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Grammar correction

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Grammar correction
Message from egerol1 posted on 27-12-2010 at 17:57:32 (D | E | F)
Hello guys
Can you please help me with this:
When I was watching a movie this sentence came out:

I've been struck with this weapon before

I would like to know if this sentence is grammatically correct.
If it is correct and it's obviously correct since I saw it from a movie which is in English.
Could you tell me please the role of the Present Perfect Continuous here please?

Edited by lucile83 on 27-12-2010 20:13

present perfect continuous

Re: Grammar correction from intrepid34, posted on 27-12-2010 at 21:13:05 (D | E)
Good evening

I've been struck = c'est la voix passive et non le present perfect
continuous (donc verbe + ing)

Keep on trying

Re: Grammar correction from may, posted on 28-12-2010 at 02:01:44 (D | E)


To follow up intrepid34, and yes this sentence is definitely in passive voice and also present perfect tense (but not continuous).

Then, will you need to know why?

Best wishes,

Re: Grammar correction from notrepere, posted on 28-12-2010 at 07:21:19 (D | E)

I would say "I have been struck by this weapon before" is more common, but both expressions are understandable based on the context.

In reference to the Present Perfect: "We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important."

Lien Internet

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Re: Grammar correction from egerol1, posted on 29-12-2010 at 15:45:44 (D | E)
yeah I know that I've been struck is present perfect I have mistaken by writing continous

Re: Grammar correction from egerol1, posted on 29-12-2010 at 15:50:24 (D | E)
but why is this not like "I was struck before by this weapon before"
because I was struck before however in "I've been struck before" doesn't this sentence mean that I've been struck with this weapon for my life and I am still strucked by this.
because what I know is that present perfect is a time which has a relation with the present time.so doesn't that sentence(I've been struck by this weapon" mean that this weapon still strikes me and continues to strike me?

but this sentence just means that I was struck before this weapon once a time.it doesn't mean it continues to strike me.I think it must be in past simple passive like:I was struck before" because it's a time in the past it doesn't mean that it continues.

Re: Grammar correction from notrepere, posted on 29-12-2010 at 17:38:42 (D | E)

It's because you are talking about your experience of something from the past.

You can use the Present Perfect to describe your experience. It is like saying, "I have the experience of..." Lien Internet

I have been to France before = I have had the experience of being in France.

I have been struck by this weapon before = I have had the experience of being struck by this weapon.

The connection to the present: I have been struck by this weapon before (because I remember what it had felt like)

I have eaten Brie many times = I have had the experience of eating Brie.
I have been to the top of the Eiffel Tower a number of times = I have had the experience of being to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

I have made my girlfriend angry once before. = I have had the experience of making my girlfriend angry.

However, you cannot specify a SPECIFIC TIME (Yesterday, last week, last year, etc.) with the Present Perfect:

I have been to France last week. Incorrect
I have made my girlfriend angry yesterday. Incorrect

I hope this helps.

Edited by notrepere on 29-12-2010 17:39

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