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Lettre motivation/Erasmus

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Lettre motivation/Erasmus
Message de raupevic posté le 14-03-2012 à 17:32:38 (S | E | F)

je souhaite partir l'année prochaine à Prague dans le cadre d'Erasmus. J'ai dû faire une lettre de motivation et j'aimerais qu'elle soit relue s'il vous plaît!
Merci d'avance.

Dear Principal,

Currently in second year of law degree, i would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program. I am particularly interested in the Univerzita Karlova v Praze of Prague, the University of Westminster and the City University, which are both in London.

Naturally curious, I like discovering new fields. My school record shows I have had the opportunity to study a variety of disciplines and enjoyed it. As I am interested in public law as much as in international relations, a year abroad represents for me a real opportunity.

Some people assert it is useless to leave abroad within the framework of law studies. To these people, i would answer that a jurist is not only someone who know the right, it is also someone who understands it. What better than studying a foreign system of right to keep our system in perspective, to comprehend the positive and negative points of it. Moreover, with the current Europe Union extension and the disappearance of the border between European countries, it is more and more essential to leave abroad.

Beyond the professional aspect, I find it extremely appealing because it means acquiring both a legal competence and one in a foreign culture. I study English all through my school career and i realised that the best way to master a language was to visit a country. So, a year abroad would meet my expectations and my professional projects. I am convinced that this experience would help me to improve my abilities and will be most fulfilling .

Sincerely yours

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-03-2012 21:17

Réponse: Lettre motivation/Erasmus de sherry48, postée le 15-03-2012 à 03:42:31 (S | E)
Hello raupevic.
Here are some ideas to get you started.
Currently in * second year of law degree, i would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program.

Some people assert it is useless to leave abroad within the framework of law studies. To these people, i would answer that a jurist is not only someone who know the right, it is also someone who understands it. What better than studying a foreign system of right to keep our system in perspective, to comprehend the positive and negative points of it. Moreover, with the current Europe Union extension and the disappearance of the border between European countries, it is more and more essential to leave abroad.

Beyond the professional aspect, I find it extremely appealing because it means acquiring both a legal competence and one in a foreign culture. I study English all through my school career and i realised that the best way to master a language was to visit a country. So, a year abroad would meet my expectations and my professional projects.


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