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Adverbs position/help

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Adverbs position/help
Message from shaaraf posted on 30-03-2013 at 21:31:23 (D | E | F)

Could you help me please?
Thank you!

Usually, the adverb goes after the verb it describes.
She talks "quietly".
He runs "fast".
But sometimes we use adverbs in three different positions like...
He "quickly" walked to the shop.
He walked "quickly" to the shop.
He walked to the shop "quickly".
Please tell me how why
Also tell me about:
I know some adverbs are irregular, and do not end in ly, like good -> well
hard -> fast -> late.
He sings "nicely".
That looks "nice".

How Why is "nice" is using used differently?

Edited by lucile83 on 30-03-2013 22:01

Re: Adverbs position/help from lucile83, posted on 30-03-2013 at 22:23:43 (D | E)

He "quickly" walked to the shop.
He walked "quickly" to the shop.
He walked to the shop "quickly".

the three sentences are correct; it is just up to you to choose one of them.

He sings "nicely".
That looks "nice".

nicely is an adverb; nice is an adjective.

Re: Adverbs position/help from shaaraf, posted on 05-04-2013 at 20:14:05 (D | E)

Can you tell me please?
Thank You!

I mean to say How to differentiate?
He "quickly" walked to the shop.
He walked "quickly" to the shop.
He walked to the shop "quickly".
the three sentences are correct; it is just up to me to choose one of them.

But why only for word "Quickly"?
Usually, the adverb goes after the verb it describes.
Then How would I know about those adverbs which I can use in three types of sentences!
I mean I can't use every adverb in this structure,can I?

Edited by lucile83 on 05-04-2013 21:34

Re: Adverbs position/help from gerondif, posted on 05-04-2013 at 22:52:04 (D | E)
1) the adverbs of frequency are usually placed behind the auxiliary verb and in front of the lexical verb.
to be is always treated as an auxiliary verb.
He is always/often/usually/rarely/never / late.

He often arrives late.
He has always arrived late.
He will never arrive late.
He can always come if he really wants to.

(in tag answers, they are placed in front of the auxiliary verb)
Does he protest? No, he rarely does. Yes, he always does.
Can he come ? Yes, he usually can.
Is he late ? Yes, he often is.

2) The adverbs of manner like your "quickly" are normally placed behind the verb or at the end of the sentence:
He came in unexpectedly.
He came quickly into the rom.

But you can place them where you like, depending of the effect you wish to create.
Slowly, he took a knife out of his pocket and stealthily drew near her....

In your post:
If I try to step into the hero's shoes .....
He "quickly" walked to the shop.: quickly refers to his state of mind, his decision
He walked "quickly" to the shop. Quickly refers to his steps, his way of walking.
He walked to the shop "quickly". Quickly refers to the whole action, and to his steps.
(But I must admit I force myself to see differences, it isn't that easy or obvious)
the three sentences are correct; it is just up to you to choose one of them.

"Usually, the adverb goes after the verb it describes." No, It isn't always true.

Re: Adverbs position/help from kathymflan, posted on 06-04-2013 at 15:11:17 (D | E)
Another small point:

We do not usually say "She sings nicely." We would say "She sings well." The word "nicely" is rarely used, though not technically incorrect. One might say "The house was decorated nicely," or "She was dressed nicely," but this would sound a bit odd--at least this is true in the United States. I can't speak for UK.

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