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Notion/Idée de progrès

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Notion/Idée de progrès
Message de mamadu27 posté le 28-04-2019 à 15:26:22 (S | E | F)
j'ai un niveau assez médiocre en anglais et à l'approche de mes oraux j'aimerais si possible que quelqu'un me corrige mes erreurs.
Merci d'avance.

I'm going to talk about the notion of “idea of progress”. First I will give a definition of progress. For me the progress is the will of improve different fields: new technologies, medical, social in order to develop the society.
So we may request tif the progress scientific is always good or not ?
First, we will see the example of cloning and then we will see the example the example of new technologies.

Firstly, the cloning is the natural or artificial reproduction of a living being, these living beings even have the same DNA. The cloning would make it possible to select predetermined genetic characteristics, which would make it possible, for example, to choose the physics of our child. Cloning would therefore go against biodiversity and the mechanisms of the evolution of life. Today, many animals have already been cloned by different techniques. Animal cloning is therefore scientifically possible, but the technique is far from being totally mastered. Indeed, the majority of the trials give rise to sorts of "genetic monsters", endowed for example with overdeveloped organs, etc. For the cloning of Dolly, it took for example a total of two hundred and seventy seven experiments, which gives a success rate of only about zero point three percent.

Secondly, the new technologies also have disadvantages like internet. In fact, the internet is dangerous because people can create new identities, but also because the Internet keeps all that is posted on it. So it can ruin life projects just with a photo for example. The new technonologies create sedentary lifestyle, he becomes dependent because the new technologies allow him to no longer think, for example since the invention of the calculator man does much less mental calculation and is less and less function his memory. But the new technologies also bring robots that replace the man in his work and therefore bring unemployment. We can also see that new technologies have a significant price. And finally they also cause unsociability because some people prefer to stay in front of their screens or applications and therefore can not meet new people.

In conclusion, the scientist progress is at the heart of our society. It is not the scientific progress in him that poses the problem, but the way of using it. If this progress is well used, they will give considerable benefits to the world if not they risk killing entire populations if only one man decides to use it badly. We may wonders if one day progress will only be good?

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2019 15:51

Réponse : Notion/Idée de progrès de gerondif, postée le 29-04-2019 à 14:21:02 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I'm going to talk about the notion of “idea of progress”. First I will give a definition of progress. For me the progress is the will of improve different fields: new technologies, medical, social( à mettre devant technologies) in order to develop the society.
So we may request(que vient faire ce verbe ici ?) tif the(à ôter) progress scientific(inverser) is always good or not ?
First, we will see the example of cloning and then we will see the example the example of new technologies.

Firstly, the cloning is the natural or artificial reproduction of a living being, these living beings even have the same DNA. The cloning would make it possible to select predetermined genetic characteristics, which would make it possible, for example, to choose the physics(c'est LA physique, la science) of our child. Cloning would therefore go against biodiversity and the mechanisms of the evolution of life. Today, many animals have already been cloned by different techniques. Animal cloning is therefore scientifically possible, but the technique is far from being totally mastered. Indeed, the majority of the trials give rise to sorts of "genetic monsters", endowed for example with overdeveloped organs, etc. For the cloning of Dolly, it took for example a total of two hundred and seventy-seven experiments, which gives a success rate of only about zero point three percent.

Secondly, the new technologies also have disadvantages like the internet. In fact, the internet is dangerous because people can create new identities, but also because the Internet keeps all that is posted on it. So it can ruin life projects just with a photo for example. The new technonologies create sedentary lifestyle, he(qui est-il donc ?) becomes dependent because the new technologies allow him to no longer think (no longer devrait plutôt porter sur allow), for example since the invention of the calculator man does much less mental calculation and is less and less function(conjugaison) his memory. But the new technologies also bring robots that replace the man in his work and therefore bring about unemployment. We can also see that new technologies have a significant price. And finally they also cause unsociability because some people prefer to stay in front of their screens or applications and therefore cannot meet new people.

In conclusion, the scientist progress is at the heart of our society. It is not the scientific progress in him in itself) that poses the problem, but the way of using it. If this progress is well used, they(progress est singulier, global) will give considerable benefits to the world if not they risk killing entire populations if only one man decides to use it badly. We may wonders if one day progress will only be good? (will only be for the benefit of mankind)

Réponse : Notion/Idée de progrès de david93, postée le 29-04-2019 à 14:59:11 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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