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Bac/Spaces and exchanges

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Bac/Spaces and exchanges
Message de lillou99 posté le 03-05-2017 à 21:33:13 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'indiquer les erreurs dans mon texte s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I m going to talk about the notion ´´Spaces and Exchanges´´. First of all let me define the notion, an exchange is a continuous movement or circulation. It includes all types of exchanges, such as people, trade, media or even communication. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen to speak about the American dream, since it involves the idea of space as immigrants are moving across the country to fulfill their dream. We may wonder if the American dream is still alive. My first document is a recording entitled ´´New Horizons´´ and my second one is an extract from a book entitled The tortilla Curtain, by T.C Boyle, released in 1995.

My first document is in interview between a journalist and a Mexican migrant, Alejandro Perez. The journalist asked him if the American dream is still alive. According to A.Perrez, the American dream still exists. A lot of Mexicans cross the boarder in order to find better prospects in the US. They start from scratch and leave everything behind, aiming to climb up the social ladder. Besides migrants also want their children to start off on the right foot in life. He adds that a lot migrants had been able to succeed in, and to escape from poverty and unemployment. For him, the harder they work, the more certain they are of fulfilling their dream. This recording illustrates this notion since a growing flow of population migrates to the USA to find work and improve their standard of living. The border acts like a magnet on many deprived migrants who long to fulfill the American dream.

We have seen that for many migrants, the American dream is alive, Unfortunately it doesn´t seem the case for others migrants.

My second document is an extract from a book . It deals with a young woman, America. She was given an address for a job which would have been an opportunity to earn money, even if it was paid low wages. Her husband and her are both illegal immigrants who left the South and their village, because they hope for a better future. When she arrived in L.A, she was confronted with wealth made her aware of her poverty. However she felt happy, when she saw the millionaires´ houses, hopping that one day, she would climb up the rungs of the social ladder. However when she realized that the job she was after didn´t exist, she was disappointed and desperate. She decided to turn back, but she got lost, since she didn´t speak the language. Beside she was confronted to racism with Americans. The author´s aim is to make the reader sympathize with America, because she became aware that her future might be made of shattered dreams. This document illustrates the notion of spaces and exchanges, since it shows us how a lot of immigrants can not fulfill the American dream, because they have difficulties to find a job. Also most of them realize they would struggle to integrate into the US, since they feel they would be rejected by Americans.

To conclude, we can say that both documents illustrate the notion, since the y show us that not everyone can integrate a space and live the American dream. A lot of migrants can climb up the rungs of social ladder and improving their social conditions. However a majority is struggling to find a job and is confronted to Xenophobia. For many people, the American dream is fulfilled, but for others it remains a dream. In my opinion the American dream still exits, because nowadays it´s easier to find a job for unskilled people. Besides with the increase of migrants through years, integrating a space like the US has become possible, since it has become a multicultural country, indeed, nowadays it´s rare to find a 100 percent american.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2017 21:41

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 05-05-2017 à 11:34:20 (S | E)
- The journalist asked (présent)him if the American dream is still alive.
- boarder: orthographe.
- aiming to (pas la bonne préposition) climb (gérondif) up the social ladder
- He adds that a lot migrants had (présent) been able to succeed in,
- others (pas de s)migrants.

- even if it was paid low wages: even if it was badly-paid.
- because they hope (passé)for a better future.
- she was confronted with wealth made (gérondif)her aware of her poverty.
- the job she was after: mal dit.

- A lot of migrants can climb up the rungs of social ladder and improving (temps?)their social conditions.
- a 100 percent american: mal dit + majuscule

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de lillou99, postée le 06-05-2017 à 12:06:43 (S | E)
I'm going to talk about the notion ´´Spaces and Exchanges´´. First of all let me define the notion, an exchange is a continuous movement or circulation. It includes all types of exchanges, such as people, trade, media or even communication. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen to speak about the American dream, since it involves the idea of space as immigrants are moving across the country to fulfill their dream. We may wonder if the American dream is still alive. My first document is a recording entitled ´´New Horizons´´ and my second one is an extract from a book entitled The tortilla Curtain, by T. C Boyle, released in 1995.

My first document is in interview between a journalist and a Mexican migrant, Alejandro Perez. The journalist asks him if the American dream is still alive. According to A.Perez, the American dream still exists. A lot of Mexicans cross the border in order to find better prospects in the US. They start from scratch and leave everything behind, aiming for climbing up the social ladder. Besides, migrants also want their children to start off on the right foot in life. He adds that a lot migrants has been able to succeed in, and to escape from poverty and unemployment. For him, the harder they work, the more certain they are of fulfilling their dream. This recording illustrates this notion since a growing flow of population migrates to the USA to find work and improve their standard of living. The border acts like a magnet on many deprived migrants who long to fulfill the American dream.

We have seen that for many migrants, the American dream is alive, Unfortunately it doesn't seem the case for other migrants.

My second document is an extract from a book. It deals with a young woman, America. She was given an address for a job which would have been an opportunity to earn some money. Her husband and her are both illegal immigrants who left their village in Mexico, because they hoped for a better future. When she arrived in L. A, she was confronted with wealth making her aware of her poverty. She was hoping that one day, she would climb up the rungs of the social ladder. However, when she realized that the job she was looking for didn't exist, she was disappointed and desperate. She decided to turn back, but she got lost, since she didn't speak the language. Beside she was confronted to racism with Americans. The author´s aim is to make the reader sympathize with America, because she became aware that her future might be made of shattered dreams. This document illustrates the notion of spaces and exchanges, since it shows us how a lot of immigrants can not fulfill the American dream, because they have difficulties to find a job. Also, most of them realize they would struggle to integrate into the US, since they feel they would be rejected by Americans.

To conclude, we can say that both documents illustrate the notion, since the y show us that not everyone can integrate a space and live the American dream. A lot of migrants can climb up the rungs of social ladder and improve their social conditions. However, a majority is struggling to find a job and is confronted to Xenophobia. For many people, the American dream is fulfilled, but for others it remains a dream. In my opinion the American dream still exits, because nowadays it's easier to find a job for unskilled people. Besides with the increase of migrants through years, integrating a space like the US has become possible, since it has become a multicultural country.

J'ai enlevé la dernière phrase qui ne me plaisait pas trop

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 06-05-2017 à 17:51:10 (S | E)
- They start from scratch and leave everything behind (mettre un pronom complément pour traduire "eux"),
- aiming for (pas la bonne préposition) climbing up
- He adds that a lot (préposition) migrants has (faute de conjugaison) been able to succeed in (enlever in)

- a job which would have been an opportunity (traduire pour elle) to earn some money.
- Her husband and her are both
- She was hoping (preterit simple)
- they have difficulties to (pas la bonne préposition)find (mettre au gérondif)a job.
- Also, (pas à la bonne place) most of them realize

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de lillou99, postée le 06-05-2017 à 18:19:27 (S | E)
I'm going to talk about the notion ´´Spaces and Exchanges´´. First of all let me define the notion, an exchange is a continuous movement or circulation. It includes all types of exchanges, such as people, trade, media or even communication. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen to speak about the American dream, since it involves the idea of space as immigrants are moving across the country to fulfill their dream. We may wonder if the American dream is still alive. My first document is a recording entitled ´´New Horizons´´ and my second one is an extract from a book entitled The tortilla Curtain, by T. C Boyle, released in 1995.

My first document is in interview between a journalist and a Mexican migrant, Alejandro Perez. The journalist asks him if the American dream is still alive. According to A.Perez, the American dream still exists. A lot of Mexicans cross the border in order to find better prospects in the US. They start from scratch and leave everything behind them, aiming at climbing up the social ladder. Besides, migrants also want their children to start off on the right foot in life. He adds that a lot of migrants have been able to succeed , and to escape from poverty and unemployment. For him, the harder they work, the more certain they are of fulfilling their dream. This recording illustrates this notion since a growing flow of population migrates to the USA to find work and improve their standard of living. The border acts like a magnet on many deprived migrants who long to fulfill the American dream.

We have seen that for many migrants, the American dream is alive, Unfortunately it doesn't seem the case for other migrants.

My second document is an extract from a book. It deals with a young woman, America. She was given an address for a job which would have been an opportunity for her to earn some money. America and her husband are both illegal immigrants who left their village in Mexico, because they hoped for a better future. When she arrived in L. A, she was confronted with wealth making her aware of her poverty. She hoped that one day, she would climb up the rungs of the social ladder. However, when she realized that the job she was looking for didn't exist, she was disappointed and desperate. She decided to turn back, but she got lost, since she didn't speak the language. Beside she was confronted to racism with Americans. The author´s aim is to make the reader sympathize with America, because she became aware that her future might be made of shattered dreams. This document illustrates the notion of spaces and exchanges, since it shows us how a lot of immigrants can not fulfill the American dream, because they have difficulties in finding a job. Moreover, most of them realize they would struggle to integrate into the US, since they feel they would be rejected by Americans.

To conclude, we can say that both documents illustrate the notion, since the y show us that not everyone can integrate a space and live the American dream. A lot of migrants can climb up the rungs of social ladder and improve their social conditions. However, a majority is struggling to find a job and is confronted to Xenophobia. For many people, the American dream is fulfilled, but for others it remains a dream. In my opinion the American dream still exits, because nowadays it's easier to find a job for unskilled people. Besides with the increase of migrants through years, integrating a space like the US has become possible, since it has become a multicultural country.


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