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Correction/Lettre motivation

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Correction/Lettre motivation
Message de dreamalien posté le 17-05-2012 à 18:47:37 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde,

Je suis en troisième et j'aimerais beaucoup entrer en section internationale anglais l'année prochaine et pour cela, j'ai dû écrire une lettre de motivation en anglais.
Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, m'aider à la corriger ?
Merci d'avance.

Dear Sir,

I would like to be in the English International Section in your establishment next year.
I'm very excited about improving my English.
For few years, I have watched Tv shows and movies in original version with French subtitles. Now, I try to watch them just in English. I have also read few books in English for few months.
I really like listening music so when the song which I listen is in English, I try to understand the lyrics.
I study English because, even if I don't really know what I want to do later, I'm pretty sure that I'll need a good level in English and, if it's possible, I'd really like studying in an University in England or in United States in few years.
I'm interested in languages, therefore I chose to learn English and German as soon as the sixth grade.
This year, I participated to the Schumann program. I also went to England alone for one week three times.
My first journey was in London. My sister, who was living there because she had the chance to study at the French High School of London for one year, received me one week. I saw the town, the museum .. It was quiet impressive. I also toke some lessons of English the same week.
My second journey was in an High School. I lived in the establishment. We had classes the morning and the afternoon we had activities or we visited museum.
For my third journey, I went to a summer camp in England. I didn't have lessons but the activities were in English. To speak with the other children, who were coming from all the world, I had to speak English.
These experiences were very interesting. The first time I left, I was a little bit scary but now, if I could, I'll do this again every vacations.
Knowing that I can communicate with people from all over the world thanks to English give me the fancy to work it more.

Best regards.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2012 18:53

Réponse: Correction/Lettre motivation de dreamalien, postée le 19-05-2012 à 21:03:24 (S | E)
Personne ? :/

Réponse: Correction/Lettre motivation de notrepere, postée le 19-05-2012 à 23:03:30 (S | E)

I would like to be in the English International Section in your establishment next year.
I'm very excited about improving my English.
For several years, I have watched TV shows and movies in the original English with French subtitles. Now, I try to watch them just in English. I have also read(temps - for a few month demande un autre temps) few books in English for few months.
I really like listening (mot manquant) music so when the song that I listen(temps) is in English, I try to understand the lyrics.

I study(temps) English because, even if I don't really know what I want to do later, I'm pretty sure that I'll need a good level in English and, if it's possible, I'd really like studying to study in a University in England or in the United States in a few years.

I'm interested in languages, therefore I chose to learn English and German as soon as(une autre expression) the sixth grade.

This year, I participated to(mauvaise préposition) the Schumann program. I also went to England alone for one week three times. My first journey was in London. My sister, who was living there because she had the chance to study at the French High School of London for one year, received me for one week. I saw the town, the museum .. It was quiet impressive. I also toke(orthographe) some lessons of English(ordre des mots) the same week.

My second journey was in (an) High School. I lived in the establishment. We had classes in the morning and the afternoon and we had activities or we visited the museum.

For my third journey, I went to a summer camp in England. I didn't have lessons but the activities were in English. To speak with the other children, who were coming(temps) from all the world, I had to speak English.

These experiences were very interesting. The first time I left, I was a little bit scary(forme du mot) but now, if I could, I'll do this again for every holiday.

Knowing that I can communicate with people from all over the world thanks to English gives me the fancy(pas le bon mot) to work(pas le bon verbe) it more.

Modifié par notrepere le 19-05-2012 23:04

Réponse: Correction/Lettre motivation de dreamalien, postée le 20-05-2012 à 12:44:09 (S | E)

I would like to be in the English International Section in your establishment next year.
I'm very excited about improving my English.
For several years, I have watched TV shows and movies in the original English with French subtitles. Now, I try to watch them just in English. I have been read few books in English for a few month.
I really like listening to music so when the song that I'm listening is in English, I try to understand the lyrics.

I have studied English because, even if I don't really know what I want to do later, I'm pretty sure that I'll need a good level in English and, if it's possible, I'd really like to study in a University in England or in the United States in a few years.

I'm interested in languages, therefore I chose to learn English and German from the sixth grade.

This year, I participated in the Schumann program. I also went to England alone for one week three times. My first journey was in London. My sister, who was living there because she had the chance to study at the French High School of London for one year, received me for one week. I saw the town, the museum .. It was quiet impressive. I also took some English lessons the same week.

My second journey was in High School. I lived in the establishment. We had classes in the morning and the afternoon and we had activities or we visited the museum.

For my third journey, I went to a summer camp in England. I didn't have lessons but the activities were in English. To speak with the other children, who had come from all the world, I had to speak English.

These experiences were very interesting. The first time I left, I was a little bit scared but now, if I could, I'll do this again for every holiday.

Knowing that I can communicate with people from all over the world thanks to English makes me want to improve it more.

Est-ce que c'est correct s'il te plaît ?
Et encore merci pour ton message.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-05-2012 12:56


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