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Rack your brains and help!/ 44

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Rack your brains and help!/ 44
Message de here4u posté le 13-04-2019 à 12:39:54 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Workers and Players!

Here is your new exercise to tease and make your brains work... As promised, there will be only little work concerning "Scrambling and Reordering".
I hope you'll like the text, though it's a little more serious than the preceding one, but it's about a concerning topic... , one we'll have to deal with in the following years...
This exercise is a and the correction will be online on Saturday, April 27.

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! à écrire en majuscules !
Cependant, cette fois encore, vous en verrez plus, car une fois qu'il fait une faute, mon élève la répète tout le long du texte ! (il l'a faite de bonne foi !) Merci de les corriger, en ne les comptant que pour « une seule », à chaque fois …

The state of accommodation is around a list of 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, the survey of 2,196 students in GB shew.
But to have noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also lights up concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent stood at about £125 a week, in what parents contribute an average of £44. One in five students receive more than £100 a week from parents to help covered the cost.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had raised of nearly a third in six years. About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic year lodgings by November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the cost over time.
In addition of the cost, poor conditions in student accommodation were a major concern. One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in there was no front door at the property and there was no heat two months after. Another in Newcastle said she had no hot water for the entire year : "I had to light the kettle and fill in the sink that way to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or hea(ting, disruptive building work, and rodents and pests all featured in the top 10 list of complains, according to the survey.
Updated legislation, which takes effect on 20 March, is designed to ensure that all lent accommodation is fit for human habitation and strenghtens tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail keeping their properties safety.

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:


2. EIWLH the SAWL DURNOA GINRETN are LNTNCYTASO GIOPINVRM there needs to be a much RIAESE way for SNDTTEUS to report and ESLRVOE SEBRMLOP with their NIAOMCAOTDMOC." = 11

Using THE 8 WORDS given below (the 2 verbs can be put in whatever tenses or forms you fancy but MUST remain verbs!), 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, (you CANNOT change the nature of the words!) and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE.
You CANNOT use two or more compulsory words consecutively! PLEASE, WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR SENTENCE, PUT CAPITALS TO THESE WORDS!
(Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens.)
Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, courte (moins de 50 mots, si possible ...), mais je le répète, qui ait un sens et sa logique interne !) Cet exercice est TRES difficile, , c'est pourquoi il demande beaucoup de réflexion et d'attention, de rigueur aussi dans l'application des règles. Vous ne pouvez le poster QU'UNE FOIS (ne faire qu'un seul exemplaire).
La date limite pour cet exercice est le vendredi 26 avril 2019 tard. (Ne pas dépasser 60 mots … Merci.)
( Beaucoup de règles, j'en suis désolée ... mais déjà comme ça, c'est énormément de travail, et sans un effort de chacun, c'est ingérable.) Je sais que plusieurs d'entre vous sont très attachés à cet exercice-jeu, qu'ils trouvent formateur and "mind-puzzling". Je vous rappelle cependant que vous n'êtes pas obligés de le faire ! FREEDOM!
Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
- (to) RISE - (to) INCLUDE – an EFFECT – a LACK – MAJOR – DECENT – ACCORDING TO – IN ADDITION – + une impossibilité .

Of course, I give you THE FORCE... while you give me your BEST!

Attention : dans le unscramble, deux erreurs ont été corrigées ... Maxwell!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de alpiem, postée le 16-04-2019 à 14:47:38 (S | E)
Hello here4u and Maxwell

Rack your brains and help!/ 44 READY NOW

The state of accommodation is ABOUT a list of 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, the survey of 2,196 students in GB SHOWED.
But HAVING noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also lights up concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent stood at about £125 a week, in what parents contributeD an average of £44. One in five students receiveD more than £100 a week from parents to help COVER the cost.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had raised of nearly a third in six years. About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic year LODGING by November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the COSTS over time.
In addition to the cost, poor conditions in studenTS accommodation were a major concern. One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in, there was no front door at the property and there was no heatING two months after. Another in Newcastle said she had HAD no hot water for the entire year : "I had to light the kettle and fill in the sink that WAS to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or heating, disruptive building works, and rodents and pests all featured in the top 10 list of complainTS, according to the survey.
Updated legislation, which takes effect on the 20Th of March, is designed to ensure that all LET accommodation is fit for human habitation and strenghtens tenants' means of redress against landlords FAILING TO KEEP their properties safety.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de taiji43, postée le 17-04-2019 à 16:48:20 (S | E)
Here is my correction (I hope the student will be satisfided ????
Thank you for the correction

The state of accommodation is around a list of 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, the survey of 2,196 students in GB SHOWED

But HAVING noisy housemates remains the biggest GRIPE in the annual survey. It also HIGHT concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.

The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970.
Average rent stood at about £125 a week, OF WICH parents contribute an average of £44.

One in five students receive more than £100 a week from parents to help COVER the cost.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill.

Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had RISEN BY nearly a third in six years.

About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic year’S lodgings by November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the cost over time.

In addition of the cost, poor conditions in student accommodation were a major concern.

One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in there was no front door at the property and there was no HEATING two months LATER

Another in Newcastle said she had no hot water for the entire year : "I had to PLUG IN the kettle and fill UP the sink ,that way, to wash my face," she said.

Damp, a lack of water or HEATING, disruptive building work, and rodents and pests all featured in the top 10 list of complains, according to the survey.

Updated legislation, which takes effect on 20 March, is designed to ensure that all RENTED accommodation is fit for human habitation and strenghtens tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail TO KEEP their properties safety.

II°)UNSCRAMBLE WORDS that is what i chose to do

2) WHILE the LAWS around RENTING are CONSTANTLY IMPROVING there needs to be a much EASIER way for STUDENTS to report and RESOLVE PROBLEMS with the
ir accomodation." = 11

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de here4u, postée le 22-04-2019 à 17:18:04 (S | E)
Hello workers and Friends...

I know five days is "a long time"... to do an exercise... but when it comes to correcting a bunch of them (and transfer them, etc), it can be very short , especially if there are other exercises requiring attention and time too.

Please, do not be too long to post this exercise (or to send me an mp telling me that you intend to... you may post what you have already finished and indicate "in progress" for the rest...)

Thanks for helping me help you...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de joe39, postée le 23-04-2019 à 12:52:55 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Please find hereunder my work,
Ready to be corrected

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !

The state of accommodation is ABOUT - 1 a list of THE- 2 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, AS - 3 the survey of 2,196 students in GB SHOWS - 4.
But HAVING - 5 noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also lights up concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent INCREASED TO - 6 about £125 a week, in WHICH- 7 parents contribute ON 8 average WITH - 9 £44. One in five students receive more than £100 a week from parents to help COVER -10 the cost.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had raised of nearly a third in six years. About 30% of those asked FOR -11 had started to LOOKING - 12 for the following academic year lodgings by November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the cost over time.
In addition TO the cost, poor conditions in student accommodation were a major concern. One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in there was no front door at the property and there was no HEATING -13 two months after. Another in Newcastle said she had no hot water for the entire year : "I had to light the kettle and fill in the sink that way to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or HEATING, disruptive building WORKS - 14, and rodents and PARASITES -15 all featured in the top 10 list of COMPLAINTS - 16, according to the survey.
Updated legislation, which takes effect on 20 March, is designed to ensure that all LET LODGINGS ARE- 17 fit for human habitation and STRENGTHEN- 18 tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail TO KEEP- 19 their properties SAF - 20.

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:

1. Sorry, I give up.
2.WHILE the LAWS AROUND RENTING are CONSTANTLY IMPROVING there needs to be a much EASIER way for STUDENTS to report and RESOLVE PROBLEMS with their ACCOMMODATION" = 11

PLAYING and WORKING WITH WORDS: Using THE 8 WORDS given below La date limite pour cet exercice est le vendredi 26 avril 2019 tard. (Ne pas dépasser 60 mots … Merci.)
Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
- (to) RISE - (to) INCLUDE – an EFFECT – a LACK – MAJOR – DECENT – ACCORDING TO – IN ADDITION – + une impossibilité . viz you cannot read in darkness

AN EFFECT of the MAJOR increase of oil price in 1970s, was the RISING of new logistic technologies, which made the suppliers able to satisfy the indents, offering, IN ADDITION, very DECENT prices “all INCLUDED” ex-factory- job site , ACCORDING TO the exigencies dictated by the huge growth of international trade, which led to A LACK of scruples, as declared by a CEO: IF WE HAD BETTER “INVESTED IN THE CONNECTIONS”, WE WOULD HAVE WON THE BIDDINGS FOR THE DESALINATION PLANT. 57

This time it was like hardtack to eat, but I thank you very much for giving me the inspiration to recall something related to the past century, though somehow still topical nowadays.
I wish you a pleasant week.

So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de icare29, postée le 23-04-2019 à 17:39:19 (S | E)
Hello Here4u ,and all hard workers, here is my work , OK FOR CORRECTION

The state of accommodation is around a list of THE 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, the survey of 2,196 students in GB shown

But HAVING noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also lights up concerns about the COSTS of living away from home for the first time.

The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, DEPOSITS, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970.

Average rent stood at about £125 PER week, in WHICH parents contributeD an average of £44. One OUT OF five students receiveD more than £100 PER week from parents to help TO COVER the COSTS .

Two OUT OF five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had RISEN of nearly BY A third in six years.

About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic year lodgings by November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the COSTS over time.

In addition TO the COSTS , poor conditions in student accommodation were major concernS. One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in there was no front door at the property and there was no HEATING two months LATER

Another in Newcastle said she had no hot water for the entire year : "I had to TURN ON the kettle and POUR HOT WATER INTO the sink, that is the way to wash my face," she said.

Damp,THE lack of water or HEATING, disruptive building WORKS , and rodents and PEST all featured AT the top OF 10 list of COMPLAINTS , according to the survey.

Updated legislation, which takes effect IN MARCH 20TH , is designed to ensure that all lent accommodation ARE FITTED for human habitation and STRENGHTEN tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail keeping their properties safety.

Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
- (to) RISE - (to) INCLUDE ? an EFFECT ? a LACK ? MAJOR ? DECENT ? ACCORDING TO ? IN ADDITION ? une impossibilité .

ACCORDIND TO the lastest statement about the EFFECTS of the epidemic , the LACK of information have provoked a MAJOR panic among the population ;the number of death INCLUDING adults and children have broadly RISEN ; authorities said they are now powerless and CANNOT PREVENT the plague into spreading in the country ,IN ADDITION TO THE CURSE the dead cannot be buried in DECENT way 64 WORDS

Dear Here4u , thank you very much for your new interesting exercise

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de peticha, postée le 24-04-2019 à 01:56:49 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u, thanks!
Hello all of you!

Here is my try:
PLAYING and WORKING WITH WORDS: Using THE 8 WORDS given below (2 verbs, 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE. (Une seule phrase complexe, courte (moins de 50 mots, si possible Ne pas dépasser 60 mots...), vendredi 26 avril 2019 tard.
Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
- (to) RISE - (to) INCLUDE – an EFFECT – a LACK – MAJOR – DECENT – ACCORDING TO – IN ADDITION – + une impossibilité .

ACCORDING TO that sixth MAJOR endangered species, INCLUDE humanity ‘s future, IN ADDITION of plants and animals’, anger and fears RISE in people's heart, against the others, not to bring more bad EFFECTS on Nature because we have some LACKS about laws, that it would be DECENT to save live beings… so that life COULDN’T be anymore! 60 words.

Of course, I give you THE FORCE... while you give me your BEST!...
Have a great week!
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de here4u, postée le 24-04-2019 à 10:25:59 (S | E)

Merci à ceux qui ont posté (et me permettent ainsi de ne pas faire des corrections "last-minute" )
Je commence aujourd'hui à transférer ces travaux.
Bon courage à ceux qui ont encore prévu de poster ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de chocolatcitron, postée le 26-04-2019 à 03:19:23 (S | E)
Rack your brains and help!/ 44 13-04-2019 here4u Saturday, April 27
Hello, and thanks you, my dear Here4u !

Here is my work:
I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !
The state of accommodation is (1) ABOUT a list of 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, the survey of 2,196 students in GB shew.
But to have noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also (2) HIGHLIGHTS concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent stood at about £125 a week, (3) OF WHICH parents contribute an average of £44. (4) ONE FIFTH students receive more than £100 a week from parents to help (5) COVER the cost.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had (6) RISEN (7) BY nearly a third in six years. About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic (8) year ‘S lodgings by November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the cost over time.
In addition (9) TO the cost, poor conditions in student accommodation were a major concern. One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in there was no front door (10) ON (or in ?) the property and there was (11) STILL no (12) HEATING two months after. Another in Newcastle said she had no hot water for the entire year : "I had to (13) BOIL the kettle and (14) fill UP the sink that way to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or HEATING, disruptive building work, and rodents and pests all featured in the top 10 list of (15) COMPLAINTS, according to the survey.
Updated legislation, which takes effect on (16) MARCH, 20th , is designed to ensure that all (17) RENT accommodation is (18) FITTED (GB) for human habitation and (19) STRENGTHENS tenants' means of redress against landlords who (20)fail TO KEEP their properties (21) SAFE.

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:
2. WHILE the LAWS AROUND RENTING are CONSTANTLY IMPROVING there needs to be a much EASIER way for STUDENTS to report and RESOLVE PROBLEMS with their ACCOMMODATION." = 11

PLAYING and WORKING WITH WORDS: Using THE 8 WORDS given below (the 2 verbs, 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE.
Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, courte (moins de 50 mots, si possible ...), sans dépasser 60 mots … Merci.)

Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
- (to) RISE - (to) INCLUDE – an EFFECT – a LACK – MAJOR – DECENT – ACCORDING TO – IN ADDITION – + une impossibilité .

ACCORDING TO scientific reports, we must RISE to the challenge by our more DECENT behaviour towards nature: that means being respectful towards plants, animals, which INCLUDES natural habitats, IN ADDITION TO humans; if we don’t change our behaviour about this MAJOR problem, through LACK of cleverness, although bad EFFECTS on our actions we COULDN’T get a new planet ! 60 words.

Selon les dires des scientifiques nous devons relever le défi par un comportement plus courtois envers la nature : cela signifie être respectueux envers les plantes et les animaux, ce qui inclus les milieux naturels, en plus des humains ; si nous ne changeons pas nos comportements au sujet de ce problème majeur, par manque d’intelligence, malgré les mauvaises répercussions de nos actions nous ne pourrons pas obtenir une nouvelle planète !

Of course, I give you THE FORCE... back to you Here4u!
Have a very, very sweet week!
See you soon.

Modifié par chocolatcitron le 26-04-2019 20:45

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de maxwell, postée le 26-04-2019 à 07:11:47 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Thanks a lot again, I'm always impressed by the quality of your exercises: I'm only absolutely sure about half to 60% of the mistakes I've corrected, but I had to read the text for the 5th time to find some possible other mistakes (I almost missed out STRENGTHEN...)

I. Help my student:
The state of accommodation is ON THE list of THE 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, A survey of 2,196 students in GB SHOWED.
But HAVING noisy housemates REMAINED the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also LIT up concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent REMAINED at about £125 a week, in WHICH parents CONTRIBUTED an average of £44. One in five students RECEIVED more than £100 a week from parents to help COVER the cost.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had RISEN BY nearly a third in six years. About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic year lodgings SINCE November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the cost over time.
In addition TO the cost, poor conditions in student accommodation were a major concern. One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in[,] there was no front door at the property and there was no heat two months after. Another in Newcastle said she had HAD no hot water for the entire year : "I had to light the kettle and fill in the sink that way to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or heating, disruptive building work, and rodents and pests all featured in the top 10 list of COMPLAINTS, according to the survey.

Updated legislation, which IS TAKING effect on MARCH 20, is designed to ensure that EVERY RENTED accommodation is "fit for human habitation" and STRENGTHENS tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail TO KEEP their properties SAFE.

II) unscramble the words so as to make meaningful sentences:
2. WHILE the LAWS AROUND RENTING are CONSTANTLY IMPROVING there needs to be a much EASIER way for STUDENTS to report and RESOLVE PROBLEMS with their ACCOMMODATION." = 11

III) Playing with words:

ACCORDING TO most people, John CAN'T succeed in RISING to power and the MAJOR factors are his LACK of a DECENT education IN ADDITION to his poor general knowledge, which INCLUDES his ignorance of politics and its EFFECTS on society. (41)

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de magie8, postée le 26-04-2019 à 12:42:02 (S | E)
Hello me voilà enfin dans les dernières cette fois ready to correct

The state of accommodation is FROM a list of THE 10 biggest concerns among young tenants,AS the survey of 2,196 students in GB SHOWED IT
But havING noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also HIGHLIGHTS concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent AMOUNTED at about £125 a week, in whICH parents contributeD an average of £44. One in five students receiveD more than £100 a week from parents to help COVER the costS.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had RISEN of nearly a third in six years. About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic year lodgings SINCE November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the cost over time.
In addition TO the cost, poor conditions in student accommodation were a major concern. One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in there was no front door at the property and there was STILL no heatING two months LATER. Another in Newcastle said she had HAD no hot water for the entire year : "I had to PUT the kettle ON and fill in the sink that way to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or heating, disruptive building works, and rodents and PEST all featured in the top 10 list of complains, according to the survey.
Updated legislation, which takes effect on March 20TH, is designed to ensure that all RENTAL accommodationS (or UNITS) ARE SUITABLE for human habitation and TO STRENGHTEN tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail TO KEEP their properties SAFE. ]

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2019 09:33
Bug couleur réparé.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de here4u, postée le 27-04-2019 à 23:04:02 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends,

Des félicitations ! C’est ce que vous méritez tous pour le bon, très bon travail que tous m’avez fourni. J’ai vu, et corrigé les recherches que vous avez faites et qui vous ont, sauf conclusions erronées ou étourderies, amenés à « la bonne solution ».
Dès le début du texte, vous aviez un choix à faire : décider si vous alliez écrire au présent, ou au passé de narration. Le texte était au présent, et pour une fois, j'ai laissé ce temps ... J’ai accepté l’un ou l’autre, mais pas les mélanges ! Ce texte évoquait la difficultés qu’ont les étudiants britanniques à se loger à un prix abordable et dans des conditions correctes.

Cette fois, le N° II) a eu plus de succès ! Certains ont tout réussi ! BRAVO.
Une fois de plus, j’ai besoin de 3 volontaires pour le texte et d'1 pour les phrases. Merci de vous déclarer assez vite. Merci donc à tous pour votre motivation et votre courage au travail ! D’excellents résultats en sont la « récompense » …

I. Help my student: (find the 20 mistakes !)
The state of accommodation is among (1) a list of the 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, the survey of 2,196 students in GB shows (2).
But having (3) noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also highlights (4) concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent stood at about £125 a week, TO which (5) parents contribute an average of £44.// End of Part 1// One in five students receive more than £100 a week from parents to help cover (6) the cost.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had risen (7) by (8) nearly a third in six years. About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic year's lodgings (9) by November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the cost over time.
In addition to (10) the cost, poor conditions in student accommodation were a major concern. // End of Part 2// One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in (11) there was no front door on the property and there was no heating(12) for (13) two months. Another in Newcastle said she had no hot water for the entire year: "I had to boil (14) the kettle and fill up (15) the sink that way to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or heating, disruptive building work, and rodents and pests all featured in the top 10 list of complaints(16), according to the survey.
Updated legislation, which takes effect on 20 March, is designed to ensure that all rented (17) accommodation is fit for human habitation and strengthens(18) tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail to keep (19) their properties safe.(20)//

(1) Ne pas confondre les prépositions : around= autour de // among= parmi
(2) To show, I SHOWED, shown. Ici, le texte était au présent. Vous pouviez aussi employer le prétérit de narration, mais dans ce cas, il fallait l’utiliser tout le long du texte.
(3) To have housemates= pour avoir des colocataires // Having housemates= avoir (= le fait d’avoir= gérondif) des colocataires.
(4) To highlight= mettre l’accent sur/ souligner.
(5) To contribute to something. What= "ce que" en début de phrase ; ",which"= ce que qui reprend un antécédent ou toute une proposition.
(6) « To help cover ; to help to cover » (le premier est plus courant) mais pas la forme en –ing, ni une forme conjuguée qui sont fausses.
(7) Ne pas confondre : to rise, rose, risen= monter, s’élever. Et « to raise »= remonter, relever.
(8) to raise BY (et non pas OF)
(9) the academic year’s lodgings = cas possessif (génitif) temporel.
(10) In addition TO something
(11) … the day she moved in: nécessité de préciser « moved in », ce qui était le cas ici, ou « moved out ».
(12) (13) heat= de la chaleur ; heating= le chauffage ; le texte donnait : "there was no heating for 2 months." Le prétérit était bien justifié parce qu’au moment où le texte était écrit, le chauffage était revenu, et l’action de « non-chauffage » terminée. J’ai accepté : « there was no heating 2 months later » qui, bien que différent, n’était pas faux. J’ai refusé « two months after » qui était faux ! ("after" seul n'est pas possible => afterwards/ then)
(14) Boil the kettle is the expression. « Light » the kettle, en encore moins « light up » the kettle ne convenaient pas. Pour une bouilloire électrique = plug/ in/ switch on ;
(15) voir différence entre « fill in » et « fill up ». “fill in” and “fill out” mean to complete a questionnaire, survey or form with the necessary information. “Fill up” means to make something full, generally with a liquid. Lien internet

(16) To complain about = the verb => the noun = a complaint.
(17) Différence entre « to let (let let) a flat »: the owner (landlord/ landlady) does et to rent a flat.(the tenant does !)
(18) To strengthEN = verbe dérivé du nom "force" : STRENGTH avec le TH final qui doit siffler… Fautes très communes aussi parmi élèves et étudiants …
(19) To fail TO DO something= ne pas faire quelque chose.
(20) Safety= le nom ! L’adjectif est SAFE!

II) Reorder and unscramble the words:
1."Too many people - including students - seem to believe that poor living conditions are just a part of student life. » 19

2."While the laws around renting are constantly improving, there needs to be a much easier way for students to report and resolve problems with their accommodation."

III. Playing with words and Grammar!

- ACCORDING TO most people, John CAN'T succeed in RISING to power and the MAJOR factors are his LACK of a DECENT education IN ADDITION to his poor general knowledge, which INCLUDES his ignorance of politics and its EFFECTS on society. (41)

- AN EFFECT of the MAJOR increases of oil price in 1970s, was the RISE of new logistic technologies, which made the suppliers able to satisfy the indents, offering, IN ADDITION, very DECENT prices “all INCLUDED” ex-factory-job site, ACCORDING TO the exigencies dictated by the huge growth of international trade, which led to A LACK of scruples, as declared by a CEO: IF WE HAD BETTER “INVESTED IN THE CONNECTIONS”, WE WOULD HAVE WON THE BIDDINGS FOR THE DESALINATION PLANT. 57 (Un peu difficile à suivre.)

- ACCORDIND TO the latest statement about the EFFECTS of the epidemic, the LACK of information has provoked a MAJOR panic among the population; the number of deaths INCLUDING adults and children has broadly RISEN; authorities said they are now powerless and CANNOT PREVENT the plague from spreading in the country, IN ADDITION TO THE CURSE, the dead cannot be buried in a DECENT way 64

- ACCORDING TO that sixth MAJOR endangered species, INCLUDING the future of humanity, IN ADDITION TO plants and animals’ anger and fears are RISING in people's heartS against the others ; we mustn’t cause more negative EFFECTS to Nature because we have some legislative LACKS; it would be DECENT to save living beings… Otherwise, life WOULD no longer exist! 57
"D'après cette sixième espèces en danger, incluant l'avenir de l'humanité, en plus de l'avenir des plantes et des animaux, la colère et la peur montent dans le cœur des hommes (qui la dénoncent et s'en désolent) contre les autres (qui s'en moquent et détruisent le vivant) ;nous ne devons pas causer plus d'effets néfastes à la nature parce que nous avons des lacunes législatives (les politiques pourraient faire changer les choses en choisissant de bonnes lois dissuasives et en les appliquant systématiquement) : ce serait plus respectable de sauver les êtres vivants (plutôt que de les détruire), sinon la vie pourrait ne plus pouvoir exister. (Still a little too confused)

- ACCORDING TO scientific reports, we must RISE to challenges by our more DECENT behaviour towards nature: that means being respectful towards plants, animals, INCLUDING natural habitats, IN ADDITION TO humans; if we don't change our behaviour about this MAJOR problem, through a LACK of cleverness, despite negative EFFECTS on our actions we COULDN'T (won’t be able to) get a new planet ! 60.

Encore BRAVO et MERCI à tous.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de maxwell, postée le 28-04-2019 à 07:54:53 (S | E)
First come, first served, je prends les phrases

1."Too many people - including students - seem to believe that poor living conditions are just a part of student life. » 19
Trop de gens -y compris les étudiants (eux-mêmes)- semblent croire que des conditions de vie médiocres font simplement partie de la vie étudiante.

2."While the laws around renting are constantly improving, there needs to be a much easier way for students to report and resolve problems with their accommodation."
Tandis que le droit concernant la location progresse constamment, les étudiants ont besoin d'un dispositif beaucoup plus simplifié pour signaler et régler les problèmes liés à leur logement.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de chocolatcitron, postée le 28-04-2019 à 18:55:57 (S | E)
Hello !
Je prends la première partie du texte !


Merci Here4u pour ta correction.

Le début de la première phrase a été remanipulée, pour ne pas l’alourdir, tout en gardant la même signification.
Pour ne pas répéter les mots, l’enquête, le sondage, … (qui reviennent en français aux mêmes résultats d’analyses sur le terrain), j'ai varié le vocabulaire.

The state of accommodation is among (1) a list of the 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, the survey of 2,196 students in GB shows (2).
But having (3) noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also highlights (4) concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent stood at about £125 a week, TO which (5) parents contribute an average of £44.//

La condition de l’hébergement est incluse dans la liste des 10 plus grandes préoccupations parmi les jeunes locataires, l’enquête des 2 196 étudiants en Grande Bretagne en témoigne.
Mais avoir des locataires bruyants reste la plainte la plus importante, dans le sondage annuel. Ce résultat d'analyse souligne aussi le souci au sujet du coût, de devoir vivre loin de chez soi, pour la première fois.
Les conditions recommandent que les coûts de départ, incluant les charges mensuelles, le dépôt de garanties, et un mois de loyer payé d’avance, totalisent 970 livres sterling. La moyenne des locations s’élève aux alentours de 125 livres sterling la semaine, somme à laquelle les parents contribuent par un apport de 44 livres sterling.

See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de magie8, postée le 29-04-2019 à 05:31:18 (S | E)
bonjour, je prends la suite : 2eme partie

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de magie8, postée le 29-04-2019 à 06:02:01 (S | E)
hello ma traduction
et un étudiant sur cinq reçoit de ses parents plus de 100 livres par semaine pour l'aider à couvrir les frais.
Deux sur cinq ont recours à des découverts, à des prêts et des cartes de crédit pour payer le loyer.
Des recherches précédentes ont démontré qu'au Royaume -Uni le prix moyen des logements pour étudiants avait augmenté de près d'un tiers en six ans.Environ 30%des personnes interrogées ont commencé
à chercher un logement pour l'année scolaire suivante dès le mois de novembre afin de trouver quelque chose de décent et de répartir les coûts sur plusieurs mois.
En plus du coût, les mauvaises conditions de logement des étudiants constituent une préoccupation majeure.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de magie8, postée le 29-04-2019 à 22:47:15 (S | E)

// One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in (11) there was no front door on the property and there was no heating(12) for (13) two months. Another in Newcastle said she had no hot water for the entire year: "I had to boil (14) the kettle and fill up (15) the sink that way to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or heating, disruptive building work, and rodents and pests all featured in the top 10 list of complaints(16), according to the survey.
Updated legislation, which takes effect on 20 March, is designed to ensure that all rented (17) accommodation is fit for human habitation and strengthens(18) tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail to keep (19) their properties safe.

Une étudiante de Portsmouth à dit que le jour de son emménagement, il n'y avait pas de porte à l'entrée de la maison et pas de chauffage pendant 2 mois.Une autre venant de Newcastle , disait qu'elle n'avait pas eu d'eau chaude de l'année.J'ai dû brancher la bouilloire et remplir ainsi le lavabo pour me laver le visage disait -t-elle.
L'humidité, le manque d'eau ou de chauffage,les perturbations des chantiers de construction , les rongeurs et les insectes ravageurs figurent tous dans les 10 premières plaintes de ce sondage.
La législation réactualisée qui entre en vigueur ce 20 mars vise à garantir que tous les logements loués soient adaptés à une occupation des lieux décente, pour l'Etre Humain et, renforcer les voies de recours des locataires contre les propriétaires qui n'assureraient pas la sécurité dans leur propriété.

le 20 mars

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 44 de here4u, postée le 05-05-2019 à 11:30:04 (S | E)

Merci à nos volontaires correcteurs !

The state of accommodation is among (1) a list of the 10 biggest concerns among young tenants, the survey of 2,196 students in GB shows (2).
But having (3) noisy housemates remains the biggest gripe in the annual survey. It also highlights (4) concerns about the cost of living away from home for the first time.
The findings suggested that typical upfront costs, including fees, the deposit, and a month's rent in advance, totalled £970. Average rent stood at about £125 a week, TO which (5) parents contribute an average of £44.//

Les conditions d’hébergement sont incluses dans la liste des 10 plus grandes préoccupations parmi les jeunes locataires, témoigne l’enquête concernant les 2 196 étudiants en Grande Bretagne.
Mais avoir des locataires bruyants reste la plainte la plus forte, dans le sondage annuel. Ce résultat d'analyse souligne aussi l'inquiétude portant sur le coût occasionné par l'installation loin de chez soi, pour la première fois.
Les conclusions notent que les paiements d'avance, incluant les charges mensuelles, le dépôt de garanties, et un mois de loyer payé d’avance, totalisent 970 livres sterling. Le loyer moyen s’élève à environ 125 livres sterling par semaine, somme à laquelle les parents contribuent par un apport de 44 livres sterling. (Bravo Choco et Merci )

One in five students RECEIVED more than £100 a week from parents to help COVER the cost.
Two in five turned to overdrafts, loans, and credit cards to pay the rental bill. Previous research suggested that the average price of student accommodation in the UK had RISEN BY nearly a third in six years. About 30% of those asked had started to look for the following academic year lodgings SINCE November in an attempt to find a decent deal and to spread the cost over time.
In addition TO the cost, poor conditions in student accommodation were a major concern.

Un étudiant sur cinq reçoit plus de 100 livres par semaine de ses parents pour l'aider à couvrir les frais.
Deux sur cinq ont recours à un découvert, à un prêt et à une carte de crédit (ici, c'était un pluriel concret, obligatoire en anglais !) pour payer leur loyer.
Des recherches précédentes ont démontré qu'au Royaume -Uni le prix moyen des logements pour étudiants avait augmenté de près d'un tiers en six ans. Environ 30% des personnes interrogées ont commencé à chercher un logement pour l'année universitaire suivante dès le mois de novembre afin de trouver quelque chose d'acceptable et de répartir le coût sur plusieurs mois.
En plus du prix, les mauvaises conditions de logement des étudiants constituent une préoccupation majeure.

One student in Portsmouth said that on the day she moved in (11) there was no front door on the property and there was no heating(12) for (13) two months. Another in Newcastle said she had no hot water for the entire year: "I had to boil (14) the kettle and fill up (15) the sink that way to wash my face," she said.
Damp, a lack of water or heating, disruptive building work, and rodents and pests all featured in the top 10 list of complaints(16), according to the survey.
Updated legislation, which takes effect on 20 March, is designed to ensure that all rented (17) accommodation is fit for human habitation and strengthens(18) tenants' means of redress against landlords who fail to keep (19) their properties safe.

Une étudiante de Portsmouth à dit que le jour de son emménagement, il n'y avait pas de porte à l'entrée de la résidence et pas de chauffage pendant 2 mois. A Newcastle une autre dit qu'elle n'avait pas eu d'eau chaude de toute l'année. "J'ai dû faire chauffer l'eau dans la bouilloire et remplir ainsi le lavabo pour me laver le visage" dit-elle.
L'humidité, le manque d'eau ou de chauffage, les perturbations des chantiers de construction, les rongeurs et les insectes ravageurs figurent tous dans les 10 premières plaintes de ce sondage.
La législation réactualisée qui entre en vigueur ce 20 mars vise à garantir que tous les logements loués soient adaptés à une occupation des lieux décente ; elle renforce les voies de recours des locataires contre les propriétaires qui n'assureraient pas la sécurité dans leur propriété.

Bravo Magie ... Un long et très bon travail !

1."Too many people - including students - seem to believe that poor living conditions are just a part of student life. » 19
Trop de gens -y compris les étudiants eux-mêmes- semblent croire que des conditions de vie médiocres font simplement partie de la vie étudiante. TTB (Ben oui ! C'était comme ça de notre temps, non ? )

2."While the laws around renting are constantly improving, there needs to be a much easier way for students to report and resolve problems with their accommodation."
Tandis que le droit concernant la location progresse constamment, les étudiants ont besoin d'un dispositif beaucoup plus simple pour signaler et régler les problèmes liés à leur logement. TTB

Bravo et à nos trois super volontaires !


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