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Other/ another

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Other/ another
Message from san99 posted on 05-07-2012 at 03:06:02 (D | E | F)

Please tell me how others, the other, and another are used in daily communication especially when we talk about two or more than two people at a time. I am not sure how three of them should be used, but I am writing a few sentences just to test what I know.
Please check these sentences and do mention the difference among others, the other, and another as well.
Thank you for your help.

-John has six kids now, three of them are girls and the others are boys.
-I have three prom dresses right now. One is blue and the other two are yellow and green.
-Maria has bought two cats now. One is Russian and the other one is Australian.
-This dress is made of two materials. One is tulle and other is ribbon.
-I have just bought many fruits from the market. Some are apples and others are oranges.
-Chris has two t-shirts for the party. One contains zipper and the other one has buttons.
-I have visited six countries of the world. One is America and some others are Japan, China, United States, Bahrain, and Turkey.
-I have ordered three shoes from the store. One is converse and the other two are Juicy Couture.
-There are two benefits of using this sun-screen. One is that your skin does not tan in the sunlight and another one or the other one is you don’t get wrinkles ahead of time.

Edited by lucile83 on 05-07-2012 07:25

Re: Other/ another from sherry48, posted on 05-07-2012 at 13:51:21 (D | E)
You understand very well the use of other, others, and another. The only change I would make in that area is when you tell the quantity at the beginning of the sentence. If it is two, I would say one and the other. In the case of six, if you mention the names of all 6, I would do it the same way...the others are...If you say there are six, but only list the names of four or five, then you can say...some of the others are...For the last sentence, I prefer 'the other'. You could also write it with another this way....One benefit of using this sun screen is that your skin does not tan in the sunlight. Another benefit is that you don’t get wrinkles ahead of time.

Re: Other/ another from san99, posted on 07-07-2012 at 01:33:49 (D | E)
Thousands thanks to Sherry for replying to my answer,
well, I am just a little confused between the others and others....
The others is used when we talk about nouns, persons, things in a group.. am i right? for instance,
Natalyia has five kids now. Three of them are boys and the others are girls...
Use of others,
Jackson adopted a total of nine pets today. One is cat and others are dogs (or the others are dogs??). How to use others correctly, although I have a vague idea how we can use it, but I want to have a clear idea about it.

Edited by san99 on 07-07-2012 01:34

Re: Other/ another from prescott, posted on 07-07-2012 at 02:22:15 (D | E)

Your hesitation is due to exhaustive/non exhaustive statement, expressed by "The" :
Have a look on the 7 different cases in the chart below

Re: Other/ another from sherry48, posted on 07-07-2012 at 19:10:17 (D | E)
Prescott's great link probably answered all of your questions, but just in case, here is an example of a sentence using others.
Many of the students in the class are from Brazil, but others are from Mexico and Haiti. Here I can not use the others, because not all of the others (besides the students from Brazil) are from Mexico and Haiti. There is also one from China.
In your example...Jackson adopted a total of nine pets today. One is a cat and others are dogs (without the) seems to imply that there may be another type of pet that you didn't mention.

Re: Other/ another from san99, posted on 07-07-2012 at 22:31:36 (D | E)
Thanks Prescott and sherry for answering to my question. I am reading the details given inside the links. Thanks for sharing a useful resource.

Edited by lucile83 on 07-07-2012 22:45

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