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Professions /correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Professions /correction
Message de buca17 posté le 05-11-2019 à 00:57:58 (S | E | F)
Hi everyone !
Could you please help me with these sentences ?

The buyer is in charge of company purchases. He looks for suppliers who correspond to company needs and trades the prices with them.
The farmer usually works and lives in the countryside. He grows vegetables or breeds animals.
The ambulance driver take ill people in his car and drive them to the hospital where they will receive treatment.
The baker bakes bread, cakes and pastries. He sells it to the customers.
The lumberjack cut trees in forests using tools.
The surgeon operate patients. he works in a hospital or a clinic. He is specialized in a medical field.
The salesman advises customers. he must be able to help the customer with the choice which correspond to his expectation. He has to perfectly know products. In small companies he can be responsible of the cash register or the inventory.
The tiler has to lay/put on the house floor
The clown often works for a circus, he is made up and he makes the children laugh doing stupidities and sometimes magic tricks.
The dustman collects resident's garbage.
The grocer run a food shop. He mostly sells food products we also can find in his shop various helpful things to the everyday life.
The postman collects letters and parcels/packages in/at the post office and deliver them
to the residents.
The florist prepares bunches (or flowers bunches).
The wholesaler directly negotiates the price products with the producer and sells them to others professional distributors like retailers who will sell to the customer.
The speech therapist is specialized in the speaking problems, particularly with (chez les) children. He has to improve patients'diction.
The ophthalmologist controls the patient's sight and detects possibles sight diseases.
The plumber maintains the house pipe and repairs potential damages or leaks. Consequently, we call the plumber on for heating system matter, for example.
The psychologist treats psychological problems like depression, anorexia, anxiety. He can work as a self-employed or in the public sector.
The filmmaker or director manages the movie directing including actors, the sound, the picture. He is responsible for the scene cutting.
The waiter works for a bar, an hotel, a restaurant or a disco... He serves the customers.
The first aid worker carries out the beach users protection for example. He also can works in the mountain or deal with the participants event security.
The fireman works in the public sector. he has to help citizens in case of danger, security problems or accident. He is famous for putting out fires.

Merci d'avance !

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-11-2019 09:55

Réponse : Professions /correction de buca17, postée le 09-11-2019 à 20:46:47 (S | E)
Personne pour une correction ?🙃

Réponse : Professions /correction de here4u, postée le 10-11-2019 à 09:31:39 (S | E)

J'y vais ... mais c'est long et un peu répétitif !

Il vaudrait mieux mettre "a buyer is..." "A farmer is..." "The" détermine trop et il faut ici, garder une généralité !

The buyer is in charge of company purchases. He looks for suppliers who correspond to company needs and trades the prices with them.
The farmer usually works and lives in the countryside. He grows vegetables (meh! "cultivates the..." would be more accurate!) or breeds animals.
The ambulance driver take ill people in his car and drive them to the hospital where they will receive treatment.
The baker bakes bread, cakes and pastries. He sells it to the customers.
The lumberjack cut trees in forests using tools.
The surgeon operate XX patients. he works in a hospital or a clinic. He is specialized in a medical field.
The salesman advises customers. he must be able to help the customer with the choice which correspond to his expectation. He has to perfectly know products.(Yuk! I hate split infinitives!) In small companies he can be responsible of the cash register or the inventory.
The tiler has to lay/put XXXXX on the house floor
The clown often works for a circus, he is made up and he makes the children laugh doing stupidities and sometimes magic tricks.
The dustman collects resident's garbage.
The grocer run a food shop. He mostly sells food products we also can find(word order!) in his shop various helpful things to the everyday life.
The postman collects letters and parcels/packages in/at the post office and deliver them
to the residents.
The florist prepares bunches (or flowers bunches).
The wholesaler directly negotiates the price products with the producer and sells them to others professional distributors like retailers who will sell XXXX to the customer.
The speech therapist is specialized in the speaking problems, particularly with (chez les) children. He has to improve patients'diction.
The ophthalmologist controls the patient's sight and detects possibles sight diseases.
The plumber maintains the house pipe and repairs potential damages or leaks. Consequently, we call the plumber on for heating system matter, for example.
The psychologist treats psychological problems like depression, anorexia, anxiety. He can work as a self-employed (noun?) or in the public sector.
The filmmaker or director manages the movie directing including actors, the sound, the picture. He is responsible for the scene cutting.
The waiter works for a bar, an hotel, a restaurant or a disco... He serves the customers.
The first aid worker carries out the beach users protection for example. He also can works in the mountain or deal with the participants event security.
The fireman works in the public sector. he has to help citizens in case of danger, security problems or accident. He is famous for putting out fires.

Attention aux majuscules en début de phrases, aux maladresses de constructions - calques du français - et aux 3è personnes du singulier au présent simple, surtout !

Réponse : Professions /correction de buca17, postée le 10-11-2019 à 20:17:02 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à toi pour cette correction,

The buyer is in charge of company purchases. He looks for suppliers who correspond to company needs and trades the prices with them.
The farmer usually works and lives in the countryside. He grows vegetables (meh! "cultivates the..." would be more accurate!) or breeds animals.
The ambulance driver take ill people in his car and drive them to the hospital where they will receive treatment.
The baker bakes bread, cakes and pastries. He sells it to the customers.
The lumberjack cut trees in forests using tools.
The surgeon operate XX patients. he works in a hospital or a clinic. He is specialized in a medical field.
The salesman advises customers. he must be able to help the customer with the choice which correspond to his expectation. He has to perfectly know products.(Yuk! I hate split infinitives!) In small companies he can be responsible of the cash register or the inventory.
The tiler has to lay/put XXXXX on the house floor
The clown often works for a circus, he is made up and he makes the children laugh doing stupidities and sometimes magic tricks.
The dustman collects resident's garbage.
The grocer run a food shop. He mostly sells food products we also can find(word order!) in his shop various helpful things to the everyday life.
The postman collects letters and parcels/packages in/at the post office and deliver them
to the residents.
The florist prepares bunches (or flowers bunches).
The wholesaler directly negotiates the price products with the producer and sells them to others professional distributors like retailers who will sell XXXX to the customer.
The speech therapist is specialized in the speaking problems, particularly with (chez les) children. He has to improve patients'diction.
The ophthalmologist controls the patient's sight and detects possibles sight diseases.
The plumber maintains the house pipe and repairs potential damages or leaks. Consequently, we call the plumber on for heating system matter, for example.
The psychologist treats psychological problems like depression, anorexia, anxiety. He can work as a self-employed (noun?) or in the public sector.
The filmmaker or director manages the movie directing including actors, the sound, the picture. He is responsible for the scene cutting.
The waiter works for a bar, an hotel, a restaurant or a disco... He serves the customers.
The first aid worker carries out the beach users protection for example. He also can works in the mountain or deal with the participants event security.
The fireman works in the public sector. he has to help citizens in case of danger, security problems or accident. He is famous for putting out fires.

Réponse : Professions /correction de buca17, postée le 15-11-2019 à 00:37:35 (S | E)
C'est mieux ? :D

Réponse : Professions /correction de here4u, postée le 15-11-2019 à 11:45:13 (S | E)
Hello !

Je n’ai pas tout relu, mais les corrections demandées ( ou juste suggérées ) ne sont pas faites dans la première partie du texte.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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