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Lettre motivation/correction

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Lettre motivation/correction
Message de warilou posté le 06-06-2011 à 15:30:50 (S | E | F)

Je présente ma candidature pour un échange avec une université au Canada et je dois donc écrire une lettre de motivation en anglais.
Si quelqu'un à des propositions/améliorations/corrections/avis je lui en serais très reconnaissant.
J'ai quand même une petite question :
Est-il plus idiomatique de dire "English level" ou "English skills" lorsqu'on parle de son "niveau d'anglais"?
Merci d'avance.

Dear Sir or Dear Madam,

From the University of XXXXXXXX, I am applying for an exchange as part of the exchange program with English-speaking countries proposed by my University. I am presently an undergraduate student in my second year of english and spanish languages (equivalent to the second year of a bachelor). Hardworking, open-minded and always willing to learn more, the chance to study in your University represents for me a real opportunity.

I am very insterested in the courses of english writing and political sciences your University proposes to international students. Moreover, such an international experience would improve my english level, but it also would allow me to adpat and to develop a broader outlook on the world, by a new way of thinking and working. Finally, abilities to discover a culture by sharing it with people who live it are, to my mind, indispensable qualities for the future studies in journalism I plan to do.
That is why such an experience would enrich me in both a personal and a professional way.

Furthermore, a student I know who was selected last year for a similar exchange was so enthusiastic
when she came back that she motivated me to apply for this kind of exchange.

I am very much looking forward to hearing from you. 
Yours faithfully

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-06-2011 19:42
+ forum

Réponse: Lettre motivation/correction de gerondif, postée le 06-06-2011 à 18:35:49 (S | E)
en tant qu'étudiant en langues, n'oubliez pas les majuscules à English et Spanish, qui surprennent par leur absence.

Dear Sir or Dear Madam,

I am presently an undergraduate student in my second year of english and spanish languages (equivalent to the second year of a Bachelor of Arts)at the University of XXXXXXXX, and I am applying for an exchange as part of the exchange program with English-speaking countries proposed by my University. Hardworking, open-minded and always willing to learn more, the chance to study in your University represents for me a real opportunity.

I am very insterested in the courses of english writing and political sciences your University proposes to international students. Moreover, such an international experience would improve my english level, but it would also allow me to adapt and to develop a broader outlook on the world, by(thanks to) a new way of thinking and working. Finally, abilities(vous voulez dire the opportunity) to discover a culture by sharing it with people who live it are(is), to my mind, indispensable qualities(autant ne rien mettre, une possibilité ne peut pas être une qualité) for the future studies in journalism I plan to do.
That is why such an experience would enrich me in both a personal and a professional way.

Furthermore, a student I know who was selected last year for a similar exchange was so enthusiastic
when she came back that she motivated me (even more) to apply for this kind of exchange.

I am very much looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully

skills: compétences. level: niveau. Les deux conviendraient.

Réponse: Lettre motivation/correction de warilou, postée le 06-06-2011 à 20:20:50 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse rapide et précise


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