The missing vowels/265
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/265
Message de marit64 posté le 25-07-2018 à 22:25:56 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.
1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (d w n g) 2
2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). ..... (w t s) 1
3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation. (p c m t c l n) 3
4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. ..... (c k d s r t) 3
5- A small hard growth on the skin. ..... (r w t) 1
6- To select and kill (surplus animals). ..... (l c l) 1
7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc). ..... (v t r r) 2
8- Very bright in colour. ..... (d g) 3
9- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3
10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating
them. ..... (c l t s) 2
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 25-07-2018 à 22:25:56 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.

1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (d w n g) 2

2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). ..... (w t s) 1

3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation. (p c m t c l n) 3

4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. ..... (c k d s r t) 3

5- A small hard growth on the skin. ..... (r w t) 1

6- To select and kill (surplus animals). ..... (l c l) 1

7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc). ..... (v t r r) 2

8- Very bright in colour. ..... (d g) 3

9- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3

10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating
them. ..... (c l t s) 2

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/265 de chocolatcitron, postée le 25-07-2018 à 23:46:35 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 265
Message de marit64 posté le 25-07-2018 à 22:25:56 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks a lot, it was funny to run after your missing vowels.

Hi Everybody, specially to « our champions' team » Good luck !

Here is my work:
1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. (d w n g) 2 godown = comptoir.
2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). (w t s) 1 swot = bachoter, potasser, bucher.
3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation. (p c m t c l n) 3 complacent = content de soi.
4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. (c k d s r t) 3 sidetrack = distraire, détourner.
5- A small hard growth on the skin.(r w t) 1 wart = verrue.
6- To select and kill (surplus animals). (l c l) 1 cull = abattre.
7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc). ..... (v t r r) 2 revert = retomber dans/en/à, redevenir.
8- Very bright in colour. (d g) 3 gaudy = criard, voyant.
9- To attack, torment. (s l s) 3 assail = agresser, attaquer.
10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating them. (c l t s) 2 locust = locuste, sauterelle.
Have a very sweet but also a great week!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/265 de flowermusic, postée le 26-07-2018 à 07:13:29 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Cette fois-ci, je n'oublie pas de poster lol
je souhaite de la fraîcheur à toute la fine équipe

1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (d w n g) 2 godown
2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). ..... (w t s) 1 swot
3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation. (p c m t c l n) 3 complacent
4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. ..... (c k d s r t) 3 sidetrack
5- A small hard growth on the skin. ..... (r w t) 1 wart
6- To select and kill (surplus animals). ..... (l c l) 1 cull
7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc). ..... (v t r r) 2 revert
8- Very bright in colour. ..... (d g) 3 gaudy
9- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3 assail
10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating
them. ..... (c l t s) 2 locust
Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/265 de swan85, postée le 26-07-2018 à 15:36:46 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello Everybody
1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. GODOWN (d w n g) 2
2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). SWOT (w t s) 1
3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation. COMPLACENT (p c m t c l n) 3
4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. SIDETRACK (c k d s r t) 3
5- A small hard growth on the skin. WART (r w t) 1
6- To select and kill (surplus animals). CULL (l c l) 1
7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc) REVERT (v t r r) 2
8- Very bright in colour. GAUDY (d g) 3
9- To attack, torment. ASSAIL (s l s) 3
10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating
them. LOCUST (c l t s) 2
Thank you for this very interesting exercise.
Have a nice week.
Réponse : The missing vowels/265 de peticha, postée le 27-07-2018 à 22:24:55 (S | E)
The missing vowels/265 marit64 posté le 25-07-2018 à 22:25:56 (S | E | F)
Hello dear marit, and hi everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
All the numbers of vowels are given.
Here is my try:
1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (d w n g) 2 godown: comptoir.
2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). ..... (w t s) 1 swot: potasser.
3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation. (p c m t c l n) 3 complacent: autosatisfaction.
4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. ..... (c k d s r t) 3 sidetrack: distraire.
5- A small hard growth on the skin. ..... (r w t) 1 wart: verrue.
6- To select and kill (surplus animals). ..... (l c l) 1 cull: abattre.
7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc). ..... (v t r r) 2 revert: redevenir.
8- Very bright in colour. ..... (d g) 3 gaudy: criard.
9- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3 assail: agresser.
10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating them. ..... (c l t s) 2 locust: sauterelle.
Good luck and have fun! Thank you marit for your clues.
Have a great week, all of you!
So long.
Réponse : The missing vowels/265 de afarodj, postée le 29-07-2018 à 18:19:54 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit

Hi everybody

This is my try. Have a nice week.
1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (d w n g) 2 . -Godown.-Entrepôt.
2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). ..... (w t s) 1 . -Swot-Potasser.
3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation. (p c m t c l n) 3. . -Complacent.-Présomptueux.
4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. ..... (c k d s r t) 3 . -Sidetrack.-Dérouter.
5- A small hard growth on the skin. ..... (r w t) 1 . -Wart.- Verrue.
6- To select and kill (surplus animals). ..... (l c l) 1 . -Cull.-Abattre.
7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc). ..... (v t r r) 2 . -Revert.-Rétablir.
8- Very bright in colour. ..... (d g) 3 . -Gaudy.- Clinquant.
9- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3 . -Assail.-Assaillir.
10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating
them. ..... (c l t s) 2 . -Locust.-Criquet.
Réponse : The missing vowels/265 de sanna6, postée le 30-07-2018 à 21:03:32 (S | E)

Here is my try

1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (d w n g) 2 Godown - Entrepôt
2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). ..... (w t s) 1 To swot - Bûcher / Potasser
3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation. (p c m t c l n) 3 Complacent - Satisfait de soi
4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. ..... (c k d s r t) 3 To sidetrack - Distraire
5- A small hard growth on the skin. ..... (r w t) 1 Wart - Verrue
6- To select and kill (surplus animals). ..... (l c l) 1 Cull - Abbatage
7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc). ..... (v t r r) 2 To revert - Reprendre / Revenir à
8- Very bright in colour. ..... (d g) 3 Gaudy - Criard
9- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3 To assail - Assaillir
10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating
them. ..... (c l t s) 2 Locust - Criquet
I thank you very much for this new Missing Vowels Marit

Hope everyone going well and a very nice week for all of you

Réponse : The missing vowels/265 de daisy50, postée le 01-08-2018 à 18:00:14 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Here is my try :
All the numbers of vowels are given.
1- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ... godown
2- To study hard, especially by memorizing (for an examination). .... swot
3- Showing satisfaction with one's own situation...... complacent
4- To turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do. ..... sidetrack
5- A small hard growth on the skin. ..... wart
6- To select and kill (surplus animals). ..... cull
7- To come or go back (to a previous state, point in a discussion etc). ..... revert
8- Very bright in colour. ..... gaudy
9- To attack, torment. ..... assail
10- A type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating
them. ..... locust
Many thanks Marit for this new exercise.
See you tonight!
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