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Correction/ plan
Message de sarah971 posté le 04-02-2017 à 19:45:08 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger mon plan détaillé s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance !

I am going to talk about the notion Spaces and Exchanges. To illustrate it, I will take an interest in multiculturalism in Great Britain.
Britain has a long history of absorbing people from different cultural on ethnic groups. Thus, the Great Britain has long adopted a policy of multiculturalism in relation to immigrants. This means that it allows people from different cultures to live in the United-Kingdom whilst continuing to practice their own cultural traditions rather than expecting them to adapt to, so-called, « British » ways.
What are the limits of multiculturalism in Great Britain ?
To answer this question, I would like to examine, first of all, the fact that the first immigrants had difficulties in blending in the British society, then, I will present evolutions of mentalities concerning this phenomenon.

I- A difficult but possible integration.
- Enoch Powell’s speech, « Rivers of Blood ».
In a speech pronounced in 1968, the politician warned of the dangers of unchecked immigration and urged a policy of repatriation for those migrants already in the UK. This speech ended Powell’s political career.
- « Black Britons ».
Integration of people of African and Caribbean heritage in British society.
From the 40’s to the 60’s : They did not mix with the British population.
Since the 60’s : They fit in the British community, they claim their « Britishness ». ( They were influenced by the racial segregation in the U.S.A ).
- « Bend it like Beckham », Gurinder Chadha.
The film explores the differences between the British and Indian culture and the problems it causes for Asian-British teenagers trying to fit in.

II- Evolutions of mentalities.
- Video « Multicultural Britain ».
Waves of immigrants who settled in Britain since the 40’s. Sonny’s father had difficulties to get a job due to his Kenyan origin but Sonny has adopted the customs and the British lifestyle.
- Education : Two Britains.
The pupils who came from disadvantages backgrounds have fewer future prospects because they can’t afford to pay £ 15 000 to £ 30 000 a year.
- The Brexit.
The British fear they might be overwhelmed by the migrants who arrive in the country. Consequently, nationalist ideas which have boosted the decision to leave the European Union.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-02-2017 17:54

Réponse : Correction/ plan de laure95, postée le 05-02-2017 à 17:49:41 (S | E)
Tu ne définis pas les termes de la notion.
- Britain has a long history of absorbing people from different cultural on (or pas on)ethnic groups.
- Thus, the (pas de THE)Great Britain has long adopted a policy of multiculturalism in relation to immigrants.
- then, I will present (the)evolutions of mentalities concerning this phenomenon.

I- A difficult but possible integration.
- and urged a policy of repatriation for those (the pas those) migrants already in the UK.
- Since the 60’s : They fit (present perfect)in the British community,
- The film explores the differences between the (pas de the) British and Indian culture

II- Evolutions of mentalities.
- Waves of immigrants who settled (present perfect) in Britain since the 40’s.
- Education : Two Britains.
The pupils who came (présent) from disadvantages backgrounds have fewer future prospects
- because they can’t afford to pay: they can't pat.
- Consequently, nationalist ideas which (pas de which) have boosted the decision to leave the European Union.


Réponse : Correction/ plan de sarah971, postée le 06-02-2017 à 16:50:35 (S | E)
I am going to talk about the notion Spaces and Exchanges. To illustrate it, I will take an interest in multiculturalism in Great Britain.
Britain has a long history of absorbing people from different cultural or ethnic groups. Thus, Great Britain has long adopted a policy of multiculturalism in relation to immigrants. This means that it allows people from different cultures to live in the United-Kingdom whilst continuing to practice their own cultural traditions rather than expecting them to adapt to, so-called, « British » ways.
What are the limits of multiculturalism in Great Britain ?
To answer this question, I would like to examine, first of all, the fact that the first immigrants had difficulties in blending in the British society, then, I will present the evolutions of mentalities concerning this phenomenon.

I- A difficult but possible integration.
- Enoch Powell’s speech, « Rivers of Blood ».
In a speech pronounced in 1968, the politician warned of the dangers of unchecked immigration and urged a policy of repatriation for the migrants already in the UK. This speech ended Powell’s political career.
- « Black Britons ».
Integration of people of African and Caribbean heritage in British society.
From the 40’s to the 60’s : They did not mix with the British population.
Since the 60’s : They have fitted in the British community, they claim their « Britishness ». ( They were influenced by the racial segregation in the U.S.A ).
- « Bend it like Beckham », Gurinder Chadha.
The film explores the differences between British and Indian culture and the problems it causes for Asian-British teenagers trying to fit in.

II- Evolutions of mentalities.
- Video « Multicultural Britain ».
Waves of immigrants who have settled in Britain since the 40’s. Sonny’s father had difficulties to get a job due to his Kenyan origin but Sonny has adopted the customs and the British lifestyle.
- Education : Two Britains.
The pupils who come from disadvantages backgrounds have fewer future prospects because they can’t pay £ 15 000 to £ 30 000 a year.
- The Brexit.
The British fear they might be overwhelmed by the migrants who arrive in the country. Consequently, nationalist ideas have boosted the decision to leave the European Union.

Merci beaucoup ! En fait, il ne s'agit que d'un éventuel plan de notion Notre professeure ne nous a pas demandé de conclusion (même si je sais qu'il en faudra une ). En revanche, qu'entendez-vous par "définir les termes de la notion" ? Définir la notion d'espaces puis d'échanges ?

Réponse : Correction/ plan de laure95, postée le 06-02-2017 à 17:36:41 (S | E)
Oui. Il faudrait que tu donnes une petite définition de chaque terme.

Réponse : Correction/ plan de sarah971, postée le 07-02-2017 à 00:12:21 (S | E)
I am going to talk about the notion Spaces and Exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. To illustrate it, I will take an interest in multiculturalism in Great Britain.
Britain has a long history of absorbing people from different cultural or ethnic groups. Thus, Great Britain has long adopted a policy of multiculturalism in relation to immigrants. This means that it allows people from different cultures to live in the United-Kingdom whilst continuing to practice their own cultural traditions rather than expecting them to adapt to, so-called, « British » ways.
What are the limits of multiculturalism in Great Britain ?
To answer this question, I would like to examine, first of all, the fact that the first immigrants had difficulties in blending in the British society, then, I will present the evolutions of mentalities concerning this phenomenon.

I- A difficult but possible integration.
- Enoch Powell’s speech, « Rivers of Blood ».
In a speech pronounced in 1968, the politician warned of the dangers of unchecked immigration and urged a policy of repatriation for the migrants already in the UK. This speech ended Powell’s political career.
- « Black Britons ».
Integration of people of African and Caribbean heritage in British society.
From the 40’s to the 60’s : They did not mix with the British population.
Since the 60’s : They have fitted in the British community, they claim their « Britishness ». ( They were influenced by the racial segregation in the U.S.A ).
- « Bend it like Beckham », Gurinder Chadha.
The film explores the differences between British and Indian culture and the problems it causes for Asian-British teenagers trying to fit in.

II- Evolutions of mentalities.
- Video « Multicultural Britain ».
Waves of immigrants who have settled in Britain since the 40’s. Sonny’s father had difficulties to get a job due to his Kenyan origin but Sonny has adopted the customs and the British lifestyle.
- Education : Two Britains.
The pupils who come from disadvantages backgrounds have fewer future prospects because they can’t pay £ 15 000 to £ 30 000 a year.
- The Brexit.
The British fear they might be overwhelmed by the migrants who arrive in the country. Consequently, nationalist ideas have boosted the decision to leave the European Union.

Merci beaucoup


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