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Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. (1)

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Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'.
Message de marit64 posté le 06-09-2007 à 00:27:41 (S | E | F | I)

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. de good_doggy, postée le 06-09-2007 à 02:31:08 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 Herring, haddock, hake…….
2 Housewife
3 Headband, hairband
4 Heir (man), heiress (woman)
5 Hammock
6 Honk, hoot
7 Hunger, hungry
8 Hack
9 Howl
10 High, half-seas-over

Thanks a lot Marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. de iry43, postée le 06-09-2007 à 04:22:13 (S | E)
Hi marit64,

1. Herring, Haddock
2. Housewife
3. Hairnet
4. Heir,Heiress
5. Hammock
6. Horn, Hooter
7. Hungry
8. Hack
9. Howl
10. Heady

Thanks a lot marit,
Have a nice weekend

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. de sandrineg, postée le 06-09-2007 à 08:00:03 (S | E)
10- Heady

So long


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. de ninathecat, postée le 06-09-2007 à 11:04:59 (S | E)

1-It's a small, edible kind of sea fish. HERRING

2-What do you call a woman who looks after her house, her husband and her family, and who usually doesn't have a job outside the home? HOUSEWIFE

3-A noun meaning a bent wire used for keeping a woman's hair in place.

4-What word means a person who by law receives wealth, property etc when the owner dies? HEIR

5-It's a long piece of netting, canvas etc hung up by the corners and used as a bed?

6-If you make the sound of a motor-car horn, you

7-What do you call the state of not having enough food?

8-What verb means to cut with an axe, sword etc? TO HACK UP

9-You do this when you make a long, loud cry.

10-This word means the unpleasant effects of having had too much alcohol.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. de chrislondon, postée le 07-09-2007 à 18:21:52 (S | E)
Hi Marit,

Here are my answers:
1. herring
2. housewife
3. hairpin/hairgrip
4. heir/heiress
5. hammock
6. honk
7. hungry/hunger
8. hack
9. howl
10. hangover
Thanks Marit!

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. de coferam, postée le 07-09-2007 à 18:45:11 (S | E)
Hi Marit64,

1 / It's a herring
2 / She's a housewife
3 / It's a hair net ( or headband )
4 / This person is a heir.
5 / It's a hammock.
6 / you honk.
7 / The hunger ( or to be hungry )
8 / It's to hack
9 / you howl.
10 / He's high ( It's only found with a 'h' )


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. de bobine, postée le 09-09-2007 à 10:08:13 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1-It's a small, edible kind of sea fish. a haddock or a herring
2-What do you call a woman who looks after her house, her husband and her family, and who usually doesn't have a job outside the home? a housewife
3-A noun meaning a bent wire used for keeping a woman's hair in place. a hairgrip
4-What word means a person who by law receives wealth, property etc when the owner dies? a heir or a heiress
5-It's a long piece of netting, canvas etc hung up by the corners and used as a bed? a hammock
6-If you make the sound of a motor-car horn, you to honk or to hoot .
7-What do you call the state of not having enough food? to go hungry
8-What verb means to cut with an axe, sword etc? to hack
9-You do this when you make a long, loud cry. to howl or to holler
10-This word means the unpleasant effects of having had too much alcohol. a hangover


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 6'. de marit64, postée le 14-09-2007 à 22:01:41 (S | E)
Hi everybody

I'm really sorry, I couldn't give you the answers yesterday as I told you because I had to go away. Will you excuse me?

for your nice work.
Here are them:
1-herring "hareng" 2-housewife "ménagère" 3-hairpin, hairgrip "épingle à cheveux, pince à cheveux" 4-heir, heiress "héritier, héritière
5-hammock "hamac" 6-honk "klaxonner" 7-hunger "faim"
8-hewn "the past participle of the verb "to hew" It was a trap "abattu, abattre"
9-howl, holler, hoot "hurler" 10-hangover "gueule de bois".

Thanks a lot for your participation.


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