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Parcoursup /motivation

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Parcoursup /motivation
Message de saraage posté le 12-03-2018 à 09:08:17 (S | E | F)
Toujours perdue dans ce que j'appelle le "tourisme des études supérieures", je me retrouve aujourd'hui à postuler sur Parcoursup pour l'école EPSOL. Ecole qui, dans ses prérequis d'inscription, demande le fameux "projet de formation motivée"... En anglais. Toute paniquée, je m'empresse de rédiger la bête, mais voilà, le niveau demandé est élevé, et je ne veux laisser passer aucune faute, aucune formule maladroite.
Je m'en remets donc à vous, si vous le voulez bien, pour corriger cet humble écrit qui est le mien.
Merci d'avance!

Ever since I was a child, I was called curious. Curious about observing my environment, curious about seeing beyond appearances, curious about understanding the inner workings of the world. Eager to learn, I satisfied my curiosity through the media -newspapers, social networks-; as well as through the reading of extensive writings: novels, plays, collection of poems and essays. Therefore, I naturally found my vocation as a journalist and I yearn to major in international relationships.

I had the opportunity to develop my passion for culture and foreign languages consistent with my professional project through numerous curricular and extra-curricular journeys in Germany and England, and especially during a two-month long exchange with a German family. This experience enabled me to master the language and to acquaint myself with the country's lifestyle.
Elsewhere, I experienced during high school journalism on a lower scale with "La Quatrième Source", the establishment's review I had to write, correct and typeset via a software.

Thus, I am not only seeking to stimulate my analytical and critical mind, but also to obtain the necessary keys to the world's understanding. I believe that your international relationships bachelor will be conducive to my professional and intellectual fulfilment.
I am looking forward to integrating your formation next September,

Sincerly Yours,

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-03-2018 10:35

Réponse : Parcoursup /motivation de mamylistele, postée le 13-03-2018 à 18:56:55 (S | E)

Erreurs ou maladresses soulignées

Ever since I was a child, I was called changer le temps (cf since) curious. Curious about observing my environment, curious about seeing beyond appearances, curious about understanding the inner workings of the world. Eager to learn, I satisfied my curiosity through vocabulaire the media -newspapers, social networks-; as well as through reading extensive writings: novels, plays, collection of poems and essays. Therefore, I naturally found my vocation as a journalist and I yearn to major ? maladroit in international relationships.

I had the opportunity to develop my passion for culture and foreign languages consistent with my professional project through numerous curricular and extra-curricular journeys language study holiday ? in Germany and England, and especially during a two-month long exchange with a German family. This experience enabled me to master the language and to acquaint myself with the country's lifestyle.
Elsewhere, I experienced construction + cod during high school journalism on a lower scale with "La Quatrième Source", the establishment's review I had to write, correct and typeset via a software.

Thus, I am not only seeking to stimulate my analytical and critical mind, but also to obtain the necessary keys to the world's understanding. I believe that your international relationships bachelor ? will be conducive to my professional and intellectual fulfilment.
I am looking forward to integrating your formation next September,

Sincerely Yours,

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-03-2018 12:11
Pas de rouge/rose sur le forum; merci.

Réponse : Parcoursup /motivation de saraage, postée le 16-03-2018 à 11:06:34 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, vraiment!
J'ai essayé de corriger de mon mieux, mais ne sais pas vraiment si c'est correct... Je suis désolée pour le dérangement!

Ever since I was a child, I have been called curious. Curious about observing my environment, curious about seeing beyond appearances, curious about understanding the inner workings of the world. Eager to learn, I satisfied my curiosity ( du coup je ne sais pas par quoi remplacer through :/) the media -newspapers, social networks-; as well as (idem) reading extensive writings: novels, plays, collection of poems and essays. Therefore, I naturally found my vocation as a journalist and I wish to specialize in international relationships.

I had the opportunity to develop my passion for culture and foreign languages consistent with my professional project through numerous curricular and extra-curricular language study holidays in Germany and England, and especially during a two-month long exchange with a German family. This experience enabled me to master the language and to acquaint myself with the country's lifestyle.
Elsewhere, I experienced journalism during high school on a lower scale with "La Quatrième Source", the school's review I had to write, correct and typeset via a software.

Thus, I am not only seeking to stimulate my analytical and critical mind, but also to obtain the necessary keys to the world's understanding. I believe that your international relationships studies will be conducive to my professional and intellectual fulfilment.
I am looking forward to integrating your formation next September,

Sincerely Yours,

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-03-2018 12:12
Pas de rouge/rose sur le forum; merci.

Réponse : Parcoursup /motivation de mamylistele, postée le 18-03-2018 à 14:07:40 (S | E)

through is ok actually.
remplacer 'elsewhere' par FURTHERMORE if you mean 'par ailleurs'.

Réponse : Parcoursup /motivation de bluestar, postée le 18-03-2018 à 15:18:25 (S | E)

"to integrating your formation"
"integrating" et "formation" sont deux faux amis - vous avez besoin des bons mots anglais ici

Réponse : Parcoursup /motivation de saraage, postée le 21-03-2018 à 19:21:07 (S | E)
Ma lettre est fin prête, merci pour cette aide généreuse et qui, je l'espère, sera fructueuse!
Bonne continuation à tous!!


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