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Correction de CV

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Correction de CV
Message de clarisse01 posté le 10-10-2011 à 16:34:27 (S | E | F)

je souhaiterais trouver un travail sur Londres; j'ai donc réalisé la traduction de mon CV; par contre je ne suis pas sûre de moi en ce qui concerne la traduction. Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?
Merci par avance.
Voici mon CV:

NOM Prénom
CP Ville
Adresse mail
Age (jj/mm/aaaa)

2008-2011: Bachelor’s degree in languages (english – spanish – chinese) oriented international trade –Nom de l'université – Ville - Département – France

2005-2008: B-TECH in IT, Nom du Lycée – Ville– Département– France

2004: Baccalauréat, Nom du Lycée – Ville - Département - France

Work experiences
2010-2011: internship of 8 weeks in Nom de l'entreprise (Ville– Pays), in the commercial department. Canvassing (phoning and mailing) and creation of a list of new clients (France, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland)

2009-2010: internship of 8 weeks in a tourist information office in Ville(Département).To inform, advice clients. Management of cruise booking. Sell of tickets.

2008: internship of 8 weeks in Nom de l'entreprise (computing company). Creation of the new web site of the company.

2007: Internship of 6 weeks in Nom de l'entreprise (shop pearl). Creation of the web site.

Professional skills
French: mother tongue
English: moderate
Spanish: moderate
Chinese: basic

IT tools
Visual Basic

Merci par avance de votre aide !!

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-10-2011 16:36

Réponse: Correction de CV de gerondif, postée le 10-10-2011 à 18:58:15 (S | E)

quelques corrections,

NOM Prénom
CP Ville
Adresse mail
Age (jj/mm/aaaa)

2008-2011: Bachelor’s degree in languages ((majuscules!!english – spanish – chinese) oriented( specialized in international trade) –Nom de l'université – Ville - Département – France

2005-2008: (Technical bachelor's degree)B-TECH in IT, Nom du Lycée – Ville– Département– France

2004: Baccalauréat, Nom du Lycée – Ville - Département - France

Work experiences
2010-2011: internship of 8 weeks in Nom de l'entreprise (Ville– Pays), in the commercial department. Canvassing (phoning and mailing) and creation of a list of new clients (ou aussi customers) (France, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland)

2009-2010: internship of 8 weeks in a tourist information office in Ville(Département).To inform, advic(le verbe est to advise) clients. Management of cruise booking. Sell(le nom est sale) of tickets.

2008: internship of 8 weeks in Nom de l'entreprise (computing company). Creation of the new web site of the company.

2007: Internship of 6 weeks in Nom de l'entreprise (shop pearl /vous voulez dire magasin de perles ? alors, c'est dans l'autre sens). Creation of the web site.

Professional skills
French: mother tongue
English: moderate
Spanish: moderate
Chinese: basic

IT tools
Visual Basic

Réponse: Correction de CV de stammer, postée le 10-10-2011 à 20:23:45 (S | E)
I would be careful in writing "B-TEC", its connotations in the UK are pretty poor. Use the French name for the qualification. And if you did it after the Bacc then it is superior (in the way things work in the UK to a BTEC).

Réponse: Correction de CV de clarisse01, postée le 11-10-2011 à 15:12:48 (S | E)
Hello !!
Thank you for your answers!!
I've just a doubt concerning the "B-TEC", if I understand what you wrote stammer I should write:
BTS in IT? And I was also wondering if I add an explanation like did gerondif? It will be:
BTS (Technical bachelor's degree) in IT? Would it be better that way?

Thank you!!!

Réponse: Correction de CV de stammer, postée le 11-10-2011 à 15:46:11 (S | E)
Hello again,

"BTS (Technical bachelor's degree) in IT? Would it be better that way?"
Yes it would, I would write it like that.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-10-2011 15:54

Réponse: Correction de CV de gerondif, postée le 11-10-2011 à 18:23:24 (S | E)
"BTS", Brevet de Technicien Supérieur, won't mean much to a British ear, just as "GCSE" (General Certificate of Secondary Education) would mean nothing to a French ear.

I had not understood B-tech actually meant BTS.

Réponse: Correction de CV de clarisse01, postée le 11-10-2011 à 19:21:18 (S | E)

Thank you for the answers.
For the B-TEC, it was my English teacher (during my BTS studies) that was telling us that the translation for this BTS was Btec...
Thank you

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-10-2011 21:19


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