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Lettre motivation /correction

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Lettre motivation /correction
Message de amandine544 posté le 13-11-2011 à 01:00:37 (S | E | F)

Je prépare actuellement une lettre de motivation en anglais pour être assistante de français au Royaume-Uni. Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît corriger les erreurs? Et n’hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous pensez de la tournure générale....
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses!

Subject: Cover letter attached to the registration form for the post of an assistant of French nationality in England for the year 2012/2013.

Dear Sir or Madam,

The opportunity to work as a French Assistant in the United Kingdom has been offered to the students by my University located in XXXX where I arrange an economic and management bachelor’s degree.
This would be the occasion to profit from a rewarding and unlike anything experience (as much on the personal plan as on the professional plan) as well as to improve my communication skills thanks to social exchanges.

Concerning my future professional career, i do not know exactly yet what I would do. Nevertheless, the educational field is a field which interests me and to which I would wish to test me in a concrete way.

Last year I have been graduated with a technical qualification awarded after a training period of two years in the field of the trade.
During this technical qualification, all students were to integrate a project. Personally, I was member of the association which have been setting up by the students; “child cyber”. It is an association which consists in diverting the hospitalized children through practical activities or while making come from the speakers (clown, magician, balloon sculptors…). Donations are collected thanks to realization of gift-wrappings for the December period in department stores based in my home area. We intercede with the children in paediatrics services of several hospital centers.
Moreover, for one year I have been voluntary in an association which has to aim to take children in school difficulty two hours by week and in this way, to wrestle with doing badly at school.
I benefited a lot from these activities. I learned many things about education and teenagers, and improved my communication skills, among others.

In all the cases that I choose to become teacher or that I choose rather the other profession which interests me: purchase assistant in large-scale distribution; I am particularly interested in the post of assistant. Indeed, spending a year abroad will enable me to perfect my English, what will inevitably be later an asset, and to improve my knowledge of British culture. I have been attracted to this country since my different trips there, though only to the London area.

Alongside my studies, I have carried out several trainings and seasonal jobs in different fields. These jobs require punctuality and availability. Sociability and friendliness are also required since the team work was permanent.

In addition to the personal improvement that a complete immersion in the English culture represents, I have a great desire to share my knowledge of my native country (through to cinema, music, gastronomy…) and language with English pupils, while discovering theirs. I like working with people and sharing my knowledge with them and I am highly motivated and eager to put in practice what I have learned.
I am very eager to complete this project and would be greatly pleased to be considered for this post. This project is a real chance to discover other horizons that is why I hope that my enthusiasm will convince you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information

I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-11-2011 07:11
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Modifié par amandine544 le 13-11-2011 12:12


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