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Correction/ texte Dunno

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ texte Dunno
Message de jane37 posté le 12-06-2018 à 15:03:45 (S | E | F)
J'ai préparé des scénettes a faire jouer par mes chers retraités.
Pourriez-vous m'aider en corrigeant les fautes éventuelles ,j'ai des doutes sur les "questions Tag ".
Merci beaucoup !

Alex and his grandmother

Alex, hurry up Darling, you are going to be late again!
Where is your gym bag?

Where did you put it last Wednesday?

It is not here, It may be in your bedroom, don’t it?

Why don't you put your things in their place?
It would be easier, wouldn’t it?

Oh dear! You are going to be late again! What time is it Alex please?

You don’t know! But where is your watch?

Alex, my darling, you are not Kind today… What happens? What’s wrong?

Do you know that I'm your grandmother and that I love you!

Oh Yes Mummy that I know! But, today I prefer to stay with you to garden.

Why not? It is a good idea .So we don’t need of your gym bag anymore, we do?

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-06-2018 16:57

Réponse : Correction/ texte Dunno de gerondif, postée le 12-06-2018 à 15:24:06 (S | E)
Alex and his grandmother

Alex, hurry up Darling, you are going to be late again!
Where is your gym bag?

Where did you put it last Wednesday?

It is not here, It may be in your bedroom, don’t it?(il faudrait dire may it not, mayn't n'existant pas, mais c'est bien moche !

Why don't you put your things in their place?
It would be easier, wouldn’t it?

Oh dear! You are going to be late again! What time is it, Alex, please?

You don’t know! But where is your watch?

Alex, my darling, you are not Kind today… What happens (plutôt what's happening ?)? What’s wrong?

Do you know You know irait mieux, pourquoi interroger ?) that I'm your grandmother and that I love you!

Oh Yes Mummy, that I know en accentuant that) But, today I prefer to stay with you to in the garden.

Why not? It is a good idea .So we don’t need of(à ôter) your gym bag anymore, we do(à l'envers)?

Réponse : Correction/ texte Dunno de jane37, postée le 12-06-2018 à 16:05:09 (S | E)

Merci Monsieur Gérondif pour votre rapidité et votre disponibilité.

Voici après correction
Alex and his grandmother

Alex, hurry up Darling, you are going to be late again!
Where is your gym bag?

Where did you put it last Wednesday?

It is not here, it may be in your bedroom, doesn’t it?

Why don't you put your things in their place?
It would be easier, wouldn’t it?

Oh dear! You are going to be late again! What time it is, Alex, please?

You don’t know! But where is your watch?

Alex, my darling, you are not Kind today… What happens? What’s wrong?

You know that I'm your grandmother and that I love You !

Oh Yes Mummy, that I know but, today I prefer to stay with you in the garden.

Why not? It is a good idea .So we don’t need your gym bag anymore, do we?

Réponse : Correction/ texte Dunno de gerondif, postée le 12-06-2018 à 16:23:25 (S | E)
Alex and his grandmother

Alex, hurry up Darling, you are going to be late again!
Where is your gym bag?

Where did you put it last Wednesday?

It is not here, it may be in your bedroom, doesn’t it?(FAUX!!)
On pourrait dire, pour éviter le may it not que j'écris pour la première fois en 65 ans) : It is not here, it may be in your bedroom. Is it ?

Why don't you put your things (away)in their (right) place?
It would be easier, wouldn’t it?

Oh dear! You are going to be late again! What time it is, Alex, please?

You don’t know! But where is your watch?

Alex, my darling, you are not Kind today… What happens?(plutôt What's happening ? What's the matter ? What's wrong with you ?) What’s wrong?

You know that I'm your grandmother and that I love You !

Oh Yes Mummy, that I know but, today I prefer to stay with you in the garden.

Why not? It is a good idea .So we don’t need your gym bag anymore, do we?

Réponse : Correction/ texte Dunno de jane37, postée le 12-06-2018 à 16:44:50 (S | E)

Et maintenant ?
Alex and his grandmother

Alex, hurry up Darling, you are going to be late again!
Where is your gym bag?

Where did you put it last Wednesday?

It is not here, it may be in your bedroom. Is it ? (C’est beaucoup plus facile à dire , Merci!)

Why don't you put your things away? (je ne comprends pas le don’t you put avec away )
In their right place It would be easier, wouldn’t it?

Oh dear! You are going to be late again! What time it is (or is it?), Alex, please?

You don’t know! But where is your watch?

Alex, my darling, you are not Kind today… What's happening?
What's wrong with you?

You know that I'm your grandmother and that I love you.

Oh Yes Mummy, that I know but, today I prefer to stay with you in the garden.

Why not? It is a good idea .So we don’t need your gym bag anymore, do we?
“Dunno “

Réponse : Correction/ texte Dunno de gerondif, postée le 12-06-2018 à 16:58:52 (S | E)
Alex and his grandmother

Alex, hurry up Darling, you are going to be late again!
Where is your gym bag?

Where did you put it last Wednesday?

It is not here, it may be in your bedroom. Is it ? (C’est beaucoup plus facile à dire , Merci!)

Why don't you put your things away? (je ne comprends pas le don’t you put avec away )(ça veut dire ranger mais enlevez away s'il vous gêne)
In their right place It would be easier, wouldn’t it?

Oh dear! You are going to be late again! What time it is (or is it?), Alex, please? (pas vue, celle-ci)

You don’t know! But where is your watch?

Alex, my darling, you are not Kind today… What's happening?
What's wrong with you?

You know that I'm your grandmother and that I love you.

Oh Yes Mummy, that I know but, today I prefer to stay with you in the garden.

Why not? It is a good idea .So we don’t need your gym bag anymore, do we?
“Dunno “

Réponse : Correction/ texte Dunno de jane37, postée le 12-06-2018 à 17:03:30 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ces corrections enrichissantes.
je vais pouvoir assumer mon rôle de Grand-Mère sans faute .

Bonne soirée .


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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