | E)


1- A talkative person... chatterbox
2- A synonym of "fool or idiot"... twit
3- To take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc) usually by hand...to pick
4- A type of small flesh-eating animal with a long slender body... weasel
5- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide-mouth... jar
6- To make or go bad or rotten... putrefy
7- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours... colour-blind
8- To take the bones out of fish etc... bone
9- The sparking or glowing remains of a fire... embers
10- To look very quickly... to glance

Thank you very much Marit

Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de bibi62, postée le 24-10-2013 à 23:18:21 (S | E)
Hello marit64
thank you for this game


Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de swan85, postée le 27-10-2013 à 14:21:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Thank you for your interesting topic.

1- A talkative person. Chatterbox (txcthbr) 3
2- A synonym of "fool or idiot". Twit (wtt)
3- To take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc) usually by hand. Pick (kpc)
4- A type of small flesh-eating animal with a long slender body. Weasel (swl) 3
5- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide-mouth. Jar (rj)
6- To make or go bad or rotten. Putrefy (tpfr) 3
7- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. Colour-blind (lld-cbrn) 4
8- To take the bones out of fish etc. Bone (nb) 2
9- The sparking or glowing remains of a fire. Embers
10- To look very quickly. Glance (ngcl) 2

See you

Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de mamou3, postée le 28-10-2013 à 18:26:27 (S | E)
Hello Marit, Violet, Bibi, Dolfine, Sanna, Headway, Swan and Esperanto ( where is Flowermusic ?)

Here is my try

5. JAR

Have a nice week Marit ! I saw the weather of Quebec on the TV : Brrrrrr, it seems quite cold...

Réponse: The missing vowels/47 de flowermusic, postée le 28-10-2013 à 21:07:51 (S | E)
Hello Marit

It was ready but I almost forgot to post....
1- A talkative person. ..... (txcthbr) 3 chatterbox
2- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... (wtt) twit
3- To take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc) usually by hand. ..... (kpc) pick
4- A type of small flesh-eating animal with a long slender body. ..... (swl) 3 weasel
5- A kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide-mouth. ..... (rj) jar
6- To make or go bad or rotten. ..... (tpfr) 3 putrefy
7- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... (lld-cbrn) 4 color-blind or colour-blind
8- To take the bones out of fish etc. ..... (nb) 2 bone
9- The sparking or glowing remains of a fire. ..... (rmsb) 2 embers
10- To look very quickly. ..... (ngcl) 2 glance

Have a nice week

Modifié par flowermusic le 28-10-2013 21:08

I heard your call, Mamou, I'm here, nice to meet you and all the group "la fine équipe"


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