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Message from mohammad51 posted on 22-12-2021 at 20:56:56 (D | E | F)
Please review my answers and tell me if there is mistake.
Thank you in advance
Combine these sentences using correlative conjunctions, and remove any repetition. Use two structures where possible.

With some examples other than ( not only --but also) certain correlative conjunctions can be used such as: neither -nor \ both etc..

Notice : answers are in blue colour

1. Leonardo da Vinci was the first to paint sfumato. He was also the first to paint texture.

Leonardo da Vinci was not only the first to paint sfumato but also ( the first) to paint texture. (( parallel structure))

OR Leonardo da Vinci was not only the first to paint sfumato but also texture. ?

Note : Do I add the words ( the first) after but also, too ?

2. Leonardo painted churches. He also painted private homes.

Leonardo not only painted churches but also private homes. OR : but also painted private homes ?

Do I need to repeat the verb " painted" ?

OR Inversion : Not only did Leonardo paint churches but also painted private homes. ?

3. Leonardo taught himself anatomy. He taught himself painting.

Leonardo taught himself both anatomy and painting. We can use not only as well >> Leonardo not only taught himself anatomy but also painting.
(( both are nouns ))

Note: I think it is not necessary to repeat the whole phrase ( but also taught himself... )

4. Some people think of Leonardo as an engineer. They think of Leonardo as a painter.

some people either think of Leonardo as an engineer or as a painter. ?

some people not only think of Leonardo as an engineer but also as a painter. ( I think yes)

5. People from Vinci say that Leonardo was born there. People from Anchiano say Leonardo was born there.

Not only people from Vinci say that Leonardo was born there, but also People from Anchiano.

OR Both people from Vinci and people from Anchiano say that Leonardo was born there.

6. Leonardo was not a Baptist. He was not a Lutheran.

Leonardo was neither a Baptist nor a Lutheran.

7. Leonardo enjoyed painting people. He enjoyed painting still-life.

Leonardo enjoyed painting both people and still-life.

OR : Leonardo not only enjoyed painting people but also painting still-life.

I know using parallel structure is needed, however, I have a question :

Can I neglect repeating the gerund after but also or other forms of the parallel structure in the previous questions, as well ?

I hope you give me a guidance for the last point.

Once I know, but once I am not sure !

Thank you again

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