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Pattern/ English sentence

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Pattern/ English sentence
Message from mohammad51 posted on 07-03-2023 at 09:49:15 (D | E | F)

Is it a pattern English sentence American or British ?

Thank you in advance

The messages are from Sameera and Mr. Abdulla.

Interrogative : Who are the messages from ?

I searched all books in Google and did not find any similar result

perhaps we say : The messages sent by \ were sent by X and B

Who sent the messages ? subject question

What do \ did X and B send ? object question

My question : Does standard American English or British English use such a sentence ?

Re: Pattern/ English sentence from gerondif, posted on 07-03-2023 at 13:13:33 (D | E)
Who are the messages from ? seems to me quite normal and common, either in English or in American.
Who is this letter from ?
Who sent it , Who was it sent by ? has a different meaning.
What is at stake is the author of the note, not the name of the person who went to the post-office.
P.S. You can't "search" a grammar-book.

Re: Pattern/ English sentence from mohammad51, posted on 07-03-2023 at 16:21:42 (D | E)
Thank you very much dear teacher gerondif

But why I did not find any similar result in Google books and especially in grammar books ?

I found the same sentence in a couple of books but not grammar books.

Sometimes I fear of using language unless I found in trusted books or mentioned by trusted authors.

Since the internet is full of grammar mistakes and anyone can write in the internet.

Nodays, most people who are writing in the internet are not native and hardly themselves understand the language.

I hid my IP address because Google sometimes forbid us or hide the results to be seen, however, no result I found.

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Forum > English only

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