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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de aurelienworks posté le 25-03-2019 à 11:16:35 (S | E | F)
Pourriez vous me dire si ces phrases sont écrites correctement s'il vous plait ?

1)It's not surprising that there are so much job-seekers in view of the overcrowding.
2)My mother's friend spotted the endangered animal.
3)The baker sud his supplier
4) His complaints are incessant. It's unbearable !
5) He probably has not verify the product efficacy
6) He has been sick during two weeks. He is slowly recovering.
7) The driver has passed his rival, he has moved into the lead !
-> si vous aviez des synonymes ou la manière la plus courante de traduire "passer en tête je serais preneur ;) )
8) I go ahead, you follow me !
-> je passe devant, tu me suis !
9) He rushed toward the exit then he stumbled (does the use of trip is better ? More frequent ? )
10) The king spared him. It's rare that he procceed like that.
-> Is there a better way to say "comme ça" or "ainsi"

Merci par avance !
Bonne journée !

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2019 12:01

Réponse : Correction/phrases de gerondif, postée le 25-03-2019 à 16:39:26 (S | E)
1)It's not surprising that there are so much job-seekers in view of the overcrowding.
2)My mother's friend spotted the endangered animal.
3)The baker sud his supplier (to sue ? poursuivre en justice ?) (soap-suds : des flocons de lessive)
4) His complaints are incessant(sonne bien français). It's unbearable !
5) He probably has not verify(conjugaison mal orthographiée) the product efficacy
6) He has been sick during two weeks. He is slowly recovering.
7) The driver has passed his rival, he has moved into the lead !
-> si vous aviez des synonymes ou la manière la plus courante de traduire "passer en tête je serais preneur ;) )
8) I go ahead, you follow me !
-> je passe devant, tu me suis !
9) He rushed toward the exit then he stumbled (does the use of trip is better ? More frequent ? )
10) The king spared him. It's rare that he procceed like that(fait mot-à-mot).
-> Is there a better way to say "comme ça" or "ainsi" Yes, there are. He very rarely proceeds that way. He very rarely behaves so. Seldom does he proceed thus/that way.

Réponse : Correction/phrases de aurelienworks, postée le 25-03-2019 à 19:06:20 (S | E)
1)It's not surprising that there are so many job-seekers in view of the overcrowding.
2)My mother's friend spotted the endangered animal.
3)The baker sued his supplier
4) His complaints are incessant. It's unbearable !
5) He probably has not verified the product efficacy
6) He has been sick during two weeks. He is slowly recovering.
7) The driver has passed his rival, he has moved into the lead !
-> si vous aviez des synonymes ou la manière la plus courante de traduire "passer en tête je serais preneur ;) )
8) I go ahead, you follow me !
-> je passe devant, tu me suis !
9) He rushed toward the exit then he stumbled (does the use of trip is better ? More frequent ? )
10) The king spared him. He rarely proceeds like that.
-> Is there a better way to say "comme ça" or "ainsi" Yes, there are. He very rarely proceeds that way. He very rarely behaves so. Seldom does he proceed thus/that way.
-> Merci beaucoup pour tout ça, il n'y a que l'expression passer en tête qui me pose un peu problème, à moins que ce que j'ai écrit soit le plus approprié.

Merci !

Réponse : Correction/phrases de gerondif, postée le 25-03-2019 à 19:40:48 (S | E)
It's not surprising that there are so many job-seekers in view of the overcrowding.(sens? taking overpopulation into consideration ?
2)My mother's friend spotted the endangered animal.
3)The baker sued his supplier
4) His complaints are incessant. It's unbearable !
5) He probably has not verified the product efficacy
6) He has been sick during two weeks. He is slowly recovering.(un oubli during répond à la question when, complément de temps, alors que for répond à la question how long, durée. He was ill for a week during the holidays. How long was he ill ? For a week. When was he ill ? During the holidays)
7) The driver has passed his rival, he has moved into the lead !
8) I go ahead,(I take the lead) you just follow me !
-> je passe devant, tu me suis !
9) He rushed (c'est pas plutôt il se ruait, he was rushing ?) toward the exit then he stumbled (does the use of trip is better ? More frequent ? )
10) The king spared him. He rarely proceeds like that.
The king spared him, which he normally seldom does /rarely does /hardly ever does.
-> Is there a better way to say "comme ça" or "ainsi" Yes, there are. He very rarely proceeds that way. He very rarely behaves so. Seldom does he proceed thus/that way.

Réponse : Correction/phrases de aurelienworks, postée le 27-03-2019 à 11:44:00 (S | E)

It's not surprising that there are so many job-seekers in view of the overcrowding.(sens? taking overpopulation into consideration ?
What I would say was there are many people out of work because the city is overcrowded. We can suppose that an overcrowded city can be affected by that issue.
->Ce n'est pas surprenant qu'il y ait tant de demandeurs d'emploi au vu de la surpolutation.

Thank you for the explanation about for and during, I understand now !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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