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Scrambled words '77'

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Scrambled words '77'
Message de marit64 posté le 02-09-2010 à 01:57:32 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A person whom one knows slightly. ..... (qccaaannetiu)
2- A machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. ..... (ilml)
3- To talk quickly and noisily about unimportant things. ..... (thrtcae)
4- A person who designs buildings. ..... (thtaercci)
5- Using the right hand more easily then the left, for instance, for writing etc. ..... (hhddra-ngtie)
6- To crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc. ..... (nrhucc)
7- To make an offer of marriage. ..... (srppeoo)
8- The destruction of a ship at sea. ..... (ewkrc)
9- To push quickly and roughly. ..... (theslu)
10- A place where mineral oil is found. ..... (llofdiie)

Good luck and have fun!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '77' de khalid1970, postée le 02-09-2010 à 03:42:09 (S | E)
voici mes réponses:
1- acquaintance

Thanks marit,

Réponse: Scrambled words '77' de dolfine56, postée le 02-09-2010 à 10:47:54 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A person whom one knows slightly. ...an acquaintance.
2- A machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. ...a mill
3- To talk quickly and noisily about unimportant things. ...to chatter
4- A person who designs buildings. ...an architect
5- Using the right hand more easily then the left, for instance, for writing etc. ...right-handed
6- To crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc. ...to crunch
7- To make an offer of marriage. ...to propose
8- The destruction of a ship at sea. ...the wreck
9- To push quickly and roughly. ...to hustle
10- A place where mineral oil is found. ...an oil field.

Thanks so much, and have a nice week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '77' de headway, postée le 02-09-2010 à 11:17:55 (S | E)
Hi Marit,

1- A person whom one knows slightly. ..... (qccaaannetiu)Acquaintance
2- A machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. ..... (ilml)Mill
3- To talk quickly and noisily about unimportant things. ..... (thrtcae)Chatter
4- A person who designs buildings. ..... (thtaercci)Architect
5- Using the right hand more easily then the left, for instance, for writing etc. ..... (hhddra-ngtie)Right handed
6- To crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc. ..... (nrhucc)Crunch
7- To make an offer of marriage. ..... (srppeoo)Propose
8- The destruction of a ship at sea. ..... (ewkrc)Wreck
9- To push quickly and roughly. ..... (theslu)Hustle
10- A place where mineral oil is found. ..... (llofdiie)Oil field


Réponse: Scrambled words '77' de eos17, postée le 02-09-2010 à 12:12:08 (S | E)

Hello Marit
3-To chatter
6-To crunch
7-To propose
9-To hustle
10- oilfield
Thanks Marit for your exercise .My best regards

Réponse: Scrambled words '77' de violet91, postée le 02-09-2010 à 14:00:00 (S | E)

Hello dear marit de La Mauricie (and all of a sudden, you sound as an aristocrat!!) Yes, you are right..I love playing with words. Thank you for this drill which is always good for neurons.

--1 ) ACQUAINTANCE : comme Barbara(our great singer) qui a des "connaissances".
--2 ) MILL : Comme celui de J. Constable(watermill)ou "cx de mon coeur"
--3 ) CHATTER : comme "le bavardage humain" de Montaigne.
--4 ) ARCHITECT : comme le "k" de psychiatrist.
--5 ) RIGHT-HANDED : comme notre hémisphère gauche le "commande".
--6 ) CRUNCH : comme ce que vous pouvez avoir aux vertèbres cervicales qui serai tmieux en "crack"!! (friend physiotherapist said!)
--7 ) PROPOSE : et l'on "dispose".(proposal)
--8) WRECK : comme celle du Titanic (back to her!)..ou ma voisine!!(sorry)..
--9 ) HUSTLE : pas la peine, on y arrivera tous!
--10) OILFIELD : comme dans l'Off Shore...ou "GEANT" ("GIANT") (James Dean!!)

Thanks again. See you!

Réponse: Scrambled words '77' de nina80, postée le 03-09-2010 à 11:18:14 (S | E)
Hello Mari,

1 - acquaintance
2 - mill
3 - to chatter
4 - architect
5 - right-handed
6 - to crunch
7 - to propose
8 - wreck
9 - to hustle
10- oilfield

Many thanks, see you soon.


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