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English puns

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English puns
Message de snoop82 posté le 31-08-2009 à 15:54:52 (S | E | F)


I really like the puns, French puns actually because I can understand them and I've tried to read some English ones. But I don't understand. Can you explain to me this one : He labored so hard that he worked his fingers to the bonus.
And on the other hand I really don't understand the Tom Swift. Here are some examples :
'I've returned from the labotomy,' Tom said absentmindedly.
'I lost my hair,' Tom bawled.
'I don't like hot dogs,' Tom said frankly.

Thank you!

Réponse: English puns de brettdallen, postée le 31-08-2009 à 16:16:52 (S | E)
Most of the time what you've got to do to work out the meaning of these phrases is pay attention to the sound and similarity to other words.
For example:
He labored so hard that he worked his fingers to the bonus(the phrase goes with "bones" and not "bonus"! now if you look up for "bonus", then it'll be clearer to you, I hope).
And on the other hand I really don't understand the Tom Swift. Here are some examples :
'I've returned from the labotomy(it should be "laboratory" and here two words are mingled: "laboratory" and lobotomy"),' Tom said absentmindedly(this is where it's funny. If you know what "lobotomy" means, then you find some logic in the use of this adverb...).
'I lost my hair,' Tom bawled("bawled" sounds like "bald", doesn't it?).
'I don't like hot dogs,' Tom said frankly.I'm not quite sure about this one...)
Hope I've been helpful.

Réponse: English puns de robertbrou, postée le 31-08-2009 à 16:17:44 (S | E)

I really enjoy puns as well. Let me explain the ones you have given:

He labored so hard that he worked his fingers to the bonus.
work ones fingers to the bones = you worked so much [with your hands] that you only have bones left.
bonus = you received compensation for successful work you have done
bones | bonus - almost rhyme.

And on the other hand I really don't understand the Tom Swift. Here are some examples :
'I've returned from the labotomy,' Tom said absentmindedly.
When one gets a labotomy, one usually doesn't remember anything, which is the same as being absendminded.

'I lost my hair,' Tom bawled.
bawled rhymes with bald
to bawl = to cry, bald = no hair

'I don't like hot dogs,' Tom said frankly
Frank = frankfurter = hot dog

Here's mine:
I'm finished, he said completely.

Hope this helps!

Réponse: English puns de TravisKidd, postée le 01-09-2009 à 08:11:47 (S | E)
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!

And one in French: Il ne faut pas faire un faux pas !

Réponse: English puns de snoop82, postée le 01-09-2009 à 11:06:02 (S | E)
Thanks to all of you, I've understood now. I need to learn more vocabulary
If you know other puns, I take them!

Réponse: English puns de lucile83, postée le 01-09-2009 à 11:25:10 (S | E)
You can get a lot of them on the internet, typing 'English puns'; this one is easy :
One day an English grammar teacher was looking ill.

A student asked, "What's the matter?"

"Tense," answered the teacher, describing how he felt.

The student paused, then continued, "What was the matter? What has been the matter? What might have been the matter... ?"

Best wishes.


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