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The missing vowels/139

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The missing vowels/139
Message de marit64 posté le 09-09-2015 à 23:29:52 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Summer holidays are finished and now we have to work harder.

This week the number of vowels is only given in 2 out of 10 answers.

1- The substance formed when milk turns sour, used in making cheese. ..... (rcd)
2- Not aware or not knowing. ..... (rw)
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. ..... (klsrpd) 5
4- A type of large, man-like ape. ..... (gnntr-)
5- To cause (a liquid etc) to be mixed especially by the constant circular movement of a spoon etc, in order to mix it. (rts)
6- To be brave enough to do something. ..... (rd)
7- A tool like a small club, used for pounding things to powder, especially in a mortar. ..... (tpls) 2
8- To have an unfavourable opinion. ..... (pvdpsr)
9- A male servant (especially one employed as a valet). ..... (vmtnnrs)
10- A synonym of "invent". ..... (vds)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/139 de , postée le 10-09-2015 à 09:12:03 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit
Here is my try.

1- The substance formed when milk turns sour, used in making cheese. ..... (rcd). - Curd.- Caillé
2- Not aware or not knowing. ..... (rw) . - Unaware?- Pas au courant ?
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. ..... (klsrpd) 5 .- Loudspeaker- Haut-parleur.
4- A type of large, man-like ape. ..... (gnntr-) . - Orangutan. - Orang-outang
5- To cause (a liquid etc) to be mixed especially by the constant circular movement of a spoon etc, in order to mix it. (rts). - Stir.- Brasser.
6- To be brave enough to do something. ..... (rd) .- Dare. - Oser.
7- A tool like a small club, used for pounding things to powder, especially in a mortar. ..... (tpls). - Pestle. - pilon.
8- To have an unfavourable opinion. ..... (pvdpsr) . - Disapprove. -Contredire.
9- A male servant (especially one employed as a valet). ..... (vmtnnrs) . - Manservant.- Domestique.
10- A synonym of "invent". ..... (vds). - Devise. - Concevoir.

So long Marit

Réponse : The missing vowels/139 de swan85, postée le 12-09-2015 à 21:15:42 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- The substance formed when milk turns sour, used in making cheese. Curd (rcd)
2- Not aware or not knowing. Raw ?? (rw)
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. Loudspeaker (klsrpd) 5
4- A type of large, man-like ape. Orangutan (gnntr-)
5- To cause (a liquid etc) to be mixed especially by the constant circular movement of a spoon etc, in order to mix it. Stir (rts)
6- To be brave enough to do something. Dare (rd)
7- A tool like a small club, used for pounding things to powder, especially in a mortar. Pestel (tpls) 2
8- To have an unfavourable opinion. Disapprove (pvdpsr)
9- A male servant (especially one employed as a valet). Manservant (vmtnnrs)
10- A synonym of "invent". Devise (vds)

Thank you again.

Réponse : The missing vowels/139 de flowermusic, postée le 16-09-2015 à 23:02:29 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Ouf! Not too late

1- The substance formed when milk turns sour, used in making cheese. ..... (rcd) curd
2- Not aware or not knowing. ..... (rw) unaware
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. ..... (klsrpd) 5 loudspeaker
4- A type of large, man-like ape. ..... (gnntr-) orang-utan
5- To (a liquid etc) to be mixed especially by the constant circular movement of a spoon etc, in order to mix it. (rts). Stir
6- To be brave enough to do something. ..... (rd). Dare
7- A tool like a small club, used for pounding things to powder, especially in a mortar. ..... (tpls) 2 pestle
8- To have an unfavourable opinion. ..... (pvdpsr). Disapprove
9- A male servant (especially one employed as a valet). ..... (vmtnnrs) Manservant
10- A synonym of "invent". ..... (vds) Devise

See you soon

Réponse : The missing vowels/139 de headway, postée le 17-09-2015 à 10:57:28 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- The substance formed when milk turns sour, used in making cheese. ..... Curd.
2- Not aware or not knowing. ..... Unaware.
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. ..... Loudspeaker.
4- A type of large, man-like ape. ..... (gnntr-)
5- To cause (a liquid etc) to be mixed especially by the constant circular movement of a spoon etc, in order to mix it. Stir.
6- To be brave enough to do something. ..... Dare.
7- A tool like a small club, used for pounding things to powder, especially in a mortar. ..... (tpls) 2
8- To have an unfavourable opinion. ..... Disapprove.
9- A male servant (especially one employed as a valet). ..... (vmtnnrs)
10- A synonym of "invent". ..... Devise.

Thank you Marit


Réponse : The missing vowels/139 de virtuo1983, postée le 17-09-2015 à 22:23:41 (S | E)
1- The substance formed when milk turns sour, used in making cheese. Curd (rcd)
2- Not aware or not knowing. Raw ?? (rw)
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. Loudspeaker (klsrpd) 5
4- A type of large, man-like ape. Orangutan (gnntr-)
5- To cause (a liquid etc) to be mixed especially by the constant circular movement of a spoon etc, in order to mix it. Stir (rts)
6- To be brave enough to do something. Dare (rd)
7- A tool like a small club, used for pounding things to powder, especially in a mortar. Pestel (tpls) 2
8- To have an unfavourable opinion. Disapprove (pvdpsr)
9- A male servant (especially one employed as a valet). Manservant (vmtnnrs)
10- A synonym of "invent". Devise (vds)

Thank you again.

Réponse : The missing vowels/139 de joe39, postée le 18-09-2015 à 18:57:04 (S | E)
Good afternoon dear Marit64.

Here is my try.

Summer holidays are finished and now we have to work harder.

This week the number of vowels is only given in 2 out of 10 answers.

1- The substance formed when milk turns sour, used in making cheese. .Curd.... (rcd)
2- Not aware or not knowing. unaware..Raw... (rw)
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. Loudspeaker..... (klsrpd) 5
4- A type of large, man-like ape. Orangutan..... (gnntr-)
5- To cause (a liquid etc) to be mixed especially by the constant circular movement of a spoon etc, in order to mix it. Stir (rts)
6- To be brave enough to do something. Rad..... (rd)
7- A tool like a small club, used for pounding things to powder, especially in a mortar. .Pestle.... (tpls) 2
8- To have an unfavourable opinion. Disapprove.... (pvdpsr)
9- A male servant (especially one employed as a valet). Manservant..... (vmtnnrs)
10- A synonym of "invent". Devise..... (vds)

I do hope everything's all right and thank you so much for your nice exercise.

I wish you a great weekend.

So long.



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