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Spaces and exchanges/aide

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Spaces and exchanges/aide
Message de manon52 posté le 03-06-2017 à 16:06:39 (S | E | F)
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Spaces and exchanges
I’m going to talk about the notion “spaces and exchanges”. We have to define these two concepts.
An exchange is the act of giving and receiving something else in return. exchanges can take more several (= plusieurs )forms: like economic with exchange of goods (= marchandises ), ideas, information, education. Or like movement of people with the immigration, the tourism .. Information exchange has become easier thanks (= grace ) to the internet.
Those exchanges can be between two differents spaces like two states. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more connected.
The immigration is linked (= liée) to this notion as it implies the move of people which can be legal and illegal to other countries.
We will try to answer the following question :

I / United Kingdom is a multicultural country.
The UK is an ethnically diverse country whith a lot of different communities which reflect the multiculturalism of Britain. Many British families originally come from overseas (= outre-mer ). Over the countries people have come from all the world to live here
Illustrated by : Why is the UK seen as a target ?
The texte is about immigration to the UK.
Immigrants choose the United Kingdom since they can speak English or they can find a job, work more easily or they have relatives/family ; they believe that education is more excessive but public schools are very expensive and they think that accommodation is better.

II/ the problems encountered by the immigrants
They probably chose to live in England in order to find a job, make money and live a more decent life and have a family . But they may have had difficulties to fit-in (= s’integrer) in Britain because of their skin color and of their accent. They have faced people’s hostility. They may have suffered from discrimination
Illustrated by : this is my England. Which talk about Jamaican immigration, integration and identity.
In 1948 the first wave of immigrants arrives from Jamaica. Jamaica is a former British colony. In This article, Andrea Levy was born in England but she had Jamaican origins
He travelled by boat. He faced some difficulties. They suffered “bad housing” because of the color of their skin so they were discriminated, it was difficult for them to find a decent place to live.
The Mother had trouble finding a job corresponding to her qualifications. In Jamaica she was a teacher but in England she had to work in a sweat-shops (= atelier clandestin . She had to work in difficult conditions. She wishes people were less racist

III/ The document deals with british expatriates who have been in France for 20 years. They moved to france 20years ago because of the climate, the food who is better and tastier (= + de gout), the housing, the wine (= le vin) and because the cost of property was less expensive than in Britain. Today the couple still lives in france but their kids have jobs in the UK. When they arrived they didn’t find it difficult to fit in. Yet today they feel a certain nostalgia for Britain as most british expats probably do.
Their kids grew up (= grandir ) in France but went to college in England because :
there are Problems with british state schools: in England, many people send their kids to private schools and have to pay for their kid’s education In England, you pay fees in all private schools. The state schools are not as good as the private ones.
And the British university have more opportunities. Their kids got the same experience as their parents, they lived and studied in two different countries.
In France, you don’t have to pay fees. (= frais de scolarité) and they will become bilingual and that is easy to fit in (=s’integrer) and settle (= s’installer)

CCL: To conlude, I think immigrate in USA can be a real opportunity because they have lived their American dream. Immigrants leave their home land to get a new start and they come with their own cultural.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-06-2017 21:46


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