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Aide /Sport

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide /Sport
Message de yung97 posté le 27-05-2018 à 01:19:49 (S | E | F)
je sollicite votre aide pour savoir si j'ai laissé des fautes dans un devoir que j'ai à rendre.
Merci d'avance.

Nowadays sport is an omnipresent issue. Actually, it represents crucial social and economic interests. The question we can ask on this controversial issue is money had degraded the very soul of sport and if money had brought only sad effects in sport? First, we will expose what the true spirit of sport is and then I will show the impact of money in sport.
Since the Antiquity, sport embodies various values such as equality, brotherhood or patriotism. Nevertheless, the most important is that you have to be humble.
It is naturally agreed that money has an impact on sport. Indeed, this supported by the idea that money had brought more competitive because of the increase of sponsoring contracts. In fact, this has creates more pressure owing to the fear to lag behind. There is a race for the improvement of performance, it can easily saw by the way there are performance enhanced drugs or there are more lawsuits for bribery. To sum up, we can say that all this competition encourages developing wrong attitudes. Indeed, owing to money, there are many more famous stars with selfish mentalities.
But in each case money permits people who practise sport which are less mediatized to have better life. Thanks to money sport is widespread so people can see the importance of national teams that it encourages patriotism.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2018 08:01

Réponse : Aide /Sport de yung97, postée le 28-05-2018 à 17:40:48 (S | E)

Réponse : Aide /Sport de gerondif, postée le 28-05-2018 à 17:54:56 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
Nowadays sport(sports) is an omnipresent issue. Actually (actually signifie en réalité), it represents crucial social and economic interests. The question we can ask on this controversial issue is whether money had(present perfect) degraded the very soul of sport and if money had(present perfect) brought only sad effects in sport? First, we will expose what the true spirit of sport is and then I will show the impact of money in (on) sport.
Since the Antiquity, sport embodies(present perfect avec since) various values such as equality, brotherhood or patriotism. Nevertheless, the most important is that you have to be humble.
It is naturally agreed that money has an impact on sport. Indeed, this is supported by the idea that money had(present perfect) brought more competitive(il faut le nom, pas l'adjectif) because of the increase of sponsoring contracts. In fact, this has creates(participe passé) more pressure owing to the fear to lag behind. There is a race for the improvement of performance, it can easily saw (infinitf passif être vu)by the way there are performance-enhanced(participe présent) drugs or there are more lawsuits for bribery. To sum up, we can say that all this competition encourages developing wrong attitudes. Indeed, owing to money, there are many more famous stars with selfish mentalities.
But in each case money permits people who practise sport which are less mediatized to have a better life (je ne vois pas bien comment, par exemple, je suis moniteur de plongée et je ne vois pas en quoi les sports plus médiatisés et mieux dotés en argent que le mien améliorent mon ordinaire). Thanks to money(virgule) sport is widespread (ah bon ?) so people can see the importance of national teams that it(mal construit) encourages patriotism.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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