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Aide pour correction
Message de jux45 posté le 02-11-2010 à 17:26:24 (S | E | F)

J'aurais besoin d'aide pour savoir si les réponses que j'ai données aux questions suivantes comportent des fautes; cela me permettra de me préparer pour un entretien en anglais pour décrocher un stage à Londres; donc merci d'avance pour votre aide.

1. What was it about this job that made you apply for it?
I applied for this job because I think that your needs are equal to my skills. Furthermore I am really interested in being involve in the organisation of events, because the important to me is to be part of something who make people happy, who help a brand to promote a new product…

2. Please tell us about an exciting event that you were involved in or have attended and why it was a success?
Last year I was in charge of organised the gala evening for my company, (approximately a hundred people). The event was organised in two parts. The first part took place in an indoor carting track where the participants had made a motor racing in team. And the second part took place in a cabaret with the dinner, the cabaret show.
For this event I had to negotiate with suppliers to have the best “party” at the low cost. I also organized the coming of participant by bus because the party take place in Orleans and the employees come from Lille (North of France) Paris and Thonons (South – west of France). And responsible for the timing between the coming of participants, the two activities and the departure of participants.
Finally it was a success because we finished the party dancing on the dance floor cabaret until 1 a.m. And I received lot of e-mail to congratulate me for this moment.

3. What skills do you have which would be useful within the office environment?
I have skills that I learnt at school like how to respect a budget, marketing or computer skills
Skills that I developed at work like used indesign and photoshop, work in team, take initiatives, respect deadline or support the pressure.
And skills witch are part of my personality, for example when y have an objective I never abandon,

4. What do you anticipate the role at Ilove Event would entail?
My role with Ilove Event would entail to be ready to work out of the usual office hour that is during the night or the week end. This involve also to be flexible and to fit onto itch customer profile

5. Please tell us about how your previous experience makes you a good candidate for working at Ilove Event.
My previous experience makes me the good candidate because I had several experience in the organisation of events so I know what work for an event company mean.

6. What do you anticipate would be the challenges of working at Ilove Event?
To me working abroad and success in my job is the main challenge because I don’t want to disappoint the company that will trust me.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2010 18:32

+ forum

Réponse: Aide pour correction de ramdam, postée le 04-11-2010 à 14:22:00 (S | E)
Voilà ce que j'ai trouvé comme fautes.

1. I am intrested in being involve. CORRECTION: involved
The important thing to me is.... : The important thing to me is....
...to be part of something who make... : which makes.....
...who help a brand to promote anew product. : who helps.....
QUE voulez-vous dire par: a brand to promote.. ?

2. Last year I was in charge of organised...... : of organising
Je n'ai pas très bien compris : had made a
motor racing in team.
-at the low cost. : at a low cost.
- And responsible for the timing of............
(cette phrase doit etre reformulée comme suit:I am also responsible for the
timing of both the arrival and the departure of the participants.
- dancing on the dance floor cabaret... :dancing in the cabaret
-And I received a lot of e-mail to congratulate me for this moment.(phrase à reformuler
Comme suit: I also received a lot of e-mails congratulating me about the event.

3-….I developed at work like used in design….. : …at work such as using design...
-And skills witch are…. :…..which are…..
-……I never abandon, ….I never give up.

4...to be ready to work out of the usual office hours. to work beyond the office hours.
….itch customer profile. each customer profile

5.My previous experience makes me the good….. :According to my experience,I am a good….
-I had several experience.. :I have a lot of experience
-So I know what work….(.REFORMULATION)…………………: So I know what it is all about


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