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Dialogue à corriger

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Dialogue à corriger
Message de theo91 posté le 07-11-2010 à 16:01:13 (S | E | F)
Il s'agit du sujet d'expression du BAC d'anglais LV2 2010 .
J'ai choisi le Sujet 1 :
The narrator wonders ‘if this story is not a lie° (l. 38) and asks Sylvia about her version.
It turns out to be completely different. Imagine their conversation.

Pour le moment voilà mon dialogue mais je pense qu'il y a quelques erreurs merci de bien vouloir corrigé mon dialogue:

I wonder if this story was not a lie. So I went to sylvia's house. Then, I asked my grandaunt about her version of the remarkable trip to America.

N:"Good evening dear aunt, it's very cold in New York in winter."
A:"Good evening my great-nephew. I'm fine Thanks you. Sat you and take a cup of tea."
N:"Sylvia, I came to know the story of the remarkable tripto America. It's about your immigration."
A:"Can you repeat please?"
N:"Can you explain your arrive to the united states ?"
A : "It was a long time ago. We were very poor and in Poland the life was very difficult. My brother and I decided to go in America. We had to leave the family."
N: " Yes but how do you go in America ?"
A: " We went to Warsaw to bike and we took the train to Germany, exactly to Berlin. In Berlin we took the boat to Hamburg. On the quay of the boat to America there was lot of people and my brother didn't want failure th boat."
N:"Did you past a medical examination ?"
A:"No, because the medical examination was in Elis Island! We took the boat in Hamburg and we arrived in New York. At Elis island, I was with all the steerage passengers to have my paper of identity and to past a medical examination.
Your grandfather always tell his story to whom it want to hear him but it's not the true!"
N: "Thank for your point of view"


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