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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Présentation/ livre
Message de lowis posté le 03-12-2017 à 21:39:06 (S | E | F)
je dois présenter un livre en anglais la semaine prochaine, et je ne me suis aidé que de Google traduction.
Est-ce qu'une âme charitable voudrait bien la corriger ?
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Hello, today I'm going to tell you about a book called "Number the stars" written by Lois Lowry and published in nineteen eighty-nine. This story takes place in Denmark, especially in the city of Copenhagen during the Second World War, in nineteen forty-three. Annemarie Johansen is a little girl like many others who leads a difficult childhood made of fear and anger punctuated with moments of joy and innocence. The story starts with a morning like others, Annemarie, Kirsten her sister, and Ellen Rosen her best friend go to school but everything does not happen as expected, soldiers call them in the street, the two big girls have afraid unlike the little Kristen. After this meeting, Ellen's parents (who are Jewish) become frightened and decide to entrust Ellen to the Johansen who is now presented as part of the family. Ellen and Annemarie must think very quickly when the soldiers ask them in the middle of the night why Ellen is not blonde like her sisters. Fortunately the Johansen manage to invent a story and the soldiers leave without suspecting anything. Annemarie and Kristen's parents no longer want to endanger Ellen's life and theirs in the same situation. Mrs. Johansen decides to take the children to her brother's home to keep them away from all the soldiers. But they will soon realize that they are safe nowhere ... For those who would like to know more, I borrowed this book from the CDI. I have liked this book because we can see what happens during the war through the eyes of innocent children

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-12-2017 22:17

Réponse : Présentation/ livre de gerondif, postée le 04-12-2017 à 00:27:16 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
Hello, today I'm going to tell you about a book called "Number the stars" written by Lois Lowry and published in nineteen eighty-nine. This story takes place in Denmark, especially(je dirais plus précisément, more precisely, ou alors "namely", a proprement parler) in the city of Copenhagen during the Second World War, in nineteen forty-three. Annemarie Johansen is a little girl like many others(mettez plutôt like many other girls) who leads(mettez plutôt le verbe avoir, on ne mène pas une enfance) a difficult childhood made of fear and anger punctuated with moments of joy and innocence. The story starts with a morning like others, Annemarie, Kirsten her sister, and Ellen Rosen her best friend go(présent en ing) to school but everything does not happen as expected, soldiers call them in the street, the two big girls have(erreur d'auxiliaire, l'anglais dit "sont effrayées") afraid unlike the little Kristen. After this meeting, Ellen's parents (who are Jewish) become frightened and decide to entrust Ellen to the Johansen who is now presented as part of the family. Ellen and Annemarie must think very quickly when the soldiers ask them in the middle of the night why Ellen is not blonde like her sisters. Fortunately the Johansen manage to invent a story and the soldiers leave without suspecting anything. Annemarie and Kristen's parents no longer want to endanger Ellen's life and theirs in the same situation. Mrs. Johansen decides to take the children to her brother's home to keep them away from all the soldiers. But they will soon realize that they are safe nowhere ... For those who would like to know more, I borrowed this book from the CDI(ces initiales n'ont pas le même sens en anglais.Capacitor discharge ignition (CDI) or thyristor ignition is a type of automotive electronic ignition system which is widely used in outboard motors, motorcycles, lawn mowers, chainsaws, small engines, turbine-powered aircraft, and some cars. pParlez plutôt de "library") I have liked (mettez plutôt un prétérit) this book because we can see what happens during the war through the eyes of innocent children


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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