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Notion/ idea of progress

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Notion/ idea of progress
Message de nath55 posté le 13-02-2019 à 18:49:46 (S | E | F)
j'aimerais que vous regardiez ma notion et éventuellement indiquiez les fautes que j'ai pu faire.

I'm going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. First let me define this notion : we can say that progress is a forward movement, a gradual betterment and the progressive development of humankind especially like science, economy or society. Consequently, it can be thought of as a positive thing, even if, in some situations, progress is pushed to the limits and there are sometimes excesses. To be more precise, i will talk about the impact of new technology on social relations, in fact, I would like to show how far new technology can be harmful to our social lives.
In class, we studied several documents which can be linked to the notion
First, I have chosen to tell you about a caricature of Norman Rockwell's painting.
Then, I will talk about a video on solution against your addiction to technology.
And, finally, I will deal with an article about the Amish community.

First, let's speak about the first document it's a caricature of the painting by Norman Rockwell entitled « Freedom from want ». It depicts a family meal on thanksgiving, the people are all staring at their screens and don’t seem to care about one another. The cartoonist denounces the addiction to technological devices.
Now, I will tell you what the second document is about. It is about a solution against your addiction to technology. it is a report about the addiction to technology, that is to say the need to disconnect. Indeed, it leads to lack of concentration and it prevents people from sleeping. Many people realise how unhealthy it is and are ready to pay huge sums of money to be without their cellphones and find peace.
Finally, I will sum up the third document, it is an article from the internet about Amish community, people mistakenly think the Amish are against technology. Indeed use tehcnology at work yet they don't use at home. They use technological devices as long as it's not harmful for instance they don't use electricity at home because they are afraid of being torn apart. The Amish are careful and think twice before using technology.
To my mind, the three documents can be linked with the notion of progress. Indeed, the first document focuses on the harmful effect of technology on social relations for people who are addicted WHEREAS in the two other documents people realise technology prevents them from communicating. So, on the one hand, technology makes your everyday life easier, on the other hand it can be considered as a kind of regression concerning social relations for the people who don’t use it wisely.

Personally i think the addiciton to technology 's really harmful. On the one hand there are people who use their cellphones all the time and they don't realise it but i desagree also beacause it's the people who use.
I think that addiction to technology can be bad for our health, when we use it excessively. But on the other hand I think people realize that it’s bad for their health and that they have a real addiction but they don’t want to get rid of it. For me the technologies is a regression for social contact.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2019 08:29

Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de laure95, postée le 14-02-2019 à 10:25:29 (S | E)
Then, I will talk about a video on solution(s ?) against your addiction to technology.

First, let's speak about the first document (it's a caricature of the painting by Norman Rockwell
- It depicts a family meal on Thanksgiving (majuscule),
- the (aps de the) people are all staring at their screens
- Indeed, it leads to (article)lack of concentration
- and find peace: ?

- it is an article from the (pas de the)internet about (article)Amish community,
- Indeed (sujet?)use tehcnology (orthographe) at work
- yet they don't use (use what?) at home.
- They use technological devices as long as it's (pluriel)not harmful
- Personally i (majuscue)think the addiciton to technology 's really harmful.
- i (majuscule) desagree (orthographe) also beacause it's the people who use (mal dit).
- I think that (article) addiction to technology can be bad for our health
- For me the technologies is (faute de conjugaison)a regression for social contact.

Good job!

Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de nath55, postée le 14-02-2019 à 11:21:44 (S | E)
Merci, pour avoir pris le temps de corriger ma notion, ceci dit c'est plus des fautes inattentions que des fautes de grammaires?
bonne journée nath55

Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de laure95, postée le 14-02-2019 à 13:41:41 (S | E)
Oui, je pense.
Merci. Bonne journée à toi aussi.


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