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Erasmus/ programme

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Erasmus/ programme
Message de emilie21 posté le 09-03-2016 à 21:33:01 (S | E | F)
Hllo everybody !
I would like to go to England for an exchange under Erasmus and I have to write a letter. Could you tell me if I have made mistakes please ?
Thank you for your answers.

Dear Sir or Dear Madam,
Presently I am a first year student in business economics at the high school management in xxx and I am very interested in spending my next year at the Regent’s University in London.
Currently, I reiterate the accounting module which takes me four hours per week. So, I have 52 credits. In parallel of my classes, I work in a sushi restaurant, which allowed me to discover the world of work, to have responsibilities and to have contact with customers.
Last summer, I went to summer school for 3 weeks at English 2000 in Bournemouth. I studied business economics. This trip allowed me to have an approach with the country, people and their lifestyle. It was just a wonderful experience!
London is a city which attracts me, due to its history, culture, and its geographical situation, but also the mentality of people who live there. I study English at school, but I realized that the best way to master a language was to visit a country to communicate with the inhabitants, and to be confronted with their way of life, as well as their traditions and their culture. I am an independent, serious, dynamic, organized and competent person. The idea of being in a new environment to pursue my studies represents for me a real motivation. I know several students who have been on the Erasmus programme in various countries of Europe; all came back delighted and assured me they enriched themselves in both a personal and professional way.
I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program to be able to adapt and opening abilities on the world are, to my mind, indispensable qualities of my future profession in economics. Consequently, two semesters spent abroad will allow me to acquire maturity through a different living environment and to discover at the same time another view of studies at a European school of economics in the United Kingdom.
Moreover, Regent’s university proposes classes in business, management, fashion and design with marketing that seems to me very interesting. Indeed, this program offers a global vision of national and international business. It is about multidisciplinary program that corresponds exactly to my current degree since I've succeeded in my marketing, accounting, mathematics and English courses.
These skills would make it possible to reinforce my competence in business and public relations. The fact that these skills are proposed at the Regent’s University is a chance for me. I perfectly know that this opportunity constitutes an advantage on my resume, and that will enable me to integrate the professional life more easily. I would be truly honoured to include this prestigious school.
I am very much looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Edited by lucile83 on 09-03-2016 21:48


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