Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basTranslation/will
Message de kazan posté le 03-06-2018 à 09:30:11 (S | E | F)
Hi everyone,
How would you translate the following sentence into English? "Il y aura toujours des gens qui veulent la paix dans le monde."
I've thought of 3 possibilities, but I'm not sure which one sounds the most natural.
1- There will always be people who want peace in the world. ( I've come across occurrences of sentences like this one on the Internet, but I'm not sure if it's correct).
2- There will always be people who will want peace in the world. (I've also seen sentences like this one, but, I don't know, it seems awkward).
3- There will always be people wanting peace in the world. (Let's avoid the obstacle!).
I prefer the first and the third sentences. What do you think?
Many thanks in advance,
Modifié par lucile83 le 03-06-2018 10:34
Message de kazan posté le 03-06-2018 à 09:30:11 (S | E | F)
Hi everyone,
How would you translate the following sentence into English? "Il y aura toujours des gens qui veulent la paix dans le monde."
I've thought of 3 possibilities, but I'm not sure which one sounds the most natural.
1- There will always be people who want peace in the world. ( I've come across occurrences of sentences like this one on the Internet, but I'm not sure if it's correct).
2- There will always be people who will want peace in the world. (I've also seen sentences like this one, but, I don't know, it seems awkward).
3- There will always be people wanting peace in the world. (Let's avoid the obstacle!).
I prefer the first and the third sentences. What do you think?
Many thanks in advance,
Modifié par lucile83 le 03-06-2018 10:34
Réponse : Translation/will de gerondif, postée le 04-06-2018 à 11:22:51 (S | E)
"Il y aura toujours des gens qui veulent la paix dans le monde."
J'aurais dit:
The world will never be short of people who want peace /who wish for peace.
You will always find people who wish for peace in the world.
You will never be short of people who want peace /who wish for peace / in the world
1- There will always be people who want peace in the world. ok
2- There will always be people who will want peace in the world. l'idée de futur étant donnée dans la première proposition, le deuxième will n'est pas faux mais peut être interprété de deux façons. Et puis je trouve want un peu faible comme verbe, fight for work for try to achieve me plairaient mieux. Ce qui est awkward, c'est want au futur en fait. I will want to come est un peu saugrenu, want étant un état d'esprit et si je le voudrai demain, c'est que je le veux déjà aujourd'hui puisque telle est ma personnalité, alors pourquoi le mettre au futur alors que c'est déjà vrai maintenant ?
3- There will always be people wanting (wishing for, eager for, fighting for, defending) peace in the world.
Réponse : Translation/will de kazan, postée le 04-06-2018 à 17:28:01 (S | E)
Many, many thanks Gerondif.
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