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Avis/lieux et formes de pouvoir

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Avis/lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de manonramette posté le 03-01-2019 à 11:45:44 (S | E | F)
je vais bientôt passer mon oral d'anglais et j'aimerais avoir un avis sur ma notion lieux et formes de pouvoir où je traite des médias. Je ne suis pas sûre à propos de ma syntaxe et de ma grammaire.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide!

I’m going to talk about the notion of forms and places of power. First of all, the power is the authority exercised by a person, an institution on an other person or a group of people. The power can be expressed in politics but also in social issues, that’s why it can be at the roof of conflicts in a community. I will focus on the media which is a form and place of power. How can the media be or not dangerous for our society ? In a first part, we will see that media have power to influence public opinion then, we will see that media does not have power to influence public opinion.

Firstly, media have power to influence public opinion and can be dangerous for our society. In fact, there are different types of medias like the press, TV news but also social networks. In the video « Golden Eagle Snatches Kid », a baby is snatched by a golden eagle. The surprising scene took place in Montreal, in canada. On the face of it The video was shot by the parents of the baby. When the baby is snatched, the parents are not really worried. The video made more than 13 millions of views on Youtube, and generate a lot of responses by the media. People have mixed feelings, one part think the video is a fake but another think it is not. In reality, the video is a total montage made by a group of student in the university of Montréal for their exam. The video shows really how the media can influence public opinion even if all of what it deals is false. However, this type of lie is not really serious, the media has the power to say what they want. That’s why there are different type of press : quality press and tabloids. For example, in France, when François Hollande was going to see Julie Gayet with the breakfast the quality press didn’t say anything on the contrary of tabloids which took a real pleasure to show the secret life of the president.

Secondly, the media is not dangerous for our society but useful. In fact, without the media we could not know what is happening in our world. In the document «  Duties and Responsibilities of Journalists », an article written by Ellie Williams, we can see what a journalist has to do and what he has not to do. For the author, a journalist has to find correct informations, have to gather different point of views of people concerned. That’s why a journalist doesn’t have to be shy but sociable. In addition, they must have to obey the law or the privacy. If they don’t obey they can be jailed and pay casualties. The document show that the journalist has to respect a lot of rules, that’s why he is important for the society. The journalist has to give right information, we should trust him. However, the journalist has to be as objective as possible. That’s why in a disaster, we can see no feelings in the journalist face, to give us the most objective and real information, to be the most useful for the society, we can see that in the document No sensitivity written by Ottawa citizen in 2010, which show a journalist a woman upset by an earthquake.

In conclusion, the media has the power to influence the world, but this power can be dangerous for our world but also useful. We can wonder if the social networks has they too, the power to influence the world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-01-2019 13:22

Réponse : Avis/lieux et formes de pouvoir de laure95, postée le 04-01-2019 à 18:29:49 (S | E)
- First of all, the (enlever the) power is the authority
- The (idem) power can be expressed in politics
- How can the (idem)media be or not dangerous for our society ?
- media does (pluriel) not have power to influence public opinion.

- canada: majuscule.
- The video made more than 13 millions of views on Youtube, and generate (passé)a lot of responses by the media.
- one part think :faute de conjugaison.
- another think: faute de conjugaison.
-a group of student: pluriel.
- in (pas la bonne préposition)the university of Montréal
- the (pas de the)media has (plureil)the power
- there are different type (pluriel)of press
- when François Hollande was going to see Julie Gayet with (pas la bonne préposition)the breakfast

- Secondly, the (pas de the)media is (pluriel) not dangerous
- to find correct informations (mot invariable),
- different point (plurile) of views of people concerned.
- The document show: faute de conjugaison.
- no feelings (singulier) in (pas la bonne préposition) the journalist (marque de la possession) face,
- which show (faute de conjugaison)a journalist

- In conclusion, the (pas de the) media has (pluriel)the power to influence the world,
- if the (pas de the)social networks has (pluriel) they too, the power to influence the world.

Réponse : Avis/lieux et formes de pouvoir de gerold, postée le 04-01-2019 à 21:37:58 (S | E)

En plus des remarques de laure95 :

... that’s why it can be at the roof of conflicts in a community. "Roof", c'est le toit, vous confondez avec un mot très proche signifiant "racine".

... In a first part, we will see that media have power to influence public opinion then, we will see that media does do not have power to influence public opinion. C'est contradictoire et de toute façon cela ne correspond pas à ce que vous dites dans la seconde partie.

... have to gather ... accord, le sujet est "a journalist".

... In addition, they must have to must ou have to, mais pas les deux obey the law or autre verbe, "obey" ne va pas avec "privacy" the privacy. If they don’t obey they can be jailed and devoir, être obligé de payer pay casualties. ce mot signifie "victimes d'un accident ou de la guerre", cherchez le mot "indemnité" (pas "indemnity" dans ce cas).


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