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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de emeline05 posté le 14-07-2015 à 18:07:13 (S | E | F)
Je suis en licence de biologie et j'envisage d'aller faire mon stage de 3e année en Angleterre, dans un laboratoire de recherche médicale. Malheureusement mes profs étant en vacances je ne peux pas me faire corriger et j'aimerais avoir des pistes avant la rentrée. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut y jeter un coup d'oeil svp s'il vous plait?

Dear Sir or Madam,
Studying biology for 3 years since my scientific High School Diploma, I am looking for an internship for three months, starting in April 2016, in an English research laboratory. This internship belongs to the program of my studies: a Bachelor degree in biology; thus it will be evaluated for this diploma.
Active and self-motivated, I solicit a position of intern laboratory technician in your laboratory, hoping to could apply, develop and expand my knowledge in the English language, my competences in laboratory works and also discover a new subject of research.
During my two last internships realized for my technical degree in Biotechnologies in two different French research laboratories, I could discover the research environment. Thanks to these experiences and my studies, I already practice several biotechnological methods in plenty of domains (cellular culture, molecular biology and microbiology particularly).
I wish to live a new professional and social experience in your laboratory. I’m waiting of this internship to discover a new laboratory, new methods and to live a rewarding experience humanly, and in my English knowledge. In fact, in my studies I learnt a scholar English, and now I would like to acquire a higher level, and specifically in the biology domain. This ability is really necessary for my expecting profession: engineer in a medical research laboratory.
You can find enclosed my resume. I am available for an interview and all others additional details.
Thanking you in advance for the attention you will carry for my request, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon, and hoping a favorable answer.

Merci d'avance de votre aide

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-07-2015 18:23

Réponse: Correction/lettre motivation de bluestar, postée le 15-07-2015 à 10:55:47 (S | E)
Bonjour.. voici quelque suggestions ..Bonne chance!

Dear Sir or Madam,
I have been studying biology for 3 years since my scientific High School Diploma, and I am now looking for an internship for three months, starting in April 2016, in an English research laboratory. This internship belongs to ("is part of" serait mieux) the program of my studies: a Bachelor degree in biology; thus it will be evaluated for this diploma.
Active and self-motivated, I solicit (un autre verbe, par exemple 'require') a position of intern laboratory technician in your laboratory, hoping to could apply, develop and expand my knowledge in the English language, my competences in laboratory works and also discover a new subject of research.
During my two last internships realized for my technical degree in Biotechnologies in two different French research laboratories, I could discover (utiliser preterit)the research environment. Thanks to these experiences and my studies, I already practice several biotechnological methods in plenty of ("several" est mieux) domains (cellular culture, molecular biology and microbiology particularly).
I wish to live a new professional and social experience in your laboratory. I’m waiting of this internship to discover a new laboratory, new methods, and to live a rewarding experience humanly (de trop), and in improve my English knowledge. In fact, in my studies I learnt a scholar English, and now I would like to acquire a higher level, and specifically in the biology domain. This ability is really necessary for my expecting chosen profession: engineer in a medical research laboratory.
You can find enclosed my resume. I am available for an interview and to provide all any others(aucun s au pluriel des adjectifs) additional details.
Thanking you in advance for the attention you will carry for (reformuler)my request, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon, and hoping for a favorable answer


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