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Message de othmanmfd posté le 11-01-2020 à 17:42:00 (S | E | F)
I'm doing a research about the energy efficiency in Palestine in English.
Please can you correct me? (my English is not so good)

Energy efficiency is understood to mean energy utilization in the most cost-effective manner to carry out a manufacturing process or provide a service. In other words, energy efficient practices or systems seek to use less energy while conducting any energy-dependent activity.
Contrary to popular belief, investing in energy efficiency is not limited to investment after an energy audit (improve the existing) but covers also including the EE as a selection criteria when buying new equipment, renovating premises, or expanding the production capacity.
If a SME has been thinking about buying new equipment, renovating premises, or expanding the production capacity, then, it is also the best time to make the right choices by including both equipment quality and energy efficiency in the selection criteria. EE help businesses pursue modernization to boost productivity, reduce operating costs, lower the environmental impact of the activity and as a result, increase competitiveness. A program like REF can influence the investors choice by establishing eligibility criteria based on the equipment energy efficiency.
SEFF/GEFF experience in different countries shows that investment in new production equipment for industrial companies has the most investment potential in EE.

a) Possible EE investment for SMEs
For each sector, there are specific EE measures and in addition, there are transverse technologies, which are applicable in most sectors. The table below shows the possible EE investment for SMEs.
Below some real case studies of investment in energy efficiency through the purchase of new efficient equipment:
According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, there are 20 104 active industrial companies in Palestine. The table below show the number of companies per activity sector:

b) Estimation of EE investment potential in Palestine
Data of Palestinian importations from The Observatory of Economic Complexity has been analyzed to select equipment with EE potential. The table below show the import volume for the mean equipment with EE potential for the year 2017. The total import volume is about $50 M.
Based on this figure and if we assume that 50% of importers will go through a bank loans, we can say that the annual potential for the program is around $25 M/year. However, it should be noted that the imports of energy equipment will increase when access to credit for SMEs is facilitated by the REF program and much more if it is combined with the Sunref program.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-01-2020 23:25

Réponse : Correction/energy de gerondif, postée le 11-01-2020 à 18:23:57 (S | E)
mistakes n blue
Energy efficiency is understood to mean energy utilization in the most cost-effective manner to carry out a manufacturing process or provide a service. In other words, energy efficient practices or systems seek to use less energy while conducting any energy-dependent activity.
Contrary to popular belief, investing in energy efficiency is not limited to investment after an energy audit (improve the existing) but covers also including the EE as a selection criteria(criteria is the plural of criterion) when buying new equipment, renovating premises, or expanding the production capacity.
If a SME has been thinking about buying new equipment, renovating premises, or expanding the production capacity, then, it is also the best time to make the right choices by including both equipment quality and energy efficiency in the selection criteria. EE helps businesses pursue modernization to boost productivity, reduce operating costs, lower the environmental impact of the activity and as a result, increase competitiveness. A program like REF can influence the investors' choice by establishing eligibility criteria based on the equipment energy efficiency.
SEFF/GEFF experience in different countries shows that investment in new production equipment for industrial companies has the most investment potential in EE.

a) Possible EE investment for SMEs

For each sector, there are specific EE measures and in addition, there are transverse technologies, which are applicable in most sectors. The table below shows the possible EE investment for SMEs.

Below are some real case studies of investment in energy efficiency through the purchase of new efficient equipment:

According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, there are 20 104 active industrial companies in Palestine. The table below shows the number of companies per activity sector:

b) Estimation of EE investment potential in Palestine

Data of Palestinian importations from The Observatory of Economic Complexity has been analyzed to select equipment with EE potential. The table below shows the import volume for the mean(mean or main?) equipment with EE potential for the year 2017. The total import volume is about $50 M.

Based on this figure and if we assume that 50% of importers will go through a bank loans, we can say that the annual potential for the program is around $25 M/year. However, it should be noted that the imports of energy equipment will increase when access to credit for SMEs is facilitated by the REF program and much more if it is combined with the Sunref program.

Réponse : Correction/energy de othmanmfd, postée le 11-01-2020 à 22:33:22 (S | E)
Thank you very much gerondif!!. you saved me especially for 'Main/mean". How ever, i didn't understand your comment about "criteria". what i want to say is (critères de selection) which is according to google translation (selection criteria)

Réponse : Correction/energy de here4u, postée le 11-01-2020 à 23:17:35 (S | E)

As gerondif very clearly wrote, "a criterion" is singular whereas the plural is "criteria" (in Greek!)
Therefore, you must write " a selection criteria criterion", whereas you're entitled to write "the selection criteria" (as here, the word is in the plural!) Easy, isn't it?

Réponse : Correction/energy de othmanmfd, postée le 11-01-2020 à 23:34:29 (S | E)
Yes it's easy. thank you here4u !!!


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