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Polish an article/help

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Polish an article/help
Message from landy posted on 06-04-2012 at 15:11:41 (D | E | F)

Is there anyone who could help me to polish an article please?
It is a reading report. I just want to make it more coherent and infectious.
Thank you!
Here is the article.

Let's sing a song
Private Peaceful which is written by Michael Morpurgo, is one of the most popular novels in the UK. It is a story filled with peace and memory, sorrow and love, a story about how a child grows up in adversity and hope.

In a peaceful townlet there lives a little boy named Tommo, who has a bright life with his gentle mother, eldest brother Big Joe, second brother Charlie and a lovely girl called Molly. However, there is also pain and distress. Father's accidental die and coming poverty cast a shadow over their life. Tough as life is, the whole family always care for each other and sing a song called "oranges and lemons", pulling through difficulties one after another. Delicate Tommo gradually grows up with that forever song. Then the first world war comes. Tommo lies about his age and join the army with Charlie to escape himself from the shame of being thought timid and the frustration of love that his favourite girl Molly has married Charlie. In warring yeas, Tommo finds a new perspective of himself and world. Finally, Charlie's innocent dead puts him to be a strong man.

There are always various experiences in life, one of which is suffering. We do not welcome that, but have to admit its existence. What we can get from it is that we will eventually understand the relationship between difficulties and hope, fear and courage, hardship and matureness. They always interweave together, making up our life. Let us sing a happy song like "oranges and lemons" when we are confronted with difficulties and then be brave.
The moment I think of "oranges and lemons", I seem to see Thommo with his family is singing loudly in the clear blue sky.

Edited by lucile83 on 06-04-2012 15:21

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