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Correction/motivation Erasmus

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Correction/motivation Erasmus
Message de juliettecaen posté le 06-12-2015 à 20:59:02 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous.
je souhaite effectuer un Erasmus en Pologne. je dois donc rédiger une lettre de motivation en anglais. Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait m'aider à corriger les fautes pour mettre toutes les chances de mon coté?
Merci pour vos réponses!

Object : Erasmus's exchange in the University xxxxx (Poland)

Dear Sir, Dear Madam,

I am currently a second year student in public law and political science and I am very interested in spending the first semester of my third year in the University xxx in Poland.
Poland is a country which attracts me. His culture and history are very different from France. I've already had the chance to visit English countries but not Poland and I'm searching for discover new places. By searching informations on Poznan, I noticed that it was an active and traditionnal city with a prestigious university. I've contacted a student who has decided to go in AMU this year, she explained me her experience and told me that the living and working conditions were ideal and that Poznan is a cultural city with many places to visit. She is delighted by her stay. This testimony has confirmed my desire to leave.

For my professional project, going to xxx would be an interesting experience. Indeed I expect to work in international relationships. In this purview, be in an international context, be confronted to other realities and point of views, and develop a broader outlook are to my mind indespensable experiences and qualities. The university has many partnerships with other schools all over the world. Plus, in Poland I have the opportunity to choose the courses that I want, wich interest me in order to confirm my project. These courses will be taught by other professors who certainly have a different approch of the course.

Moreover, going to this university could help me to improve my English level, which is already quite good because I've been three time in an international college in England during my holidays. International studies are not a first for me. This is a language that I like but unfortunatly by staying in Paris I don't have the opportunity to practice a lot.

Personnally, I think that this erasmus is a unique opportunity. Of course it's a value added on a curriculum vitae but it's also the possibility to open up to many nationalities, to learn about the other but also on myself and to acquire maturity. I believe that a new environment, far from my home country, could give me the necessary motivation to continue to be invested in my studies as far as I am since I arrived in xxx of Paris.

I hope this letter have retained your attention and have allowed you to understand my real motivation for this exchange.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-12-2015 21:25


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