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Short answers to sentences (1)

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Short answers to sentences
Message from juliak posted on 06-04-2010 at 17:53:28

Hi everybody! I've never seen such grammar topics before so I don't know where to look for the answer or the explanation; I've recently found a task which said:

Choose the correct answer:

The hotel wasn't cheap
a. Yes, it wasn't
b. No, it wasn't
c. Yes, it was
d. No it was.

I don't understand what the author of the question wanted to say, please help me. If you can explain the rule I would appreciate it!!!!

Edited by lucile83 on 06-04-2010 18:04

Edited by bridg on 10-07-2010 14:20

Re: Short answers to sentences by lucile83, posted on 06-04-2010 at 18:02:25
They are called 'short answers' or tags, and you can see a lot of tests here:

Lien Internet

The hotel wasn't cheap; no it wasn't.
you are supposed to agree with the people saying it wasn't cheap.

Re: Short answers to sentences by notrepere, posted on 06-04-2010 at 22:07:10

There is no test number posted here, but how do we know we are supposed to agree with that statement? If we disagreed with it, the answer would have been "Yes, it was", with intonation stress on YES and WAS.

Re: Short answers to sentences by lucile83, posted on 06-04-2010 at 22:12:37
When you have very short exercises like this one, you just agree; otherwise they tell you to disagree.

Re: Short answers to sentences by may, posted on 07-04-2010 at 12:09:21

I have the same idea as Lucile83. The answer is No, it wasn't . It's logical, isn't it?

Re: Short answers to sentences by juliak, posted on 07-04-2010 at 13:14:30
Thanks for your comments! So as I understand, I should agree or disagree with the statement, right? And if the statement is positive, I should agree saying Yes, it is...it does etc and if it is negative I agree saying No, it isn't / doesn't etc , right?

Is the following conclusion correct?

Positive statement - - -> agreement = Yes, <+> ; disagreement = No, <->
Negative statement -----> agreement = No, <-> ; disagreement = Yes, <+>

Re: Short answers to sentences by lucile83, posted on 07-04-2010 at 13:31:00
Positive statement - - -> agreement = Yes, <+> ; disagreement = No, <->
Negative statement -----> agreement = No, <-> ; disagreement = Yes, <+>

Yes!that is correct.

it's a nice film ...yes, it is/no, it isn't

it's not a clever cat...no, it isn't/yes, it is

He works hard...yes, he does/no, he doesn't


Re: Short answers to sentences by cdapple, posted on 11-04-2010 at 06:09:43
well,i am a bit confused about A and D.

A, of course means, yes, as u said, it wasn't cheap.

D, then means, no, it isn't like what u said, it was cheap.=No,it was.

Does it make sense to u?


Re: Short answers to sentences by notrepere, posted on 11-04-2010 at 07:31:26

It is just a formula that you need to remember.

Positive statement -----> agreement = Yes, <+> ; disagreement = No, <->
Negative statement -----> agreement = No, <-> ; disagreement = Yes, <+>

It was a good film (positive)
To agree with that statement: Yes, it was
To disagree: No, it wasn't

It wasn't a good film (negative)
To agree with that statement: No, it wasn't
To disagree with that statement: Yes, it was

To agree with a positive statement, the answer is Yes and the verb is in the positive.

You are a nice person. Yes, you are!
This is a fun website. Yes, it is!

To agree with a negative statement, the answer is No and the verb is in the negative.

You're not a nice person. No, you're not.
This isn't a fun website. No, it isn't.

When you agree, the agreement statement always follows a pattern based on whether the statement is negative or positive.

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