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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Ecrit 2/aide
Message de spooky10 posté le 09-06-2019 à 00:26:58 (S | E | F)
En prévision de mon écrit d'anglais j'ai préparé un texte; j'aimerais de l'aide pour le corriger si possible.
Merci d'avance.

Situation anglais 2
I had the chance to travel a lot throught the world. Despite these travels I have always lived in big cities .But my last trip to Ardennes have changed my life . Now , I love the countryside . So I decided to live defintely in Ardennes . For several reasons Here are the main ones .

Indeed , The life in the countryside and in a big city includes many differences. The first often contains an atmosphere quieter than the second. In a big city children can do many activities like sport, music . It’s easier for them to follow these activities because they don’t need to cover a lot of distance. The living in city is more convenient for parents, if their children are sick, they can bring them to the doctor faster.
On another side, big cities are more contaminated.
In country the air is purer. furthermore it isn’t devoid of activities. They ‘re just different. We can pick mushroom in the garden , riding a bike or a horse.

Secondly , in the countryside people are more supportive than in the city. Everyone knows and appreciates each other. I think the countryside is much safer than the city, when I lived in London there were a lot of cars, buses or taxis ,most of them in a hurry , it was very dangerous . Moreover , the people was crazy , some didn't hesitate to create their own pedestrian crossings to save time.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-06-2019 08:54

Réponse : Ecrit 2/aide de mathdesigns, postée le 09-06-2019 à 10:48:57 (S | E)
Situation anglais 2
I had the chance to travel a lot throught the world. Despite those travels I have always lived in big cities .But my last trip to Ardennes have has changed my life . Now that I love this much the countryside, So I decided to live definitely in Ardennes for several reasons.Here are the main ones .

Indeed , The life in the countryside and in a big city includes many differences. The first often contains an atmosphere quieter than the second. In a big city children can do many activities like sport, music . It’s easier for them to follow those activities because they don’t need to cover a lot of distance. The life in city is more convenient for parents, if their children are sick, they can bring them to the doctor faster.
On another side, big cities are more contaminated.
In country the air is purer. furthermore it isn’t devoid of activities. They ‘re just different. We can pick mushroom in the garden , riding a bike or a horse.

Secondly , in the countryside people are more supportive than in the city. Everyone knows and appreciates each other. I think the countryside is much safer than the city, when I lived in London there were a lot of cars, buses or taxis ,most of them in a hurry , it was very dangerous . Moreover , the people was were crazy , some didn't hesitate to create their own pedestrian crossings to save some time.

Je n'ai pas un niveau incroyable d'anglais, mais j'ai fait ce que j'ai pu

Réponse : Ecrit 2/aide de spooky10, postée le 09-06-2019 à 14:34:58 (S | E)
Un grand merci


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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