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What to Bring

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What to Bring
Message de pichu112 posté le 19-08-2009 à 02:03:08 (S | E | F)

Hi, I'm going to France in a couple of weeks to study abroad, and I'm going to France. I need to bring some gifts to my host family, but I can't think of any. Can you guys think of anything that the French love from America that they can't get in France? Thank you!

Bonjour, je vais en France bientôt pour être étudiant d'échange. J'ai besoin d'emmener des cadeaux pour ma famille d'accueil, mais je ne peux pas penser à rien. Pouvez-vous y penser que les français aiment des Etats-Unis et ne pouvent pas acheter en France ? Merci !!

Modifié par bridg le 19-08-2009 06:41

Réponse: What to Bring de brettdallen, postée le 19-08-2009 à 02:37:13 (S | E)
Maybe it's easier than you think. What are the places of interest in Colorado? what can people buy in souvenir shops?(a cow-boy hat, a miniature Statue of Liberty, the Star Spangled Banner, or even the nicest stone you can find in your area, or a gill of the Colorado river!)
What would a tourist go to your place for? if you've got the answer to that, go take it and bring it to your host family! now, you don't have to spend much money for it! as I said, there are natural elements all around you that they don't have in France! a piece of anything you consider valuable would be enough and highly symbolic! Iwould love to have a nice piece of stone from the Colorado! for example..
Have a good stay and enjoy the French culture!

Réponse: What to Bring de robertbrou, postée le 20-08-2009 à 15:34:43 (S | E)

To add to Brettdallen, I would bring something that is native to, or made in Colorado. I looked up "made in Colorado" in a search engine and found lots of stuff.

Alpine Wildflower Honey
If your host family is into sports you have Nuggets, Rockies, and Avalanche souvenirs. I brought my family a baseball.
Book on Colorado
Book on Colorado wildlife
A coin set that was stamped at the Denver mint
A Colorado and/or American flag (small size)
Microwave Popcorn (I'm not sure how widespread it is in France)
Brownie mix

The last time I went, I premixed the dry ingredients for Nestle Tollhouse cookies and vacuum-packed them (it was easier than trying to convert when I got there). I also brought S'mores ingredients and we made them over a barbecue.

Hope this helps!


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