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Bac/espaces et échanges

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Bac/espaces et échanges
Message de rosem69 posté le 28-12-2015 à 11:34:25 (S | E | F)
je passe mon Bac cette année et je dois donc préparer mes notions en anglais. Pour l'instant en cours on en a fini 2, Places and Forms of Power et Spaces and exchanges.Je viens à peine de finir la notion Spaces and exchanges et j'aimerais avoir votre avis dessus svp s'il vous plait. Merci d'avance.
Alors voilà ce que j'ai fait :
First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion : Spaces and exchanges deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. The different cultural,economic,sociological and language interactions have characterised our modern day world. The “exchange” is a continuous movement or circulation and nowadays there is exchanges of all kinds. In order to illustrate this notion,we studied illegal immigration in the USA,people who want to fulfill the Americain Dream. This theme illustrates the notion insofar as it's about people leaving their countries to settle in foreign country,this flow of population necessarily implies linguistic,cultural,economic interactions.
We may wonder if the american dream is still possible or not?
To answer the problematic and to illustrate the notion I choose 3 documents : - Life as an illegal immigrant, Undocumented and Obama's speech at El Paso.

I – Life as an illegal immigrant
Life as an illegal immigrant is a video i've seen in class. It's an interview about Martina Sanchez,young student in Marketing,communication and Spanish. She is undocumented. Martina is relating her life as an illegal immigrant. She and her brother came from Mexico illegaly 13 (thirteen) years before. She explains that at the beginning it was a big shock for her,she could hardly speak english. It must have been very hard. Martina knows that some people don't agree with immigration but she reminds us that she came to the US to have a better life. Her mom came to us because she wanted her childreen to speak english and go to the university,that was her dream. Martina says that she loves her country and America. She explains why people emigrate to the USA: the reasons are for her the freedom,the culture and the tradition. So we can say that Martina Sanchez feels American and for the moment she has almost completely achieved the Americain dream because she has a better life.

II- “Undocumented”
The second document is a thrailler of film realised in 2013,entitled “Undocumented”,the film-maker is Antonio Vargas a successful journalist,he is also an undocumented. In the video Vargas shows us that he lived the American Dream but he must have had difficulties because he says after that he was living a lie. He told us that beacause he is undocumented and he's lying to everyone around him to pass all exams and become what he has become. Thanks to this trailler we can see that Vargas fights for the legalization of the illegal immigrants by using his experience. He wants to show us that even if people are undocumented ,they are americans because after all they work like everyone else and they are beneficial to the american economy. This document help us to understand the situation of undocumented people and their fight to stay in america.

III- Obama's speech at El Paso,May 2011
The last document is an extract of the Obama's speech at El Paso in May 2011. President Obama refers to the United States as a nation of immigrants which always welcomed those who wanted to embrace America's ideals and percepts. He insists on the fact that the situation at the border has greatly improved over the past two and half years. Then he takes the example of José. José emigrated to the Us as a young boy,he found a job and was studying and working hard. José decided to become astronaut when he he heard on the radio that an astronaut was of Mexican origin. A few years later,José fulfilled the Americain Dream. For Obama immigrants are a real economic force that matters for the future of the nation. He wants the American Dream to become a reality for all those who long for a better life.

To conclude, we can say that the American Dream is still possible but according this documents it's difficult to achieve it especially when people have no papers. They must fight and sometimes lie to avoid being sent back to their country and with the last document and thanks to the Obama's example too ,if a person works very hard this person can fullfill the American Dream.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-12-2015 21:55

Réponse: Bac/espaces et échanges de laure95, postée le 01-01-2016 à 12:08:28 (S | E)
je te souhaite une BONNE ANNEE 2016!

- modern day world: le mot "day" est à enlever.
- there is exchanges: THERE IS + SINGULIER.
- in foreign country: il manque un article.
- I choose 3 documents : temps.
- young student: il manque un article.
- english: majuscule.
- Her mom came to us: ?
- go to the university: pas d'article.
- the freedom,the culture and the tradition: pas d'article.
-he is also an undocumented: pas d'article.
- he lived the American Dream: pas le bon verbe.
- he was living a lie: preterit simple.
- they are americans: les adjectifs sont invariables.
- an extract of the Obama's speech: pas la bonne préposition + pas d'article devant un nom propre.
- which always welcomed: present perfect.
- and was studying and working hard: preterit simple.
- astronaut: article.
- according this documents: il manque une préposition, THIS + SINGULIER.
- the Obama's example


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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