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Message from nedaa posted on 26-12-2013 at 00:32:14 (D | E | F)

I would like
someone to help me in my project to correct my faults..
So please, I need this as I should submit it tomorrow.
Thank you for your answers.


To have the topic appropriately search and study, the researcher has to have a methodology of how to carry on her study. Such methodology gives the way for the researcher to write on her topic, and how she fulfills her purposes.
In the first place, the researcher makes different readings related to the topic of writing; such forceful reading has to be relevant to the major topic the researcher writes about. Thus, she provides her research with these readings which are concerned with the definitions of verbs, tenses, and both the present perfect and simple past tenses with their indicators and supply each of them with plentiful amounts of examples.
All in all, the final goal the researcher attempts to reach is finding and providing the most appropriate helping aids in avoiding such issues, thus the researcher finds out some tips from known author's work that concerned with such grammatical issues. Then, she focuses her attention to the practical analysis in collecting new methods, thus she makes quizzes in these two tenses to calculate students’ responds from different ages, in order to explain her research's importance in using such indicators to differentiate between these two tenses to avoid the common errors in using them. Beside that, she uses her supplementary timelines and drawings, as aids which may support her explaining.
Finally, the researcher concludes her research with the conclusion, the recommendation and the references she refers to in her study. At the appendix she attaches a beneficial timeline for all tenses in English, which the students may utilize it efficiently in this concern.

Edited by lucile83 on 26-12-2013 06:10

Re: Methodology/help from sherry48, posted on 26-12-2013 at 13:44:20 (D | E)

Here are a few ideas. Some words underlined could be changed to a more precise word.

To have the topic appropriately search and study a topic, the/a researcher has to have a methodology of how to carry on/out her study. Such methodology gives/provides the way for the researcher to write on her topic, and how she fulfills her purposes.
In the first place, the researcher makes different readings related to the topic of writing; such forceful reading has to be relevant to the major topic the researcher writes about. Thus, she provides her research with these readings which are concerned with (a form ending with ing would go well here) the definitions of verbs, tenses, and both the present perfect and simple past tenses with their indicators and supply(what is the subject of this verb?) each of them with plentiful (amounts of) examples. (Very long sentences can be confusing).
All in all, the final goal the researcher attempts to reach is finding and providing the most appropriate (helping-a bit redundant since an aid is a help) aids in avoiding such issues, thus the researcher finds out some tips from known author's work that concerned with such grammatical issues. Then, she focuses her attention to the practical analysis in collecting new methods, thus she makes quizzes in these two tenses to calculate students’ responds from different ages, in order to explain her research's importance in using such indicators to differentiate between these two tenses to avoid the common errors in using them. (Long sentences can be unclear)Beside__ that, she uses (her) supplementary timelines and drawings, as aids which may support (infinitive) her explaining.(noun form)
Finally, the researcher concludes her research with the/a conclusion, the/a recommendation and the references she refers to in her study. (Concludes/conclusion and refers/references...maybe you could vary this) At the appendix she attaches a beneficial timeline for all tenses in English, which the students may utilize it (No pronoun unless a semicolon or period comes before it) efficiently in this concern.


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