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Cover letter

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Cover letter
Message de gaellec10 posté le 08-07-2010 à 15:27:28 (S | E | F)

Hello all,

I am a French student, currently completing a PhD and I seek for a post-doctoral position in England. I would know if you could help me to proofread my cover letter for an application. Thanks in advance for your answers.

Dear Dr XXX,

I am currently completing a PhD at the University of XXX, France, under the direction of Dr. XXX in the Institut de XXX, and I expect to receive my doctorate in November 2010. I am seeking a Postdoctoral position in the field of neurosciences and more precisely in the cell biology of the synapse and I am excited about the opportunity to apply for a position in your team. I am especially interested in the regulation and trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors. I am also certain that UCL would be an ideal place for me to pursue research and develop professionally.

My dissertation work is on study of the XXX. This work comprised the characterisation of the mechanism of XXX which has led to the publication of an article in the XXX Journal. I now investigate XXX. Another project is XXX which is currently in progress.

During my research activity, I learnt and have employed extensively some techniques used in your laboratory like cell culture and transfection and protein biochemistry (co-immunoprecipitation, western-blotting). I also carried out imaging methods (in situ hybridisation, immunocytochemistry), albeit at a lesser extent. In addition, I have a strong interest in learning new techniques, so I look forward to expending my scientific knowledge and skill set to encompass the research areas in which your lab specialises.

A copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed. I would be happy to submit any additional materials at your request. I look forward to your response, and appreciate your time and consideration.



Modifié par lucile83 le 08-07-2010 17:37

Réponse: Cover letter de notrepere, postée le 11-07-2010 à 07:35:49 (S | E)
Hello all,

I am a French student, currently completing a PhD and I seek (am seeking) for a post-doctoral position in England. I would like to know if you could help me to proofread my cover letter for an application. Thanks in advance for your answers.

Dear Dr XXX,

I am currently completing a PhD at the University of XXX, France, under the direction of Dr. XXX in the Institut de XXX, and I expect to receive my doctorate in November 2010. I am seeking a Postdoctoral position in the field of neurosciences and more precisely in the cell biology of the synapse and I am excited about the opportunity to apply for a position in your team. I am especially interested in the regulation and trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors. I am also certain that UCL would be an ideal place for me to pursue research and develop professionally.

My dissertation work is on THE study of the XXX. This work comprised the characterisation of the mechanism of XXX which has led to the publication of an article in the XXX Journal. I now investigate (am now investigating) XXX. Another project is XXX which is currently in progress.

During my research activity, I learnt and have employed extensively some techniques used in your laboratory like cell culture and transfection and protein biochemistry (co-immunoprecipitation, western-blotting). I also carried out imaging methods (in situ hybridisation, immunocytochemistry), albeit at (to) a lesser extent. In addition, I have a strong interest in learning new techniques, so I look forward to expending (expanding?) my scientific knowledge and skill set to encompass the research areas in which your lab specialises.

A copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed. I would be happy to submit any additional materials at your request. I look forward to your response, and appreciate your time and consideration.


I question "in your team". I didn't see any clear examples of this on UK websites.
"as part of your team" seems to be more common.
In American English, we would say "position on your team"

"albeit to a lesser extent" is definitely but also appears to be correct in

Bonne chance!

Réponse: Cover letter de gaellec10, postée le 12-07-2010 à 22:27:02 (S | E)

Merci beaucoup pour tes corrections.


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