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Aide pour mémoire please
Message de miki94 posté le 26-04-2007 à 22:20:57 (S | E | F | I)


Voilà, j'ai réalisé un mémoire de stage en anglais et j'aimerais avoir votre avis et si possible, des éléments pour corriger.

I’m in an apprenticeship contract with **** a biggest group of house building in France.
In ***** there are a lot of 2600 employees and we build 9000 house and do up 4000 house for year.

For my training period I’m ********in Maison **** in a building agency of nnnnnnn in a suburban of Paris and next to my university.
****** was created in 1946 is since about sixty years, it’s the leading national mark on the market of the individual house building. His patented technology is worth to him a world recognition. She proposes houses built according to industrial process which facilitate the optimization of the costs and of delays.
They are about forty agency in French with six building agency in the territory of ile de de france.
My guardian is a principal clerk of works in the agency of ******.
Every build agency in *****function as a little firm : there are a chief of agency, three or four clerk of works , a personnal assistant, a technician after sale and several team worker.

voici la premiere partie, les ***** masque le nom de mon entreprise
clerk of work signifie conducteur de travaux c'est un terme qui n'éxiste pas en anglais mais ma prof nous la imposer!

Merci beaucoup de votre aide!

Modifié par bridg le 27-04-2007 07:13

Réponse: Aide pour mémoire please de hobbes, postée le 27-04-2007 à 18:57:17 (S | E)
I’m in an apprenticeship contract with **** one of the biggest group of house building in France.
In ***** there are (a lot ofa lot of pas possible suivi d'un chiffre) 2600 employees. *** builds 9000 houses and does up to 4000 houses a year.

For my training period I’m ********in Maison **** in a building agency of nnnnnnn in a parisian's suburb and next to my university.
****** was created in 1946 and is since about sixty years, the leading national mark on the market of the individual house building. His patented technology is worth to him a world recognition (??). It proposes houses built according to industrial process which facilitate the optimization of the costs and the delays.
They are about forty agencies in France with six building agency in the "ile de de france" region.
My guardian(??) is a principal clerk of works in the agency of ******.
Every build agency in *****function as a little firm : there are a chief of agency, three or four clerks of works , a personnal assistant, a technician after sale and several team worker.

Bon voilà, j'ai commencé une ébauche de correction, mais c'est pas génial ce que j'ai fait, parfois je ne sais pas ce que tu veux dire, donc c'est dur!
Bon courage

Réponse: Aide pour mémoire please de miki94, postée le 28-04-2007 à 08:55:29 (S | E)
Merci pour ce début de correction quelques petites expliquation:

His patented technology is worth to him a world recognition = sa technologie lui vaut une reconnaissance mondial

My guardian = mon tuteur mais je pense qu'on peut dire Tutor en anglais

Merci encore!

Réponse: Aide pour mémoire please de miki94, postée le 29-04-2007 à 20:31:52 (S | E)
voila la suite ou je détail les fonctions des personnes travaillant avec moi

A chief of agency, is a manager of the clerk of work. He control the evolution of the building site of every clerk of work, organizes meetings with the clerk of works resolve the problems and stays in support for the clerk of works.
It is the direct link between his building agency and the head office situated to ********

A personal assistant, She helps the chief of building agency in his tasks, passes on the call, makes an appointment with a customer, make an appointment with a technician of customer service with customer. She control the good evolution of a customer file. She have a very important part within the building agency.

A clerk of works: the clerk of works has to bring to a successful conclusion to the project of construction of the customers from A to Z.
During the construction, it is the most important interlocutor whom has the customer with the company.
He also steers various team, makes the pays and in a crutial role in thermal bath of security because it is a safety coordinator
During the construction, the clerk of works regularly gets in touch with the customer, make some appointment with him. This different appointment corresponds of the different important moment of the construction :
The foundation
The rise
The stake outside water
The installation of partition
The installation of equipment
The completion
The delivery

Voila merci beaucoup!

Réponse: Aide pour mémoire please de miki94, postée le 02-05-2007 à 14:23:19 (S | E)
pouvez-vous me venir en aide svp merci

Réponse: Aide pour mémoire please de hobbes, postée le 09-05-2007 à 11:18:15 (S | E)
His patented technology is worth to him a world recognition = sa technologie lui vaut une reconnaissance mondial
His technology is worth to him a worldwise recognition

A chief of agency, is a manager of the clerk of work. He controls the evolution of the building site of every clerk of work, organizes meetings with the clerk of works resolve the problems and stays in support for the clerk of works.
It is the direct link between his building agency and the head office situated to ********

A personal assistant, helps the chief of building agency in his tasks, passes on the call, makes appointments with customers, make appointments with technicians of customer service with customers. He controls the good evolution of a customer file. He have a very important part within the building agency.

A clerk of works: the clerk of works has to bring to a successful conclusion to the project of construction of the customers from A to Z.
During the construction, it is the most important interlocutor whom has the customer with the company.
He also steers various team, makes the pays and in a crutial role in thermal bath of security because it is a safety coordinator
During the construction, the clerk of works regularly gets in touch with the customer, make some appointments with him. This different appointment corresponds of the different important moment of the construction :
The foundation
The rise
The stake outside water
The installation of partition
The installation of equipment
The completion
The delivery

Voilà il n'y avait pas beaucoup d'erreurs mais sur certaines choses je ne suis pas 100% sûre vu que je ne m'y connais pas sur ton sujet!
bonne chance


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