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Oral/Places and form of power

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Oral/Places and form of power
Message de lil2919 posté le 03-05-2017 à 17:53:33 (S | E | F)
mon oral du Bac est dans une semaine et j'aurais voulu que vous me corrigiez ma préparation.
Merci pour vos réponses.

To be able to answer my problem: What are the limits to power ? In what ways can power be abused ?
At first, I would say what are the limits of the power by means of the document on Karla Faye and secondly I shall show his abuses with the speech of Jeremy Irons.

There are various limits in the power as the death penalty. The death penalty was resumed in America in 1976 but it was exceptional for the woman. Indeed Karla Faye was the first woman to be executed in 1865 at the age of 38. In spite, lot of opponents as the religious personalities think only God can judge people and punish them, for one others this execution gave a bad image in Texas.
Karla Faye was executed for the crimes which he committed by means of a pickaxe, what is worth to him his nickname “The pickaxe Killer”.
The death penalty is still present in America in several states such as Texas, Arizona, California…

The death penalty is often considered as an abuse of power because it's cruel and unfair act.
Jeremy Irons in her speech for Amnesty international explains that the death penalty is not effective and is not dissuasive. The states which have the death penalty don't have a lower crime rate than other states.
Of more the death penalty is unfair because it targets poor people those who can't afford good lawers and even the childrens, 51 have been executed.
It's for him a psychological and physical torture and an abuse of human rights.

The death penalty is unfortunately too applied, it creates a too important unfair and solves by the problems of criminality. Today,there are too many countries in the world which did not abolish the death penalty.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2017 21O

Réponse : Oral/Places and form of power de laure95, postée le 04-05-2017 à 10:59:09 (S | E)
To be able to answer my problem(atics)
- what are the limits of the power: what the limits of power are
- I shall show his (pas le bon possessif) abuses with the speech of Jeremy Irons.

- There are various limits in (pas la bonne préposition)the (pas de the) power as the death penalty.
- In spite: ?
- lot of opponents as (pas le bon mot)the (pas de the)religious personalities
- for one others: ?
- what is worth to him his nickname: ?
- it's cruel and (article)unfair act.
- Of (enlever of) more
- the childrens: pas de s.
- it creates a too important unfair: ?
- and solves by the problems of criminality: ?


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