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Message from yaonee posted on 09-04-2012 at 10:44:49 (D | E | F)
Hello everybody,

Can you correct my essay please, I don't know whether my sentences are correct.
Thank you for your help.

The first type of decolonization was made by the negotiation. The 1st example was India. During the 2nd World War, 2.5 millions India soldiers fought with British troops. British government, directed by George Atlee, promised independence at the end of the hostilities. In the British colony, there were 2 rival political parties, the Congress Party, led by Mohamandas Karamchand Gandhi & Jawaharlal Nehru in association with Hindu majorities opposite to the Muslim League conducted by Mohammad Jinnah composed of minorities and separatists. In 1946, violent clashes took place between Hindu & Muslim, in spite of England had announced the retirement of its troops in June 1948. The United-Kingdom recommended separating India. First of all, Nehru refused but he decided to accept the Sharing principle and on August 15th 1947, India was divided in 2 countries, India (at Hindu majority) & Pakistan (of Muslim majority), this country was composed by 2 territories separated by 2000km. The following days after the conference were particularly bloody, people in majority came from the Muslim minority because of the enormous transfer of population.
For the other British colonies, independence was made without trouble. Burma & Ceylon in 1948, Malaysian in 1957. All these countries decided to stay member of Commonwealth permitting to the United Kingdom to preserve a part of its economical interests, principally in the rubber, bank, assurance & trade areas.
In Africa, Ghana was the 1st country accessing to the independence in 1957, the following year took place in the capital of Ghana, the Accra’s’ Conference. It gathered around 10 representants of 10 African countries & claimed the right of Independence in Africa.


Edited by lucile83 on 09-04-2012 10:46

Re: Essay/correction from notrepere, posted on 09-04-2012 at 17:35:07 (D | E)

The first type of decolonization was made by the negotiation. The 1st example was India. During the 2nd World War, 2.5 millions India soldiers fought with British troops. [] British government, directed by George Atlee, promised independence at the end of the hostilities. In the British colony, there were 2 rival political parties: the Congress Party, led by Mohamandas Karamchand Gandhi & Jawaharlal Nehru in association with Hindu majorities opposite to the Muslim League conducted by Mohammad Jinnah composed of minorities and separatists. In 1946, violent clashes took place between Hindu & Muslim, in spite of England had(gérondif) announced the retirement of its troops in June 1948. The United-Kingdom recommended separating dividing India. First of allAt first, Nehru refused but he decided to accept the Sharing principle and on August 15th 1947, India was divided into 2 countries: India (of Hindu majority) & Pakistan (of Muslim majority). This country was composed by)(mauvaise préposition) 2 territories separated by 2000km. The following days after the conference were particularly bloody. People in majority came from the Muslim minority because of the enormous transfer of population.
For the other British colonies, independence was made without trouble. Burma & Ceylon in 1948, Malaysian in 1957. All of these countries decided to stay(rester = stay/remain) member of [] Commonwealth permitting to the United Kingdom to preserve a part of its economical interests, principally in the rubber, banking, assurance & trade areas.
In Africa, Ghana was the 1st country accessing to the independence in 1957, the following year took place in the capital of Ghana, the Accra’s’ Conference. It gathered around 10 representants of 10 African countries & claimed the right of Independence in Africa.

Re: Essay/correction from bluestar, posted on 09-04-2012 at 17:55:21 (D | E)

Clement (not George) Attlee was British Prime Minister at the time of India's partition. George VI was the king, so perhaps there is some confusion here?

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