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Correction/Cover letter

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Correction/Cover letter
Message de romane96 posté le 24-12-2014 à 02:04:59 (S | E | F)
J'ai écrit ma lettre de motivation en anglais, et j'aimerais recevoir vos avis, corrections:

" Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you for apply for the position of XX. I am currently studying «foreign languages applied» in a French university and I am extremely interested in obtaining a position to improve my experience and skills and to have the opportunity to work abroad. I will be available from the beggining of May to the end of July.

I had, last summer, the opportunity to work as a secretary. I was in charge of communication with clients, and differents administratives tasks. It prooves me that I was able to relate well to people, and it permits me to develop my communication skills and to discover the world of industry. In addition I have worked as a babysitter, so I have experience with children. It really motivated me to work with children in my futur. My past professional experiences taught me to be rigorous and demonstrated me that I was able to be serious, and devoted to my work. More over I have through my studies acquired a knowledge of English language through courses of written and spoken language, and civilization.

I am really motivated to work with you. I am considered as a hard working, friendly and talented individual. I am also a person who has the ability to work well within a team. Finally, the opportunity to work in your company would be a good step forward for me both from a personal and professional point of view and would also help me to improve my English.

If you are interest or if you have any questions, I'm available for a recruitment by Skype or telephone. I thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards."

Je prends toutes critiques constructives.. Je vous remercie à l'avance, et bonne soirée!

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-12-2014 08:31


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